The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific is the main legislative organ of ESCAP and reports to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It provides a forum for all governments of the region to review and discuss economic and social issues and to strengthen regional cooperation. The Commission meets annually at the ministerial level to discuss and decide on important issues pertaining to inclusive and sustainable economic and social development in the region, to decide on the recommendations of its subsidiary bodies and of the Executive Secretary, to review and endorse the proposed strategic framework and programme of work, and to make any other decisions required, in conformity with its terms of reference. The Commission session comprises a senior officials segment and a ministerial segment. The Special Body on Least Developed, Landlocked Developing and Pacific Island Developing Countries, is held during the ministerial segment.
Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Commission
Adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its Fourth Session, the terms of reference of ESCAP along with its rules and procedures are available below in the four official languages of the Commission.
ESCAP Terms of Reference & Rules of Procedure
[中文] [English] [Français] [русский]
Conference Structure of the Commission
Adopted by the Commission in resolution 78/2 at its seventy-eighth session, the conference structure of ESCAP is available below in the four official languages of the Commission.
Conference Structure of the Commission
[中文] [English] [Français] [русский]