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The Committee on Information and Communications Technology, Science, Technology and Innovation, Fourth Session will be held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok from 30 August to  1 September 2022. The Committee session will be held virtually via videoconference. Bangkok-based representatives from member States and international organizations are welcome to participate in person at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok.

Delegates and participants are invited to register for the session by 10 August 2022.


YouTube webcasting is available below:

CICTSTI4 (Day 3): Thursday 1 September 2022, from 1400-1600 hrs.

30 Aug 2022
Item 1: Opening of the session
Conference room 1
  • Opening statements
  • Election of the bureau
  • Adoption of the agenda
  • Launch of the Asia Pacific Digital Transformation Report 2022
Item 2: Asia-Pacific Digital Transformation Landscape
Conference room 1
  • Presentation by the secretariat
  • Country statements
Item 3: Action Plan 2022-2026 of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway
Conference room 1
  • Presentation by the secretariat
  • Country statements

Item 4: Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies for Sustainable Development
Conference room 1
  • Presentation by the secretariat
  • Country statements
31 Aug 2022
Item 5: Assessment of ICT Capacity Building Needs in Asia and the Pacific
Conference room 1
  • Presentation by the secretariat
  • Country statements
Item 6: Use of Digital Technology and Geospatial Information Systems to Enhance Resilient and Sustainable Development
Conference room 1
  • Presentation by the secretariat
  • Country statements
Item 7: Dates and venue of and provisional agenda for the fifth session of the Committee and other matters
Conference room 1
  • Presentation by the secretariat
  • Country statements
01 Sep 2022
Item 8: Adoption of the report of the Committee
Conference room 1
Closing session
Conference room 1
  • Rupa Chanda, Director, Trade, Investment and Innovation Division
  • Tiziana Bonapace, Director, Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division
In-depth capacity building training programme on GEMS data applications

Bangkok, Thailand

UNIDO - Industrial Development Report 2022 launch in Asia and the Pacific

Bangkok, Thailand

Young Scientists Forum on GEMS data applications for air pollution monitoring

Bangkok, Thailand


The Fourth session of the Committee on Information and Communications, Science, Technology and Innovation will be conducted in a combination of physical and virtual means to take account of travel restrictions brought about by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Bangkok based representatives of members and associate members and invited organizations will be able to attend in person at the United Nations Conference Centre, while capital-based representatives will be able to participate through the KUDO videoconferencing platform.

Given the technical limitations of conducting the Committee session in such a manner and in view of the mandates and operational requirements of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies, participation through KUDO will be prioritized for members and associate members and observer countries of the Commission. A limited number of connections may become available for participating organizations on a first come – first served basis.

Participants will be able to observe the proceedings virtually via YouTube broadcast. Details of the broadcast will be published on the website of the Committee on Information and Communications, Science, Technology and Innovation (CICTSTI),

Observer organizations, intergovernmental organizations, other entities and non-governmental organizations that wish to make statements in connection with any agenda item, may provide these to the secretariat in advance in the form of power-point or plain text, and they will be uploaded to the Committee website as supporting materials. Oral statements and interventions by observers will not be heard during the session.

For delegates who will participate virtually, a test-run of the videoconferencing platform will be arranged in August prior to the Committee, the date and details of the test-run will be communicated to registered delegates directly. The connection of virtual participants will also be tested on the morning of the session, starting 30 minutes prior to the opening. ESCAP technical support will be available to all delegates throughout the session of the Committee. Delegates are requested to provide a phone number at which they can be reached by the technical support team if they lose connectivity during the session.


KUDO connection for virtual participation

Given the technical limitations of conducting the session through a virtual platform and in view of the mandates and operational requirements, member States and associate members of the Commission will be provided with <three> KUDO connection. Permanent observers of the Commission will be provided with <one> KUDO connection. The secretariat will send a link to the KUDO session only to those accounts identified on the letter of credentials and completed the online registration. Please note that the KUDO link is not transferable.

The KUDO technical guide will be shared with members of each delegation assigned to speak during the session. Delegates who receive KUDO link will also be invited to a Test Run prior to the session to test their connections and ensure smooth virtual participation.


Country interventions

The Committee on Information and Communications, Science, Technology and Innovation session will be recorded. By joining the session, participants consent to the recording and streaming of the event.

Due to time constraints and to taking account of any technical difficulties/delays that may occur through the videoconferencing platform, delegations are discouraged from delivering traditional country/national statements under each agenda item. Delegations are encouraged to prepare brief interventions under each agenda item in response to the items for the consideration of the Committee reflected in each background document, and to engage in interactive discussion on those items. Delegations are asked to limit their interventions to 3 minutes every time they are given the floor. Copies of full statements or speeches may be provided to the secretariat and published on the website of the Committee under the tab ‘presentations and statements’ after the session.

To participate in deliberations, delegates are requested to indicate which members of the delegations will have a speaking role during the session. A guide to using the Kudo videoconferencing platform will be shared with members of each delegation assigned to speak during the session.

Delegates participating physically at UNCC will be able to raise their country plate as per normal practice.


