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Constructing a new benchmark for Cambodian National Accounts | English |

UNESCAP | 2020 | 26 Pages

This study documents the context and process of constructing the supply and use table of Cambodia to develop a new benchmark for producing national accounts statistics. The study has been prepared by the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) of Cambodia and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) with funding support by the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (previously Department for International Development).

Developing the Statistics Law of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2020: Documentation of process and results | English | Laotian |

UNESCAP | 2020 | 25 Pages

This is a study documenting the context and process of reviewing and updating the Statistical Law of Lao PDR to enable the national statistics office and system to respond to data needs. The study has been prepared by the Lao Statistics Bureau and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) with funding support by the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (previously Department for International Development).

Producing Import and Export Price Indices (XMPI) in Bhutan | English |

UNESCAP | 2020 | 21 Pages

This is a study of how the Bhutan National Statistics Bureau began producing Import and Export Price Indices (XMPI) using existing administrative data. This was made possible through support from the Regional Programme on Economics Statistics in Asia and the Pacific run by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and supported by Department for International Development (DFID). This study was developed by the National Statistics Bureau (NSB) of Bhutan and ESCAP. It documents the context and process followed to support other countries thinking of producing XMPIs. This is one of five studies of successful projects and aims to advance statistics in Asia and the Pacific through shared knowledge and experience.

Reviewing the National Statistical System of the Maldives 2020 | English |

UNESCAP | 2020 | 25 Pages

This is a study of how the Maldives National Statistical System (NSS) was reviewed as part of the Regional Programme on Economic Statistics in Asia and the Pacific run by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) supported by Department for International Development (DFID). This study was developed by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of the Maldives and ESCAP. It documents the context and process followed to support other countries thinking of conducting a national review. Such reviews are a valuable way to engage stakeholders and develop evidence-based inputs to strategic planning processes and regular monitoring. This study is one of the five studies of successful projects that aims to advance statistics and is prepared for other countries who may wish to replicate the project for the review of their existing NSS.

Developing a Statistical Business Register (SBR) in Myanmar | English | Burmese |

UNESCAP | 2019 | 30 Pages

This is a replication study of the development of a Statistical Business Register in Myanmar as part of the Regional Programme of Economics Statistics in Asia and the Pacific run by UN ESCAP supported by DFID. This document was developed in collaboration between the CSO and UN ESCAP. It is one of five replication studies documenting progress in the development of statistics in Asia.

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