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Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is key to the realization of sustainable development objectives that pertain to the energy sector. Energy efficiency also facilitates greater economic productivity and provides social and environmental benefits, including increased energy affordability, improved air quality, reduced pollution and global climate change mitigation. It can be of benefit to economic development and job creation as well.

Our work aims at supporting member States in identifying barriers to and opportunities for improving energy efficiency and developing necessary policies and projects through analytical work and capacity building activities

Researches and recommendations on sustainable cooling and SDG7 localization:

Efficient and Climate Friendly Cooling for SDG7:
Increasing energy efficiency of cooling equipment ESCAP aims at developing a comprehensive methodology
for the development of the national assessment across
various cooling sectors and issues; space cooling in buildings, food and healthcare cold chain, process cooling, mobile
air conditioning, and access to cooling) of National Cooling Action Plans (NCAP). This methodology is currently being piloted in Cambodia and Indonesia with the vision to assist both countries in development of comprehensive NCAPs.

Clean energy for sustainable and low carbon cities:
ESCAP accelerates progress on the implementation of SDG7 through more actively engaging cities and sub-national governments to support them in developing local sustainable energy policies and projects. This also includes establishing more effective dialogues between national, sub-national and local levels of governance, expert communities, as well as donors and the private sector.

SDG7- Targets 7.2 aims by 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.


Energy intensity is the best available proxy measure for energy efficiency. It is being used to monitor progress as in achieving the SDG 7. Energy intensity is measured in units of energy per dollar of GDP, in which high numbers indicate more energy consumption per dollar of economic output and declines in energy intensity are a proxy for efficiency improvements. The Asia-Pacific region has demonstrated a long-term, steady decline in energy intensity. In 2017, energy intensity in region was 5.24 MJ per 2011 PPP $ (source: Asia Pacific Energy Portal). However, meeting SDG7 , requires scaled-up actions.

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