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The Committee on Trade and Investment is one of the eight committees that make up the subsidiary structure of the Commission. It is held every other year. The fourth session of the Committee will consider the following agenda items: Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2015 – Asia-Pacific participation in value chains: role of trade and investment policies; Implementation of Commission resolution 70/5: Strengthening regional cooperation and capacity for enhanced trade and investment in support of sustainable development (including strategic direction and functioning of the Committee, results and activities under the subprogramme on trade and investment, and engaging the business sector); reports and activities of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology and the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization; implementation of Commission resolutions 68/3, 70/1 and 70/4 and consideration of draft resolutions and decisions for submission to the Commission at its 72nd session; consideration of the future focus of the trade and investment subprogramme; and other matters.

The Committee is expected to conduct a substantive interactive dialogue on the theme topic and related issues, to formulate concrete policy recommendations in this regard and provide guidance to the secretariat on its subprogramme and activities in the area of trade and investment.

Outcome Document

Report of the Committee on Trade and Investment on its fourth session


Delegations Assessment

Following the meeting delegations attended filled out questionnaires regarding the session. A summary of the results is available for download.



  1. Annotated provisional agenda - Committee on Trade and Investment, Fourth Session

for more information, please contact

Trade, Investment and Innovation Division +66 2 288-1234 [email protected]