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This is an online workspace for the Economic Statistics Community of Practice for Asia and the Pacific. It is intended for sharing knowledge and collaborating on projects, processes and procedures within the community.

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An online workspace as mechanisms for the Technical Working Group on Disaster-related Statistics in Asia and the Pacific (TWG) to carry out its objective towards the production, use and dissemination of disaster-related statistics in Asia and the Pacific region.

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In 2018, the Committee on Statistics, at its sixth session, noted the importance of integrated statistics and supported a proposal by the secretariat to set up communities of practice as online modalities to further the work around integrated statistics. Later, the Bureau of the Committee on Statistics, in its meeting held in December 2018, agreed on establishing a data integration community of practice as an immediate priority. In 2019, the Regional Steering Group on Population and Social Statistics, at its second meeting, guided by the Committee’s decision, supported trialing the application of a community of practice, as an online learning platform for enhancing the sharing of knowledge and experience relating to data integration. In late April 2020, as per the decisions made by the Committee on Statistics and the Regional Steering Group on Population and Social Statistics, the secretariat launched the Data Integration Community of Practice (DI-CoP), mainly for practitioners in the Asia-Pacific statistical community that have expertise or interest in data integration. The DI-CoP provides an online closed platform for collaboration, learning and sharing knowledge and experience around data integration.

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This space contains links to the activities and tools ESCAP has used to strengthen environment statistics in Asia and the Pacific. It also contains a collection of outputs from these activities.

One of the purposes of the self-learning materials is to provide background to reading the guidance documents. Another purpose is to provide insights into policy applications and data sources.

The materials featured in the space include: environment statistics overview and integrated policy; the Environment Statistics Dianostic Tool; data inventory template; Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES); System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) - Central Framework, Ecosystem Accounting, and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Regional Ocean Accounts Platform; as well as SEEA and Climate Change.

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Network of young statisticians Go to Network

The Network aims to contribute the transformation of national statistical systems into learning organizations fostering innovation and continuous modernization, fulfilling the need to attract and retain young talent. You are most welcome to join and contribute to fruitful discussions.

Экспертная сеть содействует трансформации национальных статистических систем в обучающие организации, которые способствуют внедрению инноваций и непрерывной модернизации, восполняя потребность в привлечении и удержании молодых талантов. Будем рады Вашему участию в работе сети и продуктивным обсуждениям на ее полях


This is a private collaboration space for the RSG-PSS members, created to enhance the communication, coordination and functionality of the Group. Here, we can keep in touch, share relevant information and work together.