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ESCAP established bilateral partnerships with governments of ESCAP member and non-member States, who represent ESCAP's main extrabudgetary source of funding. These partnerships support ESCAP's technical cooperation work through both financial and in-kind contributions.

United Nations

The UN development system reform has redefined the ways the UN family operates and interacts at and between the regional and country levels. ESCAP maintains diverse partnerships with United Nations development system entities and supports United Nations collaboration at the regional level through its role in the Regional Collaborative Platform for Asia and the Pacific. Under the auspices of the Regional Collaborative Platform, issue-based coalitions and groups have facilitated the channelling of regional expertise and knowledge to ensure policy coherence, mobilized regional action and supported national interventions in cooperation with the resident coordinators and the United Nations country teams.

Multilateral partners

ESCAP has long-standing partnerships with regional and subregional organizations that serve the region in pursuit of its mandate to build regional consensus on shared priorities and common solutions for common problems and to provide a regional hub for sharing development knowledge and good practices across Asia and the Pacific.

Private sector and foundations

Strong and result-oriented partnerships with the private sector and foundations have become critical for ESCAP in making a difference in the Asia-Pacific region. Such partnerships allow considerable leveraging of each partner's unique strengths and resources. As part of the UN Secretariat, ESCAP follows a number of guidelines on cooperation with the private sector taking into account the principles set out in the UN Global Compact and drives businesses in working towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through its ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN).

Civil Society Organizations

ESCAP maintains partnerships with civil society organizations, including through the Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) and the subregional fora on the SDGs, which are convened annually as platforms for exchange of experiences and ideas on implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including by addressing the needs of countries in special situations.