The sixth session of the Committee on Transport will be held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok from 12 to 13 November 2020. The Committee session will be held virtually via videoconference. Bangkok-based representatives from member States and international organizations are welcome to participate in person at the United Nations Conference Centre.
The Committee will discuss matters of strategic importance to regional transport development, regional cooperation and the formulation of regional policies to advance sustainable transport and connectivity in line with existing regional and global mandates such as the Regional Actional Programme for Sustainable Transport Connectivity in Asia and the Pacific, Phase I (2017-2021), related ESCAP resolutions and the Decade of Action for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, among others. The Committee is also expected to deliberate on the key objectives and directions of the new Regional Action Programme for 2022-2026 and provide guidance on the preparations for the Ministerial Conference on Transport, to be held in 2021. The Committee will also provide member States and associate members of ESCAP with a forum to exchange views and discuss policies to meet the objectives of economic, environmental and social sustainability for the transport sector.
In view of the technical and time limitations associated with virtual meetings, the secretariat will hold a series of informal virtual consultations in advance of the Committee to be held from 27 to 29 October 2020. More information and the link for registrations can be found here.
The aim of the consultations is to provide members, associate members, observer countries, international organizations and other stakeholders invited to the Committee the opportunity to comment on the documents and discuss the substantive considerations in advance to allow optimal use of time during the Committee itself. The outcomes of the consultations will be summarized and presented during the Committee for its consideration.