Each delegation is required to submit a letter of credentials, duly signed by the appropriate authorities of the respective Government, at the earliest convenience and prior to the opening of the session. Only delegates who appear on the credentials will be recognized in the list of participants. Letters of credentials can be sent via email the following address: [email protected] with copy to [email protected]. Originals should be sent to ESCAP at the address below.

Trade, Investment and Innovation Division
The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand

Each delegate who appears in the aforementioned letter of credentials is required to register online at as soon as possible before 10 August 2022. Only registration of accredited delegates will be accepted.

Registration and identification badges

In conformity with standard United Nations security procedures, all participants must complete a mandatory online registration at Participants are encouraged to complete this procedure well in advance of the meeting and no later than 24 August 2022. To facilitate the process, participants are encouraged to submit their photo in advance.

Participants are requested to register and obtain a visitor’s badge with ID picture on the first day of the meeting, i.e. Tuesday 30 August 2022 between 0800 hours and 1000 hours. This is done at the Registration Counter located on the ground floor of the UNCC. Participants who are not able to register during the time indicated above are requested to do so immediately upon their arrival at UNCC and before going to the conference room. This procedure is important for security reason and will also ensure that all participants’ names appear on the list of participants.

Please note that prior online registration is mandatory in line with standard security procedures to facilitate security clearance and entrance to the premises. A document containing tips on completing the online registration on behalf of another participant can be accessed on the registration portal, noted above.

For identification and security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their meeting badges at all times when on the United Nations compound, and also during the meeting and at social functions. The loss of a meeting badge should be communicated to the Conference Management Unit, located on the ground floor of the UNCC behind the registration counter, so that a new one can be issued immediately.


Questions related to this session of the Committee may be addressed to

  • Mr. Jonathan WongChief of Technology and Innovation Section, Trade, Investment and Innovation Division, by email ([email protected]) or telephone (+66 2 288 1370) and
  • Mr. Tae Hyung Kim, Chief of the Information and Communications Technology and Development Section, Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, by email ([email protected]) or telephone (+66 2 288 1533).
Meeting documents

The secretariat has adopted a paperless approach to meetings. As a result, participants are expected to get acquainted with all the meeting documents prior to the meeting. Should participants wish hard copies of the documents, they are expected to bring them to the meeting. Pre-session documents will be made available in Chinese, English, French and Russian and are accessible at

Participants wishing to circulate any papers or literature at the meeting are requested to consult staff from the secretariat servicing the meeting for the necessary arrangements.


Draft report and evaluation:

The draft report of the session will be sent to virtually connected participants by e-mail and uploaded on KUDO. Hard copies will be circulated to participants attending in person at the UNCC. The adoption of the report will commence at 1400 hours on Thursday, 1 September 2022. The final report as adopted will be made publicly available on the Committee website in all languages following the session.

The report will comprise a list of items to be brought to the attention of the Commission, as well as a summary of organizational matters. The report will not include detailed proceedings. A summary of deliberations will be prepared after the session and annexed to the report as a Chair’s summary.

After the session, an evaluation of the virtual meeting will be undertaken to capture your feedback and recommendations for the secretariat to consider when planning future meetings.

Daily subsistence allowance

Not availble for this meeting.

Health and vaccination

Upon arrival at the port of entry in Thailand, participants who are nationals of or have traveled from/through countries listed below, which have been declared Yellow Fever infected areas, must provide an International Health Certificate proving that they have received a valid Yellow Fever vaccination at the Health Control Office upon arrival before proceeding to immigration. A valid vaccination certificate means that the vaccine was administered at least 10 days prior to travel to the affected country. The International Health Certificate must also be submitted together with the visa application form.

The countries/areas listed below have been declared yellow fever infected areas (Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand dated 30 November 2022):

  1. Angola
  2. Argentina
  3. Benin
  4. Bolivia
  5. Brazil
  6. Burkina Faso
  7. Burundi
  8. Cameroon
  9. Central African Republic
  10. Chad
  11. Colombia
  12. Congo
  13. Republic of the Congo
  14. Cote d’Ivoire
  15. Ecuador
  16. Equatorial Guinea
  17. Ethiopia
  18. French Guiana
  19. Gabon
  20. Gambia
  21. Ghana
  22. Guinea
  23. Guinea-Bissau
  1. Guyana
  2. Kenya
  3. Liberia
  4. Mali
  5. Mauritania
  6. Niger
  7. Nigeria
  8. Panama
  9. Paraguay
  10. Peru
  11. Rwanda
  12. Sao Tome & Principe
  13. Senegal
  14. Sierra Leone
  15. Somalia
  16. Sudan
  17. Suriname
  18. Tanzania
  19. Togo
  20. Trinidad & Tobago
  21. Uganda
  22. Venezuela

Zika virus

Zika is endemic in Thailand and cases have been reported amongst tourists. All travelers are advised to protect themselves from mosquito bites while in Thailand. Given possible transmission of the disease to unborn babies, pregnant women should consider postponing travel to Thailand or talk to their doctor about the implications of traveling to Thailand during this time.

In addition to the above, Medical Services Division at UNHQs advises that pregnant UN personnel should not undertake duty travel or be relocated to countries/areas where local transmission of Zika virus is known to occur. Women who are seeking pregnancy should obtain individual advice from their medical practitioner on risk management regarding their plans to travel into a Zika-affected area. For further information, please refer to the Zika virus FAQ.

