Monday, 15 June 2020
PS1. Plenary session 1: "A decade of action for the 2030 Agenda: Statistics that leaves no one and nowhere behind" |
(Watch PS1 )
Opening remarks (Gemma Van Halderen, Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP) |
Keynote - The Future is Here (Lisa Grace Bersales Professor of Statistics, University of the Philippines and former National Statistician Philippine Statistics Authority) |
Keynote - Inter-regional Collaboration (Oliver Chinganya Director African Centre for Statistics, ECA) |
Overview of the 2020 Asia-Pacific Statistics Week (Rikke Munk Hansen, Chief, Economic and Environment Statistics Section, Statistics Division, ESCAP) |
SA1. How can we empower a statistical system to be responsive to users’ needs? |
01. Approaching to Users with Statistical Products: An Experience of Decentralized Dissemination of Economic Census Results |
02. Measuring Exports of Manufacturing Services in Indonesia |
03. Building A Statistics Society through YouTube |
04. Inspiration approach towards the use of official Statistics for sustainable development |
05. Improving data literacy using liteRate: An R Shiny Apps for visualizing and exploring data published on BPS-Statistics Indonesia’s Website |
SB1. How can quality be instilled in official statistics? |
06. Strengthening the National Statistical System through Language Policy: A Case Study in the Statistical Centre of Iran |
07. Integrating user satisfaction in Agriculture statistics: The case of Nepal |
08. Price Statistics: collection, reforms, and public confidence in Pakistan |
09. Reviewing National Statistical System of Nepal in the New Federal Structure |
10. In-depth review and needs assessment of CRVS System to develop an action plan for overall improvement of the system |
11. Measuring Maternal Mortality using Civil Registration Data |
SC1. Approaches to integrated analysis: use of sound methodologies |
12. The Use of Mobile Positioning data to Measure Visitors of a Multisport Events: A Case study of ASIAN Games 2018 in Indonesia |
13. Statistical Business Process for Big Data Usage |
14. Application of the text mining technique to improve the dataset integration in foreign trade price indexes |
15. The nutritious foods Price Index and Food Security of Urban and Rural Households in Iran |
16. Extended Input-Output Table - Integrated Analysis for Low Carbon Development in Indonesia |
17. Comparison of ARIMA, SSA, and ARIMA – SSA Hybrid Model Performance in Indonesian Economic Growth Forecasting |
Tuesday, 15 June 2020
SA2. Innovations in meeting the demand for development data |
Flyer (SA2) |
18. National Indicator Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (2018-2030) |
19. Decent Work Indicators: A way for policy makers and data users in Pakistan |
20. Linked Open Data Implementation for Integrated Dissemination |
21. Engaging Users and Investing in Statistics |
22. Investing in Statistical Frameworks - Prioritization of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics |
23. Health Inequality and Growth in Developing Countries: Experiences from Indonesia, Pakistan and Philippines |
SD1. Six modernization approaches for your statistical business |
24. Narrative of Digitization-Successful drives from paper to paper less mapping |
25. e-survey: Modernisation in data collection of short-term economic survey |
26. Mobile data collection application for Time use survey 2019 of Mongolia |
27. Probabilistic record linkage: an innovative method to improve the quality of data integration (Case study in Iran (Islamic Republic of)) |
28. Big Data for Official Statistics: Administrative Area Identification from Plain Text Address |
29. Digital Enterprise Architecture to Support Effective and Efficient Statistical Production |
SE1. Skills for the 21st Century |
30. Research on Optimization of Statistical Talent Development |
31. kNOwVAWdata: an innovative model for improving skills of national statistical offices to measure and monitor violence against women in Asia and the Pacific |
32. Golden principles for ethical and safe interviewing in surveys on violence against women |
SB2. Increasing trust in Official Statistics via transparency on results of quality assessments |
33. Development of Integrated Analysis with the Development of the Small Area Estimation Model in Inflation data |
