Note: This page is for delegates, government officials and other members of government delegations participating in the 80th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). For general information concerning all participants please refer to the Information Note Section.
PART I: Guide to participation
This guide includes information to assist delegates attending the Commission session with their preparations and to facilitate their participation. The document includes useful information on the meetings, order of speakers, and the discussions conducted under each agenda item.
The eightieth session of the Commission will take place from 22 to 26 April 2024 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok.
Letter of credentials and online registration
Each delegation is required to submit a letter of credentials, duly signed by the appropriate authority of the respective Government, at the earliest convenience but before Friday, 22 March 2024. Only delegates who appear on the letter of credentials will be able to participate and be recognized in the list of participants.
Letters of credential can be sent via email to the Office of the Executive Secretary at the following address: <[email protected]> with a copy to the Commission secretariat team at <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>. Originals may be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at the address below.
Office of the Executive Secretary of ESCAP
Executive Office Suite, United Nations Conference Centre
The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Each delegate who appears in the aforementioned letter of credentials is required to register online as soon as possible but no later than Friday, 22 March 2024 at to facilitate the issuance of name badges and ensure the accuracy of the list of participants.
Only registration of accredited delegates will be accepted. Please note that registering online prior to the meeting is mandatory in accordance with standard United Nations security procedures to facilitate security clearance and entrance to the premises.
Country interventions
To participate in deliberations, delegations wishing to deliver their country statement under agenda item 2(a) (general debate on the theme topic, “Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific”) are kindly requested to inscribe on the speakers list by Friday, 12 April 2024, using the speaker request form.
Country statements may need to be summarized and focused on the theme topic, as the delivery time will be limited to five minutes maximum. For all other agenda items, the delivery time will be limited to three minutes maximum. Prepared texts of longer statements may be circulated.
Delegations are also encouraged to provide statements to the secretariat prior to delivery in electronic format. Statements will be used to facilitate interpretation and drafting of the report of the Commission. Statements will be posted to the Commission website after delivery unless requested otherwise.
Documents and interpretation
Pre-session documents are available in the four official languages of the Commission (Chinese, English, French and Russian) and will be posted on the official documents page of the Commission website (under agenda and official documents) when they are issued. The annual report will be available on the Commission website in all languages following the session.
The session will be conducted in the four official languages of ESCAP – Chinese, English, French and Russian – with live simultaneous interpretation available in the conference room. Participants following the proceedings via the live webcast on YouTube may also be able to choose among the four official languages of ESCAP.
International sign-language interpretation and live captioning services in the four official languages of ESCAP will also be available simultaneously throughout the session in the secretariat’s continuous efforts to improve accessibility of the Commission.
Paperless meetings
Please note that, in accordance with ongoing efforts of the United Nations towards a paperless Secretariat, printed official meeting documents are no longer provided for member State and associate member delegations except only upon explicit request. In such cases only one set of printed official meeting documents will be provided.
Decisions and resolutions
The Commission will consider a list of decisions under each agenda item. The details on the deliberations under each agenda item are provided in the sections below.
Delegations wishing to submit draft resolutions are requested to submit the proposed text to the Executive Secretary in writing as early as possible and at least six weeks before the start of the Commission session (Friday, 1 March 2024). Delegations wishing to submit draft resolutions are encouraged to inform the secretariat well in advance of the official submission of the text.
The draft resolutions, as well as the draft decisions to be adopted by the Commission will be negotiated and agreed upon ahead of the session through the Informal Working Group on Draft Resolutions to be convened prior to the Commission session to facilitate discussions. The silence procedure will be used to confirm agreement on the draft decisions and to validate consensus on draft resolutions that will be agreed upon by the Informal Working Group.
The draft decisions and draft resolutions will be presented for formal adoption by the Commission under agenda item 9.
Liaison officers
The liaison officers are secretariat staff members who shall be assisting members and associate members of the Commission in addition to their regular duties in the substantive servicing of the Commission session. Delegations may contact the liaison officers should they need assistance. The staff members whose names appear in the list of liaison officers shall serve as liaison officers to members and associate members of the Commission.
PART II: Side events and Digital Innovations Fair
Side events
All delegations are invited to organize side events during the session on topics of their interest closely related with the theme of the session, “Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific”. As slots for the side events are limited, priority will be given to members, associate members and observer countries on a first-come, first-served basis. Events with multiple co-organizers/partners are particularly welcome.