Information on other non-vaccine preventable diseases to watch out for while in Thailand can be found here: Thailand - Traveler view | Travelers' Health | CDC.

Air pollution and Health

Bangkok, like many metropolitan Asian cities in the world, is periodically affected by high levels of air pollution, with haze and high concentrations of PM2.5 particularly of concern for sensitive groups.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand advises tourists to monitor Bangkok’s air pollution and take precautions when necessary. People who have existing asthma or are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution should consult their treating physician as to whether a trip to Bangkok is advisable at this time. Information on the Air pollution can be found Air4Thai website, maintained by the government of Thailand with daily information on air pollution.

Insurance and emergency medical service

Delegates are strongly encouraged to subscribe to a travel or health insurance which is valid in the Kingdom of Thailand, in order to cover any medical bills or hospitalization fees. In case of medical emergency, please call 1669. The nearest hospital to the UNCC is Bangkok Adventist (Mission) Hospital, which has English speaking medical support staff +662-282-1100.

When feeling unwell while in the UNCC: Anyone who feels unwell while already within the UNCC is advised to call any medical service staff at +66 2288 1352/1353/1761 during business hours, for further guidance. After business hours, they are advised to call the UN Medical Officer at +66 2288 1353 for further guidance. In case of a medical emergency within the UNCC, they are advised to call UN Security at +66 2288 1102/1120 for assistance in calling an ambulance.

Visa and entry requirements

Visa Requirements

Participants are REQUIRED to obtain an appropriate entry visa from the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General before entering Thailand, EXCEPT for those nationals listed at List of Countries entitled for Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival.

Please note that participants holding UN Laissez-Passer (UNLP) travelling on official business to Thailand are also REQUIRED to obtain an appropriate visa before entering.

To apply for an appropriate entry visa to Thailand, participants are required to contact their nearest Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate-General for the most updated information regarding visa application procedures and required documents. The list of Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate-General can be found at

Participants who wish to apply for a visa outside their country of residence or reside in a country where there is no Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate, should check with the meeting organizer for the location where it is possible for them to apply for a Thai visa. Please note that certain nationalities, for security reasons, are not allowed to apply for a visa except at the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate-General which has jurisdiction over the concerned territory.

Participants who may need further assistance from ESCAP on their visa application should contact the meeting organizer, well in advance, for necessary action.

Participants who wish to apply for a visa on arrival at Suvarnabhumi International Airport or Don Muang International Airport should follow the below requirements:

  1. The applicant must possess a passport from the list of countries whose nationals are eligible to apply for visa on arrival (List of countries entitled for Visa on Arrival) with the validity of more than 30 days, at least one completely blank page, and be in possession of a valid return ticket with date of departure within 15 days of the date of entry.
  2. The applicant must fill out an application form, which is available at the Visa-on-Arrival counter at the airport, supply one recent passport-sized photograph and a fee of Thai Baht (THB) 2,000.
  3. QR code for online application is available at Visa On Arrival ( Upon presentation of printed Transaction Reference Number, the applicant could obtain the visa at the Visa-on-Arrival counter at the airport before proceeding for immigration procedures.
  4. The applicant must provide proof of means of living expenses at the amount of THB 10,000 per person or THB 20,000 per family.

NOTE: The information provided above is accurate as of October 2022.

Entry Requirements (as of 1 March 2023)

Thai Department of Disease Control (DDC), Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) issued “Public Health Measures for Foreign Travellers Entering Thailand”, which is effective from 1 March 2023 until further notice, as per the following:

  • Proof of vaccination is No longer required.
  • Proof of health insurance is No longer required.
  • Any passenger having symptoms of COVID-19 on arrival shall be recommended to get COVID-19/RT-PCR test at arrival.

For more information, travelers can contact the DDC Hotline 1422.

Accessibility support for persons with disabilities

The UNCC is fully wheelchair-accessible and houses the Accessibility Centre on Level 1. For more information, please visit the Accessibility Centre’s webpages

Travel agent

The American Express Global Business Travel (AMEX-GBT) office is located on Level 1, UNCC, and is open weekdays from 08:00 to 17:00 hours. Remote support is available on other days ([email protected])

Travel Advisory

Visitors are advised to be respectful of Thai customs at all times. Please note that Thailand has laws against making negative comments about the institution of the monarchy. Such laws are strictly enforced and are applicable to spoken, written, gestures and electronic communication, including social media.

Transport to attend meetings

Participants need to make their own transport arrangements to and from the UNCC. Metered taxis are readily available in the city and you may also book your transportation via applications such as Grab and Volt. Some hotels close to the UN building may provide complimentary transfer service on fixed schedule, to and from the UNCC, so please check with the hotel concierge.

Souvenir shop

The souvenir shop is located on Level 1 of UNCC. It is open from 09:00 to 16:00 hours, Monday through Friday. The shop can be contacted at +66 2288 1295.

Safety and Security

For security and safety reasons, participants are reminded NOT to leave their belongings unattended. Belongings left unattended within the UNCC may be removed to the nearest Lost and Found counter or the Security Operations Centre.

All drone unmanned aircrafts are prohibited from flying over the UNCC as per the security requirements.

