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The voluntary national review (VNR) is a process through which countries assess and present national progress made in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of its follow-up and review mechanisms, the 2030 Agenda encourages member States to "conduct regular and inclusive reviews of progress at the national and sub-national levels, which are country-led and country-driven".

Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) are reports that countries use to share their progress and challenges in implementing the 2030 Agenda. These reviews support global assessments by the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York each July. While most Southeast Asian countries have completed two VNRs, others are showing interest in similar reporting.

VNRs serve several purposes. They help governments improve policies and engage various stakeholders to accelerate SDG implementation. Beyond reporting, they foster open and transparent collaboration, raise public awareness, and facilitate resource access. For the subregion's four least developed countries, the Doha Programme of Action for 2022-2031 offers a framework to address their unique challenges and promote sustainable development Doha Programme of Action for the Decade 2022-2031.  VNRs can contribute to reviewing this plan by linking SDGs and DPoA targets and providing crucial data.

Objectives of the VNR Clinic: The VNR Clinic's primary objectives are as follows:

  1. Create a platform for discussing VNR preparation among countries.
  2. Highlight the synergy between the 2030 Agenda and the Doha Plan of Action and identify shared tools for achieving both.
  3. Enhance capacity-building and peer learning by offering guidance on VNR preparation.
  4. Present ESCAP's support and tools for VNR preparation and the graduation of Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
  5. Promote collaboration among countries in South-South cooperation for VNRs and SDG acceleration.
An Associated Event of the Seventh Southeast Asia Multistakeholder Forum 


08 Nov 2023
Opening and welcome remarks

Opening and welcome remarks

Master of Ceremony: Mr. Riccardo Mesiano, Sustainable Development Officer, ESCAP

  • Mr. Oliver Paddison, Chief of Section on Sustainable Development and Countries in Special Situations, ESCAP
Session 1: Exploring the voluntary national review process

Session 1: Exploring the voluntary national review process

This session will introduce the key elements of the VNR process, highlighting the role of VNRs as tools for SDG acceleration. It will also provide space for countries to share their experiences with VNRs.

Ms. Sara Libera Zanetti, 2030 Agenda and VNR Specialist, ESCAP

  • Introduction to the event, tour de table and participants’ experience with VNRs.
  • Overview of latest global processes (SDG Summit/Doha), VNR timeline & process, and best practices from the SEA region.
  • Reflections on the role of VNRs in SDG acceleration.


Moderator: Mr. Riccardo Mesiano, Sustainable Development Officer, ESCAP

Country experiences with 2nd and 3rd VNR

  • H.E. Mr. Juvêncio de Jesus MartinsAmbassador of Timor-Leste to Thailand 
  • H.E. Mr. Poch Sovanndy, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Planning, Cambodia remote connection
  • Ms. Viengdalat Somphet, Deputy Director of the UN Economic and Social Affairs Division, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lao P.D.R.

Open discussion (15 minutes)

Group photo and networking break
Session 2: Strengthening vertical and horizontal policy coherence through VNRs

Session 2: Strengthening vertical and horizontal policy coherence through VNRs

This session will focus on horizontal and vertical policy coherence and underline how VNRs can be instrumental in ensuring the design of appropriate and coherent policies to achieve the SDGs and other development frameworks. The session will, among the others explore the link between the SDGs and the goals and targets of the Doha Programme of Action for LDCs (horizontal coherence)); the synergies between VNRs and VLRs (vertical coherence); and the key role of stakeholders in facilitating the policy coherence process.

Mr. Yusuke Tateno, Economic Affairs Officer, ESCAP

  • The DPoA goals and targets, their links to SDGs, and their alignment with national development plans


Moderator: Ms. Sawat Adnan, Regional Cooperation Framework and Partnerships Officer, UN DCO


  • Dr. Phim Runsinarith, Research Director, National University of Management, Cambodia
  • Mr. Ariel D. Odtojan, Regional Advocacy and Campaigns Manager, External Engagement, World Vision East Asia    
  • Ms. Tala Batangan, Policy Officer, The Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific
  • Ms. Diani Sadiawati, Special Staff on SDGs, Nusantara Capital Authority, Indonesia remote connection

Open discussion

Session 3: Using the VNR to strengthen evidence-based policy on sustainable development and targeting those left behind

Session 3: Using the VNR to strengthen evidence-based policy on sustainable development and targeting those left behind

This session will examine how VNRs can promote better use of evidence in policy making, particularly in relation to targeting inequalities and those being left behind. It will also present good practices at country level and will elaborate on how VNRs can promote better use of evidence in policy making, particularly in relation to targeting inequalities and those being left behind.

Moderator: Mr. Arman Bidarbakht-Nia, Statistician, ESCAP

SDG Progress Assessment: using data for evidence-based analysis for VNR

  • Mr. Dayyan Shayani, Statistician, ESCAP


Country experiences with utilizing an SDG Progress Assessment


  • Ms. Pg Khairil Bahriah binti Pg Haji Mohd Ali, Acting Head of Secretariat, Special National Coordination Committee for Sustainable Development Goals (Brunei Darussalam), Prime Minister’s Office, Brunei Darussalam remote connection
  • Ms. Sin Putheary, Executive Director, Cooperation Committee of Cambodia remote connection
  • Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Nga, Official Department of Science, and Natural Resources & Environment (DSENRE) Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam remote connection

Integrating Leave No One Behind analysis in the VNR

  • Mr. Selahattin Selsah Pasali, Social Affairs Officer, ESCAP


    Country experiences with conducting/utilizing LNOB analysis

    • Ms. Robeliza Halip, Coordinator, Indigenous Peoples Major Group for Sustainable Development (IPMG)
    • Mrs. Chomquan Pinyowit, Director, Development Affairs Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand


    Open discussion

    Wrap up and vote of thanks: Key take aways

    This session will summarise key points emerged during the discussions and will present future activities on Follow-up and Review and Doha Programme of Action.

    ESCAP Section on Sustainable Development and Countries in Special Situations

    for more information, please contact

    Section on Countries in Special Situations +66 2 288 1234 [email protected]
    Subregional Office for South-East Asia + 66 22 88 2902 [email protected]
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