Delegations wishing to submit proposals are requested to follow the guidelines for organizers and to complete the side event proposal form, which is also available on the Commission website under side event tab. The proposals should be submitted via the online form before Friday, 15 March 2024.
Confirmation and meeting room assignments, based on technical and logistic requirements, will be communicated to the organizers.
Information on any other events that will be held at the United Nations Conference Centre concurrently with the eightieth session will be uploaded to the Commission website at:
Digital Innovations Fair
The Digital Innovations Fair will provide an opportunity for members, associate members, observers and stakeholders to share successful examples, perspectives, insights, and lessons learnt on how innovations driven by new digital technologies can or have accelerated implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
The fair will be held from 22 to 26 April 2024, while on Wednesday, 24 April 2024, from 13.00 to 17.00 hours participants will have the opportunity to interact with the exhibitors at the fair who will be able to present or showcase their solutions.
All delegations and stakeholders wishing to submit proposals are requested to complete a form, Friday, 15 March 2024 via the online form before. Further information and updates will be made available on the Commission website at:
PART III: Contributions to ESCAP Programme of Work and Regional Institutions
With the support of member State donors and partners, ESCAP has, over the years, contributed considerably to the development of Asia and the Pacific by establishing several key regional institutions; negotiating crucial agreements; undertaking quality normative and analytical work; advocating for policies to address critical and emerging issues; and building capacities of its members to address development challenges facing the region.
At the Commission session every year, members and associate members of ESCAP indicate their support, both in-kind and financial, to the ESCAP programme of work and the regional institutions.
The contributions to the ESCAP programme of work supplement regular budget resources and help us address development challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region.
ESCAP's regional institutions (APCICT, APCTT, APDIM, CSAM and SIAP) are hubs of capacity building in focused areas directly linked to the Sustainable Development Goals. They also act as a platform for exchanging good practices among member States, fostering South-South cooperation. The viability of these regional institutions is largely dependent on the financial and in-kind contributions provided by their host Governments as well as the voluntary contributions made by other donors. In its resolution 71/1, the Commission encouraged all members and associate members of ESCAP to make the necessary regular annual contributions to the regional institutions.
In this regard, all members and associate members are invited to consider making or increasing their pledge for financial support to the ESCAP programme of work and the regional institutions at the eightieth session of the Commission.
Please make your pledge by filling out the pledging form.
Please email the form to [email protected], with a copy to [email protected] or announce your pledge during the deliberations on Agenda item 5 (b): Overview of partnerships, extrabudgetary contributions and capacity development.
The ESCAP secretariat expresses its appreciation to members and associate members for the commitment and ongoing support to the work of ESCAP.
Further information can be obtained by contacting:
Ms. Zeynep Orhun Girard
Chief, Capacity Development and Partnerships Section
Strategy and Programme Management Division
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Office: +66 22 88 1672
E-mail: [email protected]
PART IV: Visa exemption request
Delegates from countries with no Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate-General in their countries may request for visa exemption upon arrival for participants attending the Commission session.
To request for the exemption, delegates are requested to complete the Request for Visa Exemption Form and return it via email along with the documents mentioned in the form to the email addresses indicated, by Friday, 29 March 2024.
Kindly note that this arrangement is subject to change in accordance with the host country’s requirements upon the delegates’ arrival. For more information, please refer to the form or email [email protected]
PART V: Protocol arrangement
ESCAP provides the following protocol arrangements for delegates at the ministerial level and above for member States that do not have a diplomatic mission in Thailand:
Airport transfer on arrival and departure
Transfer between the hotel in the list of the recommended hotels and the UN Conference Centre, Bangkok, while the meeting is in session
Delegations are encouraged to discuss with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Royal Thai Government additional protocol courtesies and necessary arrangements for Head of State/Head of Government, including police escort and airport VIP lounge usage.
Delegates are responsible for securing hotel reservations and the cost of their accommodation.
In order to facilitate the participation of the high-level officials, delegations are requested to complete a protocol arrangement form and return it via email to addresses indicated in the form. The deadline for submission of the form is Friday, 29 March 2024.
Part VI: Detailed guide to participation by agenda item
Agenda item 1: Opening of the session
Supporting documents:
Provisional agenda (ESCAP/80/1)
Annotated provisional agenda (ESCAP/80/1/Add.1)
Agenda item 1 of the provisional agenda includes (a) opening addresses; (b) election of officers; and (c) adoption of the agenda.