All occupants of the UNCC MUST comply at all times with all lawful directions given by the officers of the United Nations Security and Safety Section. Failure to do so may lead to the participant’s removal from the UNCC.

Contact numbers:

UN Security
Security Control Centre (24/7): +66.2.2881102
UN Security Emergency Number: +66.2.2881100
Mobile +66.81.8078471

Thailand Emergency Numbers:
Police general emergency call: 191
Fire: 199
Ambulance and rescue: 1669/1554
Tourism Police: 1155

Zero Tolerance towards harassment

The United Nations has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment, including sexual harassment, and will deal with such complaints promptly. Please refer to the United Nations Code of Conduct and report any incident to the Security and Safety Section either in person or by phone at +66 2288 1102.

Security protocols for UN personnel

In line with security procedures for UN staff, travel notification through the Travel Request Information Process (TRIP) is required prior to any official travel. Upon notification of travel on TRIP, UN staff members will automatically receive an updated security advice for UN visitors to Thailand. Please visit to apply for this travel notification.

In addition, the UN Department of Safety and Security requires all UN personnel, including interns and consultants, to complete the mandatory BSAFE Security Awareness Training These security certifications are required to be completed, prior to having commenced official travel.

Prayer and meditation rooms

Prayer and meditation rooms are located near CR2 on Level 2, UNCC.

Postal services

Postal services are available at the United Nations branch of Thailand Post, located on the Ground Level of UNCC. It is open from 08:00 to 16:00 hours, Monday through Friday. The office can be contacted at extension 2911.

Airline reservations

Many international airlines operate regular services to and from Bangkok. Participants are advised to secure their return bookings prior to their departure for Bangkok. If this is not possible, they should make firm return bookings immediately upon arrival in Bangkok. Travel services are available through the American Express Global Business Travel (AMEX-GBT) office located on Level 1, UNCC.

Library facilities

ESCAP Library facilities are available on Level 1, Service Building from 08:00 to 16:00 hours, Monday through Friday. For details on the use of the ESCAP Library facilities, please consult the staff on duty or call extensions 1329 and 1360. Further information about the ESCAP Library can be found on its website at

Internet services

Free wireless internet access is available in all conference and meeting rooms and in the public areas of the UNCC. Please use UN-WiFi, no password is required. Use of internet at UNCC is governed by relevant Organizational policies and guidelines. Failure to adhere to policies may result in revoking of those services.

Hotel accommodation

Hotels, located relatively close to ESCAP or by mass-transit routes, may be used by participants, should they choose to. The selection of hotels at a walking distance from the UNCC is encouraged to reduce participants’ local travel emissions and their exposure to traffic. Click here for a list of hotels, with indicative prices.

NOTE: ESCAP cannot vouch for accuracy of the information or rates contained in the document. The list is meant purely for reference and for ease of participants. The special discount rates provided are subject to change without notice. Please confirm the room rates with the hotel directly.

Participants are responsible for booking their own rooms and are requested to contact the hotel well in advance. Any cancellations, postponements or other changes should be reported to the hotel. Rooms not occupied may be charged to the participants as per the hotel’s policies.

Before departure from Bangkok, participants should settle directly with the respective hotels all accounts, including room charges and other expenses, such as for local and long-distance telephone calls, Internet usage, business center usage, laundry, room and hotel transportation services, mini-bar items, as well as restaurant and bar services. Participants are also responsible for any charges incurred with respect to rooms remaining vacant owing to late arrival or rescheduled departure for which inadequate prior notice is given.

Foreign currency declaration

Any person who brings or takes an aggregate amount of foreign currency exceeding USD 20,000 or its equivalent into or out of the Kingdom of Thailand shall declare such amount of foreign currency to a Customs Official. Failure to make such a declaration or making any false declaration to a Customs official is a criminal offence.

For reference, participants may use – at their discretion – online currency conversion tool, such as for indicative currency conversion rates.

UNCC Floor plans

The UNCC floor plans are available at The UN buildings are smoke-free. Smoking is permitted only in the designated areas outside of the buildings and in the UNCC, the designated smoking area is outside of the Public Foyer.

Electric plug and socket

The electric power in Thailand is 220V running at 50Hz and the plug types used are either Type A, Type B, or Type C. A hybrid socket is almost universally found, which accepts a combination of the above plug types.

Delegates are strongly encouraged to carry their own adapters for use with laptops and other electrical appliances as the Secretariat will not be able to provide these. In case of need, adapters can be purchased from shops in the city dealing in electronic and electrical items.

Catering services

Operating hours

Catering services are available at the following locations:

  • International Cafeteria (Level 1, UNCC), which serves breakfast from 7.30 to 10.00 hours, and Thai, Halal and International menus for lunch from 11:00 to 14:00 hours on Monday through Friday.
  • Coffee Corner (Level 1, UNCC), which serves assortment of bakery pastries and beverages, is open from 07:00 to 17:00 hours on Monday through Friday.
  • Rajapruek Lounge (Ground Level, UNCC), which serves light meals and beverages, is open from 07:00 to 17:00 hours on Monday through Friday.

