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With the theme, “Asia-Pacific Statistics Week was held from 15 to 18 June 2020 as a virtual event. A decade of action for the 2030 Agenda: Statistics that leave no one and nowhere behind”, the week focused on progress made towards our Collective Vision and Framework for Action. The goal was to empower national statistical systems to meet urgent and evolving statistical needs through five action areas:

  • A: Engaging users and investing in statistics
  • B: Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics
  • C: Integrated statistics for integrated analysis
  • D: Modernizing statistical business processes
  • E: Having requisite skills set

This event has drawn massive interest with abstracts from more than 400 authors across the region. The week discussed 85 papers representing 18 countries and eight international organizations.

  • Practitioners showcased and discussed developments in official statistics in 15 parallel sessions throughout the week
  • Monday started with a high-level plenary session on the future of statistics
  • Reflections on Thursday was led by John Pullinger, the President of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)

Asia Pacific Statistics Week papers are eligible to be selected for further development and publication in professional journals with the support of the IAOS and ESCAP.

Guidelines and templates

15 Jun 2020
Session break
16 Jun 2020
Session break
17 Jun 2020
Session break
18 Jun 2020
Session/Paper Titles Link to
Paper PPT Watch video by session

Monday, 15 June 2020

PS1. Plenary session 1: "A decade of action for the 2030 Agenda: Statistics that leaves no one and nowhere behind"

(Watch PS1 )

Opening remarks (Gemma Van Halderen, Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP)
Keynote - The Future is Here (Lisa Grace Bersales Professor of Statistics, University of the Philippines and former National Statistician Philippine Statistics Authority)
Keynote - Inter-regional Collaboration (Oliver Chinganya Director African Centre for Statistics, ECA)
Overview of the 2020 Asia-Pacific Statistics Week (Rikke Munk Hansen, Chief, Economic and Environment Statistics Section, Statistics Division, ESCAP)
SA1. How can we empower a statistical system to be responsive to users’ needs?
(Watch SA1)
01. Approaching to Users with Statistical Products: An Experience of Decentralized Dissemination of Economic Census Results
02. Measuring Exports of Manufacturing Services in Indonesia
03. Building A Statistics Society through YouTube
04. Inspiration approach towards the use of official Statistics for sustainable development
05. Improving data literacy using liteRate: An R Shiny Apps for visualizing and exploring data published on BPS-Statistics Indonesia’s Website
SB1. How can quality be instilled in official statistics?
(Watch SB1)
06. Strengthening the National Statistical System through Language Policy: A Case Study in the Statistical Centre of Iran
07. Integrating user satisfaction in Agriculture statistics: The case of Nepal
08. Price Statistics: collection, reforms, and public confidence in Pakistan
09. Reviewing National Statistical System of Nepal in the New Federal Structure
10. In-depth review and needs assessment of CRVS System to develop an action plan for overall improvement of the system
11. Measuring Maternal Mortality using Civil Registration Data
SC1. Approaches to integrated analysis: use of sound methodologies
(Watch SC1)
12. The Use of Mobile Positioning data to Measure Visitors of a Multisport Events: A Case study of ASIAN Games 2018 in Indonesia
13. Statistical Business Process for Big Data Usage
14. Application of the text mining technique to improve the dataset integration in foreign trade price indexes
15. The nutritious foods Price Index and Food Security of Urban and Rural Households in Iran
16. Extended Input-Output Table - Integrated Analysis for Low Carbon Development in Indonesia
17. Comparison of ARIMA, SSA, and ARIMA – SSA Hybrid Model Performance in Indonesian Economic Growth Forecasting