Scheduled to begin at 09:00 hours on Monday, 22 April 2024, the session will be opened by the Chair of the seventy-ninth session of the Commission, who will also deliver a statement in that capacity, highlighting key work of ESCAP since the Commission last met in May 2023.
The Chair will also preside over the election of officers of the eightieth session. In line with its rules of procedure and usual practice, the Commission will elect, from among its members, a Chair and two Vice-Chairs of the session.
If the plenary so decides, the rule may be applied differently to enable the Commission to elect more than two Vice-Chairs, as has been the practice at previous sessions, in which case the Commission may elect a bureau of officers composed of a Chair and several Vice-Chairs.
Following the election of officers, the Chair of the eightieth session will present the provisional agenda of the session before the Commission for adoption.
After the agenda is adopted, the Chair will invite the Executive Secretary to deliver her welcome and policy address. Other high-level dignitaries may also be invited to address the Commission.
The Chair will then invite special remarks by Heads of State/Government of ESCAP member States on the theme of the session. These special remarks will set the scene for the deliberations of the session and provide a vision from the region on how digital innovation can more inclusively contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals across multiple disciplines while identifying opportunities to fully unleash their potential and discuss pathways to strengthen their contribution to sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.
All deliberations will be webcast live and statements delivered will be made available on the Commission website for download.
Agenda item 2: Theme topic, “Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific”
(a) General debate;
(b) Subregional perspectives
Supporting documents:
Summary of the theme study on leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP/80/2)
Subregional perspectives on leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development (ESCAP/80/3)
Agenda item 2 will start from 11:00 to 12:00 hours on Monday, 22 April 2024 and will continue until 12:00 hours on Wednesday, 24 April 2024. Three high-level thematic roundtables will discuss some of the key issues pertinent to the theme of the session, the secretariat will present the findings of the theme study and countries and observer organizations invited to the session will be able to deliver statements during the general debate.
The first high-level thematic roundtable on” Socio-economic outlook, emerging challenges and solutions” will take place on Monday, 22 April 2024 from 11:00-12:00 hours. The aim of this roundtable is to discuss the socio-economic outlook in Asia and the Pacific and potential policy solutions to address the multifaceted development challenges faced by the region. This roundtable will also shed light on policy actions to mitigate the impact of higher cost of living on poor and vulnerable populations, mobilize domestic financial resources for the Sustainable Development Goals, and realize economic development that goes beyond gross domestic product growth. Guest keynote speakers will be invited to provide brief remarks on specific dimensions of the theme topic for the session.
Under the agenda item 2 (a), starting from 14:30 to 17:30 hours on Monday, 22 April 2024, the secretariat will present key findings and recommendations of the study on the theme topic of the session, followed by the general debate or “country statements” on the theme topic.
With regards to the general debate on the theme topic, Ministers and Heads of Delegations may wish to focus their country statements on the recommendations of the theme study which describes how Governments can encourage and support the development, replication and scale up of digital innovation. First, the theme study describes a framework that sets out the synergistic linkages between digital innovations and sustainable development. Second, it identifies five enabling actions while advocating for strengthened stakeholder engagement and durable partnerships. Third, the study recommends that existing regional cooperation mechanisms be leveraged to implement three pathways that consolidate digital innovation’s contribution to accelerated implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Country statements may focus on sharing experiences and initiatives on how digital technologies can be enabled and leveraged to improve the environment and people’s lives. Country statements may also draw attention on how enhanced regional cooperation can foster and accelerate digital innovation’s contribution to sustainable development.
In view of time constraints, country statements may need to be summarized and focused on the theme topic, as the delivery time will be limited to five (5) minutes. Prepared texts of longer statements may be circulated and will be posted to the Commission website unless requested otherwise.
Delegations wishing to deliver country statements under agenda item 2(a) are requested to inscribe on the speakers list by Friday, 12 April 2024, using the speaker request form.
Delegations are also encouraged to provide statements to the secretariat at <[email protected]> prior to delivery in electronic format, if possible. Statements will be used to facilitate interpretation and drafting of the report of the Commission. Statements will be posted to the Commission website after delivery unless requested otherwise.