In line with the Sustainable United Nations (SUN) and Environmental Management System (EMS} principles, no single use plastic is available in the UNCC. Single-use food and drink containers have been banned within the UN compound in Bangkok. When purchasing coffee/tea at the Coffee Corner, meeting participants will be asked to pay a deposit of THB 100 for a cup, which will be returned upon return of the cup.

Dining venues at the UNCC also do not provide food storage boxes, plastic cutlery or straws for take-away orders. Diners wishing to take food away are advised to bring their own reusable food containers.

Banking facilities

Banking services are available at the Siam Commercial Bank, United Nations Branch, located on Level 1 of the Service Building, from 08:30 to 15:30 hours during weekdays. (telephone extension 2168).

Siam Commercial Bank ATMs can be found near the registration desk, on the Ground Level of UNCC, and near its UN Branch office, noted above.


The weather in Bangkok is usually warm and humid. Light tropical clothing would be appropriate. The conference and meeting rooms at the UNCC are air-conditioned and the temperature is maintained in the range of 23-24 degrees Celsius (73-75 degrees Fahrenheit).



  • H.E. Mr. Gevorg MANTASHYAN
  • First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of Armenia
  • H.E. Mr. Vahram Kazhoyan
  • Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to ESCAP
  • Mr. Arshak Kerobyan
  • Head, Digitalization Department
  • Ministry of High Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia
  • Ms. Tatevik Galstyan
  • Chief specialist, Projects Department
  • Ministry of High Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia
  • Ms. Inesa Asatryan
  • Senior specialist, Trade Promotion DivisionMarket Development Department
  • Ministry of High Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia



  • Mr. Semral Aliyev
  • Head of Digital technologies and innovations Department
  • State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of Azerbaijan Republic
  • Mr. Anar Eyyubov
  • Chief Advisor, Department of Strategic Analysis
  • Innovation and Digitalization
  • Ministry of Digital Development and Transport



  • Mr. Md. Khairul Amin
  • Additional Secretary
  • Information and Communication Technology Division
  • Mr. Syed Rashedul Hossen
  • Economic Minister and Alternative Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
  • Dr. Md. Harunur Rashid
  • Deputy Secretary
  • Ministry of Science and Technology
  • Mr. Jamyang Sonam
  • Dy. Chief ICT Officer
  • Department of Information Technology and Telecom, MoIIC



  • Mr. Jigme Tenzing
  • Director
  • Department of Information Technology & Telecom
  • Ministry of Information & Communications
  • Ms. Thaye Choden, Sr. 
  • ICT Officer
  • Ministry of Information & Communications
  • Mr. Thuenzang Choephel
  • Deputy Executive Engineer
  • Ministry of Information & Communications
  • Mr. Jamyang Sonam
  • Deputy Chief ICT Officer
  • Ministry fo Information & Communications



  • H.E. Mr. Meas Po
  • Under Secretary of State
  • Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications



  • Mr. KE Yousheng
  • Permanent Representative of China to ESCAP
  • Ms. ZHANG Xiaolei
  • Director, Department of International Cooperation
  • Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China
  • Mr. TAN Zhisheng
  • Senior Researcher, Department of International Cooperation
  • Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China
  • Ms. WANG Li
  • Expert, Department of Communications Development
  • Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China
  • Mr. CHEN Hui
  • Deputy Director, Industry and Planning Research Institute
  • China Academy of Information and Communications Technology
  • Mr. LIU Yongwang
  • Senior Engineer, Industry and Planning Research Institute
  • China Academy of Information and Communications Technology
  • Ms. FAN Sichen
  • EngineerIndustry and Planning Research Institute
  • China Academy of Information and Communications Technology
  • Ms. GENG Yun
  • Assistant Permanent Representative of China to ESCAP
  • Ms. LIU Jianxiu
  • Assistant Permanent Representative of China to ESCAP


Democratic People's Republic of Korea

  • Mr. Ri Nam Song
  • Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Bangkok



  • Ms. Marina Razmadze
  • Horizon Europe National Contact Point (NCP - Research Infrastructure)
  • Ministry of Education and Science



  • H.E. Mrs. Suchitra Durai
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Embassy of India
  • Mr. Surinder Pal Singh Singh
  • Joint Secretary
  • Department of Science & Industrial Research, Technology Bhawan
  • Mrs. Alpana Dubey
  • Deputy Chief of Mission and Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Embassy of India
  • Mr. Ramanuj Banerjee
  • Scientist F, DSIR and National Focal Point, India for APCTT
  • Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR)
  • Ministry of Science & Technology
  • Mr. Sandeep Kumar
  • First Secretary and Alternate Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Embassy of India
  • Mr. Surendra Singh
  • Scientist-D, (HRD)
  • Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
  • Mr. Chhatrasal Chandra
  • Scientist-D, (R&D in CC&BT)
  • Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
  • Shri Kamlesh Kumar
  • Scientist-D, (R&D in Eletronics & IT)
  • Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
  • Mr. Bhaskar Kalra
  • Assistant Permanent Representative
  • Embassy of India, Bangkok