Tuesday, 15 June 2020

SA2. Innovations in meeting the demand for development data Flyer (SA2)
(Watch SA2)
18. National Indicator Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (2018-2030)
19. Decent Work Indicators: A way for policy makers and data users in Pakistan
20. Linked Open Data Implementation for Integrated Dissemination
21. Engaging Users and Investing in Statistics
22. Investing in Statistical Frameworks - Prioritization of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics
23. Health Inequality and Growth in Developing Countries: Experiences from Indonesia, Pakistan and Philippines
SD1. Six modernization approaches for your statistical business
(Watch SD1)
24. Narrative of Digitization-Successful drives from paper to paper less mapping
25. e-survey: Modernisation in data collection of short-term economic survey
26. Mobile data collection application for Time use survey 2019 of Mongolia
27. Probabilistic record linkage: an innovative method to improve the quality of data integration (Case study in Iran (Islamic Republic of))
28. Big Data for Official Statistics: Administrative Area Identification from Plain Text Address
29. Digital Enterprise Architecture to Support Effective and Efficient Statistical Production
SE1. Skills for the 21st Century
(Watch SE1)
30. Research on Optimization of Statistical Talent Development
31. kNOwVAWdata: an innovative model for improving skills of national statistical offices to measure and monitor violence against women in Asia and the Pacific
32. Golden principles for ethical and safe interviewing in surveys on violence against women
SB2. Increasing trust in Official Statistics via transparency on results of quality assessments
(Watch SB2)
33. Development of Integrated Analysis with the Development of the Small Area Estimation Model in Inflation data
34. Quality Assessment of Administrative Data for the Census in Indonesia based on Census Test Results
35. Listening the public opinion? An approach from big data with the case of revision GDP in the period 2010-2017 in Viet Nam
36. Statistical Capacity to Report and Monitor the FAO-relevant SDG indicators: The results of the FAO Statistical Capacity Assessment Survey 2018/19 for Asia
37. Performance of the Vital Registration System in the Maldives
SC2. Which way now on the journey towards integrated statistics (1)? Learning from analyses in Pakistan, Indonesia, and perspectives from International Organisations
(Watch SC2)
38. Integrating agricultural statistics to face increased data demands
39. Estimation of SDGs indicator for non-sampled area using cluster information
40. SWOT Analysis to Reviewing Business Characteristic (BCS) Survey 2019 for Integrating business and ICT Data in Indonesia
41. Review of Availability, Registration and Quality of Hospital Based Death Statistics and Determining Mortality Patterns by Cause of Death
42. The Use of Mobile Positioning Data (MPD) to Delineate Metropolitan Area in Indonesia
43. Birth registration inequalities: a case study of Pakistan
SD2. Modernisation is a must – six reasons why
(Watch SD2)
44. Compilation of Nepal Tourism Satellite Accounts: Opportunities and Challenges
45. Overall Review of Statistical Production Processes from GSBPM perspective: The Case of Kyrgyzstan
46. Implementation of Online Questionnaire in General Household Survey in Hong Kong
47. A Pilot Project of Area Sampling Frame for Maize Statistics: Indonesia’s Experience
48. On the Way of Modernization: A Review of I.R. Iran's Official Vital Statistics from the GSBPM Point of View
49. Harnessing social media data to measuring mental health statistics

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

SA3. Engaging users and data beneficiaries for impact and action by governments and partners
(Watch SA3)
50. Statistical Integration for One Data on International Migration
51. Women Empowerment and Correlates: Evidences from the 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey
52. Through sleet and snow: overcoming challenges in the field during the first national study on violence against women in Mongolia
53. From data to action to impact: How Viet Nam has changed in the decade since the first Violence against women prevalence survey
SB3. Novel approaches to assuring quality and instilling trust in Official Statistics
(Watch SB3)
54. Trade margin in national accounts: effectiveness of commodity flow approach for credibility escalation
55. Calculation of trade and transport margins in pattern of trade distribution
56. Maximizing completeness of data and instilling trust in birth registration in Afghanistan: Findings from three provinces
57. Integrated Sector Accounts for Turkey
58. Pacific Data Hub: Improved Data Dissemination and Use in Pacific Island Countries
59. Waste Inventory Report - baseline data for SDG 12
SC3. Which way now on the journey towards integrated statistics (2)? Learning from analyses in Nepal, Indonesia, Korea, and Malaysia
(Watch SC3)
60. Employment Relationship in the Brick Industry in Nepal
61. Stochastic Frontier Model with Spatial Effect for Measuring Multifactor Productivity
62. The Impact of Indonesian-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU-CEPA) on Indonesia’s Textile and Textile Products Export
63. Comparison of fertility measures from censuses and vital statistics
64. An Experimental Measure of Malaysia’s Gig Workers Using LFS
65. The Determinants of Malaysian’s Youth Not in Employment, Education or Training

Session break

SC4. Integrated analysis for the 2030 Agenda
(Watch SC4)
66. Review of E-Money Contribution for a Better Quality of Financial System Stability Measurements in Indonesia
67. Importance of PPP, existence of integrated systems, when strengthening National Statistics Office’s Role: In a point of view of a National Accounts Compiler
68. Novel Approach in Outbound Tourism Statistics in the Era of Revolution Industry
69. Study on Measuring the Sustainable of Tourism (MST) in Malaysia  
70. Spatial Analysis: Population Ageing of Multi-ethnic Malaysia in Rural Area
71. Going Beyond Measuring the Rural Access Index in the Philippines
SC5. It’s worth investing in integrated statistics for integrated analysis
(Watch SC5)
72. A New Approach Towards Utilizing Administrative Data Sources
73. Identification of poor households for targeting in Nepal
74. Developing Malaysia Business Cycle Clock (MBCC) for A Better Insights on Economic Cycle
75. Temporal Disaggregation Method for Estimating Indonesia’s Monthly Gross Domestic Product
76. Bilateral Support to the Nepal Data Ecosystem
77. Analysis of Input-Output Table : Integrated of Economic Development by Leading Sectors in Indonesia
SD3. Changing what we do: how national statistical systems are transforming statistical business for the better
(Watch SD3)
78. Harmonizing Business-Based Surveys Based on Statistics Indonesia’s Business-Based Survey Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
79. Modernization in Compiling Malaysia’s International Investment Position (IIP) through Integrated System
80. Strategy and Practice of Data Middle Platform Construction of NBS
81. Forecasting of International Tourists Arrival in Nepal: An application of ARIMA
82. Utilizing Price Comparison Website to Produce Hedonic Price Index