The second high-level thematic roundtable on ”Digital innovations for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals” will take place from 09:00 to 10:00 hours, followed by the general debate from 10:00 to 12:00 hours on Tuesday, 23 April 2024.
The roundtable will highlight successful examples and identify the opportunities for countries in the region to leverage digital innovations for accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. It will provide policy recommendations to the Commission to further strengthen regional cooperation to scale and increase the impacts of digital innovations for the benefit of all countries and citizens in the region. Guest keynote speakers will be invited to provide brief remarks on specific dimensions of the theme topic for the session.
The Chair will then open the floor to delegations for country statements.
The third high-level thematic roundtable entitled “Digital Inclusion” will take place from 14:30 to 15:30 hours on Tuesday, 23 April 2024.
This roundtable will highlight promising approaches and initiatives for digital inclusion from the Asia-Pacific region and will discuss forward-looking policy recommendations. Governments and other stakeholders will develop a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges related to inclusive digital transformation and will gain insights on strengthening the development of national digitalization strategies. Guest keynote speakers will be invited to provide brief remarks on specific dimensions of the theme topic for the session.
The Chair will then open the floor to delegations for country statements.
The consideration of agenda item 2 (b) of the provisional agenda will start in the morning of Wednesday, 24 April 2024 and will feature a dialogue with subregional organizations. The secretariat will introduce the agenda item, reflecting on the role of subregional cooperation in strengthening region-wide cooperative action on leveraging digital innovation for the accelerated implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The introduction will be followed by a dialogue with the Heads of subregional organizations from across the Asia-Pacific region focusing on the opportunities for leveraging digital innovations for sustainable development in each subregion. In addition, it will highlight key areas of cooperation between subregional organizations and ESCAP. It will also allow heads of subregional organizations to identify areas of cooperation among subregions and to discuss a key priorities.
The Chair will then open the floor to delegations for brief country interventions (three minutes maximum).
Under agenda item 9, the Commission is expected to adopt a resolution on the theme topic of the session and adopt decisions to:
Take note of the following documents:
(a) Summary of the theme study on leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP/80/2)
(b) Subregional perspectives on leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development (ESCAP/80/3)
Agenda item 3: Special Body on Least Developed, Landlocked Developing and Small Island Developing States
Supporting document:
Summary of the Asia-Pacific Countries with Special Needs Development Report 2024: Leveraging Digitalization for Productivity and Decent Employment (ESCAP/80/4)
Under agenda item 3, the Special Body will consider the transformative role that digitalization and automation can play in advancing the productive capacities of least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States.
The secretariat will present the findings and recommendations of the summary of the Asia-Pacific Countries with Special Needs Development Report 2024: Leveraging digitalization for productivity and decent employment. The report explores the potential of digitalization to boost service sector productivity and the prospect for industrialization of services. It also draws attention to potential pitfalls and risks associated with these technologies and will explore the potential of digitalization to boost service sector productivity and the prospect for industrialization of services.
The consideration of the agenda item will include opening remarks from a high-level representative of a least developed country, a landlocked developing country and a small island developing State in Asia and the Pacific.
The Chair will then open the floor for brief country interventions (three minutes maximum).
Delegations wishing to deliver country interventions under agenda item 3 are requested to inscribe on the speakers list by Friday, 12 April 2024, using the speaker request form.