  • H.E. Mr. Rachmat Budiman
  • Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Thailand and Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Embassy of Indonesia, Bangkok
  • Mr. Sukmo Yuwono
  • Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia and Deputy Permanent Representative of ESCAP
  • Embassy of Indonesia, Bangkok
  • Mr. Agus Hidayat
  • Lead Expert Policy Analyst
  • Prof Dr. (Mrs) Dewayany Sutrisno
  • Researcher
  • Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
  • Mr. Chusnul Tri Judianto
  • Associate Engineer
  • Ms. Yunita Permatasari
  • Young Expert Researcher
  • Mr. Ahmad Rama Aji Nasution
  • Counsellor
  • Embassy of Indonesia, Bangkok
  • Ms. Febby Fahrani
  • Counsellor
  • Embassy of Indonesia, Bangkok
  • Ms. Mustika Hanum Widodo
  • First Secretary
  • Embassy of Indonesia, Bangkok



  • Ms. Matin Sadat Borghei
  • Assistant Professor
  • ICT research Institute
  • Minsitry of Communication
  • Ms. Somaye Kazemi
  • Ministry of Communication
  • Ms. Faegheh Majidzadeh
  • Strategic Analysis Manager
  • Telecommunication Infrastructure Company
  • Ministry of Communication
  • Ms. Zahra Khandan
  • Ministry of Communication
  • Mr. Alireza Allahyari
  • General Director
  • Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology
  • Ministry of Communication



  • Mr. GOTO Fumihiko
  • Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to ESCAP
  • Embassy of Japan, Bangkok
  • Mr. Terai Toru
  • First Secretary, Alternate Permanent Representative of Japan to ESCAP
  • Embassy of Japan, Bangkok



  • H.E. Mr. Arman Issetov
  • Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to ESCAP
  • Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bangkok
  • Mr. Altynbek Aitymbetov
  • Director of Department of International Cooperation
  • Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Mr. Nurbolat Alimbayev
  • Counselor and Deputy Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to ESCAP



  • Mr. Vongnoy Sivanthong 
  • Deputy Director General 
  • Lao National Internet Center
  • Ministry of Technology and Communication
  • Mr. Anousone Akkhavong 
  • Deputy Director General of  Digital Technology
  • Ministry of Technology and Communication
  • Mr. Saysomvang Souvannavong 
  • Director of Promotion and Services Division
  • Department of  Lao  National Internet Center
  • Ministry of Technology and Communication
  • Ms. Manilath Kinphounsinh 
  • Director of Innovation Division
  • Department of Technology and Innovation
  • Ministry of Technology and Communication
  • Ms. Phavanhna Douangboupha
  • Deputy Director General
  • Ministry of Technology and Communication



  • H.E. Mr. Mohamed Shareef
  • Minister of State for Environment, Climate Change and Technology
  • Ms. Huda Ali Shareef
  • Permanent Representative of Maldives to ESCAP
  • Embassy of Maldives
  • Ms. Fathimath Razana
  • First Secretary
  • Embassy of Maldives



  • Ms. Bolor-Erdene Battsengel
  • State Secretary
  • Ministry of Digital Development and Communication
  • Mr. Sambuu Davaadash
  • Deputy Permanent Representative of Mongolia to ESCAP
  • Embassy of Mongolia



  • H.E. Mr. Sahebzada A. Khan
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of Pakistan to ESCAP
  • Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • Mr. Zeeshan Rehman Khattak
  • Chief Commercial Officer
  • Pakistan Software Export Board
  • Ms. Faiza Haseeb
  • Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan to ESCAP
  • Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • Mr. Syed Ali Abbas Hasani
  • Director, Operations and Administration
  • Pakistan Software Export Board
  • Ms. Naila Israr
  • First Secretary & Alternate Permanent Representative of Pakistan to ESCAP
  • Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan


Papua New Guinea

  • Mr. Jordan DEAN
  • Acting Director - Grants Management



  • Mr. Ivan John E. UY
  • Secretary
  • Department of Information and Communications and Technology
  • Dr. Renato U. Solidum, Jr.
  • Undersecretary for Scientific and Technical Services
  • Department of Science and Technology
  • Dr. Gay Jane P. Perez
  • Deputy Director General
  • Office of the Deputy Director General for Space Science and Technology
  • Philippine Space Agency
  • Ms. Millicent Paredes
  • Ambassador and Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Embassy of Philippines in Bangkok
  • Ms. Beatriz Ines L. Herrera-Davila
  • Second Secretary and Consul
  • Philippine Embassy in Bangkok
  • Dr. Franz A. De Leon
  • Director, Advanced Science and Technology Institute
  • Department of Science and Technology
  • Dr. Marc Caesar R. Talampas
  • Director, Space Technology Missions and Systems Bureau
  • Philippine Space Agency
  • Dr. Ariel C. Blanco
  • Director, Space Information Infrastructure Bureau
  • Philippine Space Agency
  • Mr. Alvin E. Retamar
  • Chief Science Research Specialist
  • Advanced Science and Technology Institute
  • Department of Science and Technology
  • Ms. Katrina Kae S. Principe
  • Senior Science Research Specialist
  • Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development
  • Department of Science and Technology
  • Ms. Karen Lou S. Mabagos
  • Senior Science Research Specialist
  • Department of Science and Technology
  • Ms. Rosette G. Razon
  • Attaché
  • Philippine Embassy in Bangkok
  • Mr. Philip A. Varilla
  • Assistant Secretary for Connectivity
  • Department of Information and Communications Technology
  • Ms. Gina E. Rodriguez
  • Division Chief, International Cooperation Division
  • Department of Information and Communications Technology


