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SDG 4: Quality Education

The Asia-Pacific region has fully embraced SDG4-Education 2030 and its 10 targets have been localized in most of the Member States. National and regional coordination mechanisms have been set up to support the implementation of SDG 4 targets. Tremendous resources have been invested in the education sector, yet complex challenges remain.

Despite steady progress made in access to and participation in education, improving the quality of education presents a major challenge for all countries at every level of education. In addition, gender disparity persists while disparities by location and wealth are more severe in other cases, hindering the realization of equitable access and quality education for all.

The mission of delivering lifelong learning, including technical and vocational education and training (TVET), tertiary education and skills development, is ambitious but unnegotiable. Without ensuring effective outcomes leading to the productive participation of individuals in socio-economic development, education will not be able to meet its expectation of eliminating poverty.

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