Thursday, 18 June 2020

PS2. Official Statistics for the 21st century: opportunities under the new normal
(Watch PS2)
Action Area B: Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics
Action Area C: Integrated Statistics for Integrated Analysis
Action Area D: Modernizing statistical business processes
Action Area E: Having requisite skills sets

Report on the results of the 2020 Asia Pacific Statistics Week

The 2020 Asia-Pacific Statistics Week (2020APStatsWeek) was held as a virtual event from 15-18 June 2020 under the theme “A decade of action for the 2030 Agenda: Statistics that leave no one and nowhere behind”. It focused on the progress made towards a regional Collective Vision and Framework for Action endorsed by the ESCAP Committee on Statistics in December 2016. The Collective Vision and Framework for Action aims to empower national statistical systems to meet urgent and evolving statistical needs.

The meeting was attended by at least 879 experts, development partners, academicians, official statisticians and various public and private stakeholders from 63 countries and territories around the world. Figures 1 to 3 provide basic profiles about the participants and the countries who attended the virtual event.

Figure 1. 2020 Asia Pacific Statistics Week: registered participants by country of origin

  • 879 Registered participants
  • 63 Countries/territories


Figure 2. 2020 Asia Pacific Statistics Week: countries and areas with at least 10 registered participants

Figure 2: 2020 Asia Pacific Statistics Week: countries with at least 10 registered participants


Figure 3. 2020 Asia Pacific Statistics Week: registered participants by gender

Figure 3: 2020 Asia Pacific Statistics Week: registered participants by gender


This online Report on the Results of the 2020 Asia Pacific Statistics Week is organized into two major sections as presented in Table 1. Section 1 provides the links to infographics with highlights and feedback on sessions organized within each action areas based on the evaluation forms filled-up by several session participants. The links to session flyers, PowerPoint presentations, abstracts, papers and videos are also provided for quick reference. Section 2 presents the links to: relevant documents for the two plenary sessions; complete list of registered participants; photo gallery; press release; and the event’s main page.

Table 1: Organization of the Report on the Results of the 2020 Asia Pacific Statistics Week

Section 1. Findings for sessions from each of the five Action areas
A: Engaging users and investing in statistics?
B: Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics?
C: Integrated statistics for integrated analysis?
D: Modernizing statistical business processes?
E: Having requisite skills set
Section 2. Links to plenary sessions and other key points of the virtual event
The Plenary Sessions
Photo Gallery
Press release


Action Area A: Engaging users and investing in statistics

Feedback - Action Area A: Engaging users and investing in statistics

Session/Action Area
Watch video
SA1. How can we empower a statistical system to be responsive to users’ needs?
SA2. Innovations in meeting the demand for development data
SA3. Engaging users and data beneficiaries for impact and action by governments and partners


Action Area B: Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics

Feedback - Action Area B: Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics

Session/Action Area
Watch video
SB1. How can quality be instilled in official statistics?
SB2. Increasing trust in Official Statistics via transparency on results of quality assessments
SB3. Novel approaches to assuring quality and instilling trust in official statistics


Action Area C: Integrated statistics for integrated analysis

Feedback - Action Area C: Integrated statistics for integrated analysis

Session/Action Area
Watch video
SC1. Approaches to integrated analysis: use of sound methodologies
SC2. Which way now on the journey towards integrated statistics (1)? Learning from analyses in Pakistan, Indonesia, and perspectives from International Organisations
SC3. Which way now on the journey towards integrated statistics (2)? Learning from analyses in Nepal, Indonesia, Korea, and Malaysia
SC4. Integrated analysis for the 2030 Agenda
SC5. It’s worth investing in integrated statistics for integrated analysis


Action Area D: Modernizing statistical business processes

Feedback - Action Area D: Modernizing statistical business processes

Session/Action Area
Watch video
SD1. Six modernization approaches for your statistical business
SD2. Modernisation is a must – six reasons why
SD3. Changing what we do: how national statistical systems are transforming statistical business for the better


Action Area E: Having requisite skills set

Feedback - Action Area E: Having requisite skills set

Session/Action Area
Watch video
SE1. Skills for the 21st Century


The Plenary sessions

Session/Action Area
Watch video
PS1. A decade of action for the 2030 Agenda: Statistics that leave no one and nowhere behind
PS2. Official Statistics for the 21st century: opportunities under the new normal

for more information, please contact

Statistics Division +66 2288 1234 [email protected]