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Renewable Energy

Increasing the use of renewable energy supports the social, economic, and environmental benefits. To meet energy demand and to reduce import dependencies, many economies are accelerating the use of renewables to balance their energy mixes with indigenous resources.

SDG7- Target 7.2 is aiming the increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030. To reduce carbon emissions from the use of fossil fuels, decarbonizing the energy sector by shifting to renewable energy, thus, also supports efforts to achieve climate objectives.

Our Works contribute toward increasing substantially the share of renewable energy in the regional energy mix.

Disseminate information on new developments in renewable energy technologies, policy tools, and modalities for energy-related interventions: In partnership with the international development agencies the subprogramme will support countries in developing national roadmaps for energy planning to achieve SDG7. These roadmaps will also assist countries in strategizing how best to increase renewable energy based on local resources and energy needs.

Electric Car

This work is expected to result in enhanced capacity among member States to develop evidence-based policies to enable the energy transition, particularly the capacity to plan for and realize nationally appropriate targets to advance Goal 7 based on each country’s context and considering national priorities.

National Expert SDG Tool for Energy Planning (NEXSTEP)

Development Account: Evidence-Based Policies for Sustainable Use of Energy in Asia and the Pacific

Aerial View of Biogas Plant