Republic of Korea

  • Kim Seong Gyu
  • Director General, International Cooperation Bureau
  • Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Eun Ji Hyun
  • Director, Multilateral Cooperation Division
  • Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Son Chang Yong
  • Director, Radio Environment Safety Division
  • National Radio Research Agency
  • Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Ms. Park Suhyun
  • Deputy Director, Multilateral Cooperation Division
  • Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Kang Soohyeon 
  • Deputy Director, Multilateral Cooperation Division
  • Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Mr. Kim Kihwea
  • Deputy Director, Radio Environment Safety Division
  • National Radio Research Agency
  • Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Ms. Kim Sungeun
  • Assistant Director, Multilateral Cooperation Division
  • Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Ms. Cho Sunkyung
  • Assistant Director, Multilateral Cooperation Division
  • Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Mr. Nam Sangyirl
  • Senior Research Fellow, International Cooperation Research Division
  • Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI)
  • Mr. Kim Byungwoo
  • Researcher, International Cooperation Research Division
  • Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI)
  • Mr. Kim Eunhye
  • Researcher, International Cooperation Research Division
  • Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI)
  • Ms. Kim Eun Joo
  • Principal Researcher, Division of Global Innovation Strategy
  • Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI)
  • Ms. Lee Aram
  • Researcher, Division of Global Innovation Strategy
  • Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI)
  • Mr. Kim Dongjin
  • President
  • National Institute of Environmental Research
  • Mr. Lee Dongwon
  • Director, Environmental Satellite Center
  • National Institute of Environmental Research
  • Mr. Hong Hyunkee
  • Environment Researcher, Environmental Satellite Center
  • National Institute of Environmental Research
  • Ms. Choi Kyoung-ae
  • Research Fellow, English Editor
  • Environmental satellite Center
  • National Institute of Environmental Research
  • Ms. So Wan
  • Assistant Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Thailand


Russian Federation

  • H.E. Mr. Evgeny Tomikhin
  • Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to ESCAP
  • Mr. Oleg Shamanov
  • Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to ESCAP
  • Mr. Kiril Kablukov
  • Chief specialist-expertSection of Strategic Planning and Cooperation with International Organizations
  • Department of development of Mass Communications and International Cooperation
  • Ministry of Digital development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
  • Mr. Zorikto Gomboin
  • Leading expert, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Radio
  • Research and Development Institute
  • Mrs. Tatiana Zasheva
  • SpecialistFederal State Unitary Enterprise Radio
  • Research and Development Institute
  • Mr. Andrey Stanislavov
  • Attache, Assistant Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to ESCAP
  • Mr. Egor Alimov
  • Attache, Assistant Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to ESCAP



  • Mr. Suetena Loia
  • Assistant Chief Executive Officer
  • Ministry of Communications and Information Technology


Sri Lanka

  • H.E. Ms. C.A. Chaminda I. Colonne
  • Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to ESCAP
  • Embassy and Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Bangkok
  • Prof. Ranjith Senarathne
  • Chairman
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Prof. Leelananda Rajapaksha
  • Chairman
  • National Engineering Research & Development Center (NERDC)
  • Prof. Ajith de Alwis
  • Chief Innovation Officer
  • National Innovation Agency (NIA)
  • Prof. N.M.S. Sirimuthu
  • Commissioner
  • Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (SLIC)
  • Dr. (Mrs.) S.R.S.N. Sudasinghe
  • Director General
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Eng. Dr. Sanath Panawennege
  • Director General
  • Arthur Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies (ACCIMT)
  • Mr. P.M. Dharmatilake
  • Director General (Research), Research & Innovation Division
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ms. A.W.S. Samanmali
  • First Secretary and Deputy Permanent Representative
  • Embassy and Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka
  • Ms. Miyuki Subasinghe
  • Assistant Director (International Relations)
  • Research & Innovation Division
  • Ministry of Education
  • Mr. Crishantha Nanayakkara
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Information & Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka


