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14 to 16 December 2016 | By invitation only

The fifth session of the Committee on Statistics was held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand from 14 to 16 December 2016.

Delegations Assessment

Following the meeting delegations attended filled out questionnaires regarding the session. A summary of the results is available for download.

Gender Data and Statistics “Making Every Woman and Girl Count

Bangkok, Thailand

Disaster Statistics: Needs and Expectations to international guidelines for disaster-related statistics

Bangkok, Thailand

Agenda Item 2: Advancing official statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: a collective vision and framework for action by the Asia-Pacific statistical community, Committee on Statistics

Agenda Item 3: Achieving the vision through existing regional initiatives:

3a. Economic statistics

  • New Zealand (n/a)
  • Russian Federation (n/a)
  • United Kingdom (n/a)

3b. Population and social statistics

3c. Civil registration and vital statistics

3d. Disaster-related statistics

3e. Agricultural and rural statistics

Agenda Item 4: The framework for action, partner coordination and stakeholder responsibilities

(a) Consideration of the future focus of the statistics subprogramme of the secretariat;

(b) Partners for Statistics Development in Asia-Pacific; for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific

Agenda Item 5: Items for information

Agenda Item 6: Reports brought to the attention of the Committee

(a) Bureau;

(b) Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific

Agenda Item 7: Consideration of draft resolutions and decisions for submission to the Commission at its seventy-third session

  • Indonesia
  • Japan (n/a)
  • Maldives (n/a)
  • Mongolia (n/a)
  • Samoa (n/a)
  • Vanuatu (n/a)
  • SPC (n/a)

Agenda Item 8: Other matters

  • Australia (n/a)
  • Maldives (n/a)

for more information, please contact

Statistics Division +66 2288 1234 [email protected]