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25 to 27 March 2015 | By invitation only

The fourth session of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics took place at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok, from 25 to 27 March, 2015.

In preparation for the Committee, an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) was convened from 8 to 9 December, 2014. This meeting brought together 45 statistical leaders and development experts who took stock of the range of issues emerging from the post-2015 development agenda, drew conclusions on the implications of those issues for statistical development in Asia and the Pacific, and made recommendations on strategic priorities for consideration at the fourth session of the Committee.

  • Delivered by Mr. Anis Chowdhury - Director, ESCAP Statistics Division, on behalf of Dr. Shamshad Akhtar - Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP (PDF)
  • Mr. Anis Chowdhury - Director, ESCAP Statistics Division (PDF)
  • Mr. Stefan Schweinfest - Director, United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) (PDF)
  • Keynote: Mr. Somboon Mekpaiboonwattana - Vice Minister of ICT, Thailand (PDF)

Report of the Committee on Statistics on its fourth session (中文 | English | Français | русский)

  • Agenda item 3 (a): Work Plan for the Implementation of the Regional Programme for the Improvement of Economic Statistics in Asia and the Pacific [English]
  • Agenda item 3 (f): terms of reference of the Modernization Working Group on Production, Methods and Standards [English]


Delegations Assessment

Following the meeting delegations attended filled out questionnaires regarding the session. A summary of the results is available for download.

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Bangkok, Thailand

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Bangkok, Thailand

Agenda Item 2: Strategic Direction of the Committee on Statistics

  • Australia (n/a)
  • Bangladesh (n/a)
  • China (n/a)
  • France

Agenda Item 3: Regional Initiatives

(3a) - Economic Statistics

3(b) - Population and Social Statistics

(3c) - Civil Registration and Vital Statistics

(3d) - Environmental Statistics

(3e) - Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Philippines (n/a)
  • Samoa (n/a)

(3f) - Modernization of Statistical Production and Services

  • Sri Lanka (n/a)
  • Timor-Leste (n/a)
  • Viet Nam
  • UNSD (n/a)

(3g) - Gender Statistics

Agenda Item 4: Global Initiatives - Agricultural and Rural Statistics

  • Fiji
  • Japan
  • Kyrgyzstan (n/a)
  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic (n/a)
  • Maldives (n/a)
  • Mongolia
  • Philippines (n/a)

Agenda Item 5: Coordination for Statistics Development

(5a) - Statistical Training

  • Bangladesh (n/a)
  • Japan
  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic (n/a)
  • Maldives (n/a)
  • Russian Federation (n/a)
  • Thailand
  • UNSD (n/a)

(5b) Partners for Statistics Development in Asia-Pacific

Agenda Item 6: Items for Information

  • Australia (n/a)
  • Bangladesh (n/a)
  • China (n/a)

Agenda Item 7: Reports Brought to the Attention of the Committee

  • Mongolia (n/a)
  • ILO (n/a)

Agenda Item 8: Consideration of the Future Focus of the Statistics Subprogramme of the ESCAP Secretariat

  • China (n/a)
  • India (n/a)
  • Indonesia
  • Maldives (n/a)
  • New Zealand (n/a)
  • Philippines (n/a)
  • Samoa (n/a)

for more information, please contact

Statistics Division +66 2288 1234 [email protected]