  • H.E. Mr. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn
  • Minister of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Ekasit Kunanantakul
  • Secretary to the Minister of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Jakravee Visutipol
  • Attached to the secretariat of the Prime Minister
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Patra Shovityakool
  • Advisor to the Minister
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Kalaya Chinatiworn
  • Acting Foreign Affairs Advisor
  • Office of the Permanent Secretary
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Ishariyaporn Smiprem
  • Director of Regional Cooperation GroupInternational Affairs Division
  • Office of the Permanent Secretary
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Athawon Thaiyotin
  • Plan and Policy Analyst, Senior Professional Level
  • Office of the Permanent Secretary
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Tip-arpa Thiralitkamhang
  • Foreign Relations Officer, Professional Level
  • Office of the Permanent Secretary
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Waleeporn Kumching
  • Plan and Policy Analyst, Senior Professional Level
  • Office of the Permanent Secretary
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Jitsupa Tungkasiri
  • Foreign Relations Officer, Practitioner Level
  • Office of the Permanent Secretary
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Jackrakrit Srisun
  • Foreign Relations Officer
  • Office of the Permanent Secretary
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Wanchalearm Petsuwan
  • Computer Technical Officer, Professional Level
  • Telecommunication Division, Thai Meteorological Department
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Nopparat Boonploog
  • Computer Technical Officer, Practitioner Level
  • Meteorological Digital Services Division, Thai Meteorological Department
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mrs. Kanjana Phumalee
  • Director of Policy and Statistical Technique Division
  • National Statistical Office
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Taweesap Srikwan
  • Statistician, Senior Professional Level
  • National Statistical Office
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Bunpot Teemuangsong
  • Statistician, Senior Professional Level
  • National Statistical Office
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Teekayu Sritoh
  • Plan and Policy Analyst, Senior Professional Level
  • Office of the National Digital Economy and Society Commission
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Phera Srisongmuang
  • Computer Technical Officer, Professional Level
  • Office of the National Digital Economy and Society Commission
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Sirirak Kuntheeranan
  • Computer Technical Officer, Professional Level
  • Office of the National Digital Economy and Society Commission
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Wichai Deecharoenkul
  • Executive Vice President
  • National Telecommunication Public Company Limited
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Morakot Apinyankul
  • Cloud and Digital Services Development Manager Sector 3
  • National Telecommunication Public Company Limited
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Prapakamol Hindaew
  • Official, Office of the Minister
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Suttada Natiphanon
  • Official, Office of the Minister
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Ruj Sriyaphai
  • Plan and Policy Analyst
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Sivaporn Tungsiriwattanakul
  • Plan and Policy Analyst
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Narunchara Sangtip
  • Official, Office of the Minister
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Mr. Korrawut Kaewkeeree
  • Official, Office of the Minister
  • Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Ms. Raksina Lekthanoo
  • Head of International Relations Division
  • Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency
  • Mr. Peerapat Akarakupt
  • International Relations Officer, Professional level
  • Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency



  • Mr. Andrew Toimoana
  • Director of Digital Transformation Department
  • Information and Communication Technology Division


United States of America

  • Edwin Sagurton Jr.
  • Economic Counselor and U.S. Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Economic Section, U.S. Embassy Bangkokk
  • Mr. James Cerven
  • Regional Technology Officer
  • Political-Economic Section
  • U.S. Consulate General Sydney
  • Ms. Margaret Dapice
  • Economic Officer and Alternate Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Economic Section, U.S. Embassy Bangkok
  • Mr. Paul Neville
  • International Organizations Advisor and U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Economic Section, U.S. Embassy Bangkok



  • Mr. Bunyod Rakhmatullaev
  • Head of Global Rankings Department
  • Ministry of Innovative Development

Macao, China

  • Mr. CHE Wai Meng, Simon
  • Chief of the Project Transformation and Support Development, Science and Technology Development Fund
  • Mr. FONG Vai Hong
  • Senior Officer
  • Economic and Technological Development Bureau
  • Mr. CHEONG Kuan U
  • Senior Officer
  • Economic and Technological Development Bureau

Arab Republic of Egypt

  • H.E. Mr. Moustapha Mahmoud Moustapha Elkouny
  • Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Kingdom of Thailand



  • H.E. Mr. Ovikuroma Orogun Djebah
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
  • Embassy of Nigeria, Bangkok
  • Mr. Mohammed Haidara
  • Minister
  • Embassy of Nigeria, Bangkok

Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT)

  • Mr. Liu Ziping
  • Deputy Secretary General


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

  • Mr. Thomas Abell
  • Advisor and Chief of Digital Technology for Development
  • Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department
  • Ms. Yoonee Jeong
  • Senior Digital Technology Specialist


Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN)

  • Clara Landeiro
  • CTCN Regional Manager for Asia-Pacific


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

  • Mr. Jonathan Chua
  • Regional IT Manager
  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

  • Mr. Malcolm Johnson
  • Deputy Secretary-General
  • ITU, Geneva Switzerland
  • Mr. Calvin Chan
  • Programme Administrator
  • ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
  • Ms. Gitanjali Sah
  • Strategy and Policy Coordinator
  • ITU, Geneva, Switzerland


South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Secretariat (SAARC)

  • Mr. Tanveer Ahmed
  • Director (Energy, Transport, Science & Technology)



  • Mr. Baurzhan Kussubayev
  • Head of Policy Development and Monitoring Division
  • Ms. Samira Rafizade
  • Head of International and Internal Affairs Division



  • Mr. Shivam Kishore
  • Senior Advisor, Digital Transformation Programme Co-Champion
  • Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability



  • Mr. Karim Ghalaini
  • Regional Chief of ICT & Digital Innovation
  • Mr. Benjamin Grubb
  • Business Analyst, Technology for Development


World Meteorological Organization

  • Mr. Ben Churchill
  • Head, WMO Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific
  • Mr. Jun Yu
  • Regional OfficerWMO Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific
  • Mr. Yongqing Chen
  • Technical Coordinator (Infrastructure)
  • WMO Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific


World Trade Organization

  • Mr. Mohammed Saleh
  • Legal Officer, Development Division


World Tourism Organization

  • Ms. Natalia Bayona
  • Director of Innovation, Education and Investments Department



  • Mrs. Chavali Pamela Osathanugrah
  • Dr. Soipetch Resanond
  • Ms. Orayaporn Karnchanachari






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