Under agenda item 9, it is anticipated the Commission will adopt decisions to:
Take note of the following document:
Summary of the Asia-Pacific Countries with Special Needs Development Report 2024: Leveraging Digitalization for Productivity and Decent Employment (ESCAP/80/4)
Agenda item 4: Review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific and issues pertinent to the subsidiary structure of the Commission:
Supporting documents:
Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia at its eighteenth session (ESCAP/80/5)
Report on the Eleventh Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (ESCAP/RFSD/2024/6)
Summary of round-table discussions (ESCAP/RFSD/2024/6/Add.1)
Report on the Seventh Asian and Pacific Population Conference (ESCAP/APPC (7)/4)
Report on the ad hoc session of the Working Group on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2023–2032 (ESCAP/80/6)
Composition of the Working Group on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2023-2032 (ESCAP/80/6/Add.1)
Key social development issues for consideration in 2024 (ESCAP/80/7)
Report of the Governing Council of the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization on its nineteenth session (ESCAP/80/8)
Crises-resilient cities for a sustainable Asia-Pacific region (ESCAP/80/9)
Report of the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction on its eighth session (ESCAP/CDR (8)/6)
Report of the Governing Council of the Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management on its eighth session (ESCAP/80/10)
Scaling up the use of early warnings for preventive actions through the implementation of a regional strategy (ESCAP/80/11)
Report of the Third Asian and Pacific Energy Forum (ESCAP/APEF(3)/6)
Ministerial Declaration on Building a Secure, Sustainable and Interconnected Energy Future for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP/APEF(3)/6/Add.1)
Employing digitally driven innovation in the energy sector to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (ESCAP/80/12)
Transitioning to the digitalization of transport for a sustainable future in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP/80/13)
Report of the Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Financing for Development on its fourth session (ESCAP/CMPF (4)/6)
Macroeconomic outlook, challenges and policies for the Asia-Pacific region (ESCAP/80/14)
Report of the Governing Council of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology on its nineteenth session (ESCAP/80/15)
Enabling inclusive and sustainable development through digital trade, investment, innovation and the use of technology (ESCAP/80/16)
Report of the Governing Council of the Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development on its eighteenth session (ESCAP/80/17)
Leveraging digital technologies to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (ESCAP/80/18)
Report of the Governing Council of the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific on its nineteenth session (ESCAP/80/19)
Towards the realization of the regional vision for inclusive civil registration and vital statistics systems (ESCAP/80/20)
Annual reports of international and intergovernmental organizations provided to the Commission (ESCAP/80/INF/1)
Consideration of agenda item 4, taking place on Thursday, 25 April 2024, will start with an overarching presentation by the secretariat on the progress of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific.
The Commission will then consider each sub-item in order. The Chairs of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission that have met in between sessions will present the outcomes of these meetings, highlight actions requested of the Commission as well as key discussions at the subsidiary body under the relevant sub-item.
In their statements, member States may address the points for action in the reports of the subsidiary bodies and in the notes by the secretariat on the specific subitems, as well as provide further guidance.
Discussions under this agenda item will be webcast live.
Under agenda item 9, it is anticipated the Commission will endorse through a resolution the following document:
Ministerial Declaration on Building a Secure, Sustainable and Interconnected Energy Future for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP/APEF(3)/6/Add.1)
Moreover, the Commission is expected to adopt decisions to:
Endorse the following documents:
Report on the Eleventh Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (ESCAP/RFSD/2024/6)
Report on the Seventh Asian and Pacific Population Conference (ESCAP/APPC (7)/4)
Report of the Governing Council of the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization on its nineteenth session (ESCAP/80/8)
Report of the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction on its eighth session (ESCAP/CDR (8)/6)
Report of the Governing Council of the Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management on its eighth session (ESCAP/80/10)
Report of the Third Asian and Pacific Energy Forum (ESCAP/APEF(3)/6)
Report of the Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Financing for Development on its fourth session (ESCAP/CMPF (4)/6)
Report of the Governing Council of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology on its nineteenth session (ESCAP/80/15)
Report of the Governing Council of the Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development on its eighteenth session (ESCAP/80/17)
Report of the Governing Council of the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific on its nineteenth session (ESCAP/80/19)
Take note of the following documents:
Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia at its eighteenth session (ESCAP/80/5)
Summary of round-table discussions (ESCAP/RFSD/2024/6/Add.1)
Key social development issues for consideration in 2024 (ESCAP/80/7)
Crisis-resilient cities for a sustainable Asia-Pacific region (ESCAP/80/9)
Scaling up the use of early warnings for preventive actions through the implementation of a regional strategy (ESCAP/80/11)
Employing digitally driven innovation in the energy sector to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (ESCAP/80/12)
Transitioning to the digitalization of transport for a sustainable future in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP/80/13)
Macroeconomic outlook, challenges and policies for the Asia-Pacific region (ESCAP/80/14)
Enabling inclusive and sustainable development through digital trade, investment, innovation and the use of technology (ESCAP/80/16)
Leveraging digital technologies to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (ESCAP/80/18)
Towards the realization of the regional vision for inclusive civil registration and vital statistics systems (ESCAP/80/20)
Annual reports of international and intergovernmental organizations provided to the Commission (ESCAP/80/INF/1)
Additionally, the Commission is expected to adopt a decision to:
(a) Take note of the report on the ad hoc session of the Working Group on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities held on 8 and 9 November 2023 (ESCAP/80/6) and endorse the composition of the Working Group on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2023–2032, for the period 2024–2032 (ESCAP/80/6/Add.1)
Agenda item 5: Management issues
Supporting documents:
Proposed programme plan for 2025 (ESCAP/80/21)
Overview of partnerships, extrabudgetary contributions and capacity development (ESCAP/80/22)
Evaluation activities of the Commission during the biennium 2022–2023 (ESCAP/80/23)
Evaluation of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (ESCAP/80/24)
Evaluation of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (ESCAP/80/INF/2)
Agenda item 5 of the provisional agenda, which will be held on Friday, 26 April 2024, will review the work programme of ESCAP and begin with a presentation by the secretariat, followed by consideration by the Commission subitem-by-subitem. The Chair will open the floor for brief country interventions for each subitem.
Under agenda item 5 (a), the Commission will review the proposed programme plan for 2025.
Under agenda item 5 (b), members and associate members will have the opportunity to announce their intended contributions for 2024. Delegations intending to pledge contributions are requested to complete and submit the pledging form available on the Commission website.
Under agenda item 5 (c) Evaluation activities of the Commission during the biennium 2022–2023, the Commission will review a summary of the main findings and recommendations contained in evaluations conducted during the biennium 2022-2023 and the steps taken by the secretariat to address those recommendations.
Under agenda item 5 (d) Evaluation of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, the Commission will review the key findings and recommendations of this evaluation, and the secretariat’s response thereto, contained in document ESCAP/80/24.
Under agenda item 9, it is anticipated the Commission will adopt decisions to:
(a) Endorse the proposed programme plan for 2025 (ESCAP/80/21);
(b) Take note of the note by the secretariat on the overview of partnerships, extrabudgetary contributions and capacity development (ESCAP/80/22) and thank members and associate members for their pledges for 2024;
(c) Take note of the note by the secretariat on the evaluation activities of the Commission during the biennium 2022–2023 (ESCAP/80/23);
(d) Endorse the recommendations contained in the evaluation of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (ESCAP/80/24);
(e) Take note of the report on the evaluation of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (ESCAP/80/INF/2).
Agenda item 6: Activities of the Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission
Supporting document:
Report of the Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission (ESCAP/80/25)
Agenda item 6 of the provisional agenda will review the intersessional activities of the Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission as presented by the Rapporteur of the Advisory Committee. After the presentation, the floor will be opened for country interventions.
Under agenda item 9, it is anticipated that the Commission will adopt a decision taking note of the report of the Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission.
Agenda item 7: Dates and venue of and theme topic for the eighty-first session of the Commission (2025)
Supporting document:
Dates and venue of and theme topic for the eighty-first session of the Commission (2025) (ESCAP/80/26)
Under agenda item 7 of the provisional agenda, the Commission will decide on the dates and venue of the eighty-first session of the Commission, to be held in 2025, as well as the theme topic to be considered by the Commission at that session.
Following the presentation of the agenda item by the secretariat, the floor will be opened for country interventions.
Under agenda item 9, it is anticipated the Commission will adopt a decision fixing the dates of its eighty-first session to be held in 2025. Through the same decision the Commission will determine the theme for its eighty-first session.
Agenda item 8: Other matters
Agenda item 8 of the provisional agenda provides the opportunity for members and associate members to raise other matters not covered under the items above. Discussions on this agenda item will be webcast live.
Agenda item 9: Adoption of the report of the Commission on its eightieth session
Supporting documents:
1. Draft report to be adopted by the Commission: Organization of the eightieth session of the Commission (ESCAP/80/L.1)
2. Draft report to be adopted by the Commission: Statement of programme budget implication of actions and proposals of the Commission (ESCAP/80/L.1/Add.1)
3. Draft resolutions to be adopted by the Commission
4. Draft decisions to be adopted by the Commission
Under agenda item 9, the Commission will consider for adoption the report of its eightieth session.
Pursuant to paragraph 7 of the annex of Commission resolution 78/2 of 27 May 2022 on “A conference structure of the Commission to advance sustainable development”, the report of the Commission will be composed of its decisions and resolutions.
The draft record of proceedings of the Commission session, prepared by the secretariat, will be circulated among members and associate members for comments within fifteen days of the conclusion of the session.
Following the adoption of the report, the Executive Secretary will deliver a closing statement. The Chair may also deliver a closing statement before formally closing the session.