34. Quality Assessment of Administrative Data for the Census in Indonesia based on Census Test Results |
35. Listening the public opinion? An approach from big data with the case of revision GDP in the period 2010-2017 in Viet Nam |
36. Statistical Capacity to Report and Monitor the FAO-relevant SDG indicators: The results of the FAO Statistical Capacity Assessment Survey 2018/19 for Asia |
37. Performance of the Vital Registration System in the Maldives |
SC2. Which way now on the journey towards integrated statistics (1)? Learning from analyses in Pakistan, Indonesia, and perspectives from International Organisations |
38. Integrating agricultural statistics to face increased data demands |
39. Estimation of SDGs indicator for non-sampled area using cluster information |
40. SWOT Analysis to Reviewing Business Characteristic (BCS) Survey 2019 for Integrating business and ICT Data in Indonesia |
41. Review of Availability, Registration and Quality of Hospital Based Death Statistics and Determining Mortality Patterns by Cause of Death |
42. The Use of Mobile Positioning Data (MPD) to Delineate Metropolitan Area in Indonesia |
43. Birth registration inequalities: a case study of Pakistan |
SD2. Modernisation is a must – six reasons why |
44. Compilation of Nepal Tourism Satellite Accounts: Opportunities and Challenges |
45. Overall Review of Statistical Production Processes from GSBPM perspective: The Case of Kyrgyzstan |
46. Implementation of Online Questionnaire in General Household Survey in Hong Kong |
47. A Pilot Project of Area Sampling Frame for Maize Statistics: Indonesia’s Experience |
48. On the Way of Modernization: A Review of I.R. Iran's Official Vital Statistics from the GSBPM Point of View |
49. Harnessing social media data to measuring mental health statistics |
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
SA3. Engaging users and data beneficiaries for impact and action by governments and partners |
50. Statistical Integration for One Data on International Migration |
51. Women Empowerment and Correlates: Evidences from the 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey |
52. Through sleet and snow: overcoming challenges in the field during the first national study on violence against women in Mongolia |
53. From data to action to impact: How Viet Nam has changed in the decade since the first Violence against women prevalence survey |
SB3. Novel approaches to assuring quality and instilling trust in Official Statistics |
54. Trade margin in national accounts: effectiveness of commodity flow approach for credibility escalation |
55. Calculation of trade and transport margins in pattern of trade distribution |
56. Maximizing completeness of data and instilling trust in birth registration in Afghanistan: Findings from three provinces |
57. Integrated Sector Accounts for Turkey |
58. Pacific Data Hub: Improved Data Dissemination and Use in Pacific Island Countries |
59. Waste Inventory Report - baseline data for SDG 12 |
SC3. Which way now on the journey towards integrated statistics (2)? Learning from analyses in Nepal, Indonesia, Korea, and Malaysia |
60. Employment Relationship in the Brick Industry in Nepal |
61. Stochastic Frontier Model with Spatial Effect for Measuring Multifactor Productivity |
62. The Impact of Indonesian-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU-CEPA) on Indonesia’s Textile and Textile Products Export |
63. Comparison of fertility measures from censuses and vital statistics |
64. An Experimental Measure of Malaysia’s Gig Workers Using LFS |
65. The Determinants of Malaysian’s Youth Not in Employment, Education or Training |
Session break
SC4. Integrated analysis for the 2030 Agenda |
66. Review of E-Money Contribution for a Better Quality of Financial System Stability Measurements in Indonesia |
67. Importance of PPP, existence of integrated systems, when strengthening National Statistics Office’s Role: In a point of view of a National Accounts Compiler |
68. Novel Approach in Outbound Tourism Statistics in the Era of Revolution Industry |
69. Study on Measuring the Sustainable of Tourism (MST) in Malaysia |
70. Spatial Analysis: Population Ageing of Multi-ethnic Malaysia in Rural Area |
71. Going Beyond Measuring the Rural Access Index in the Philippines |
SC5. It’s worth investing in integrated statistics for integrated analysis |
72. A New Approach Towards Utilizing Administrative Data Sources |
73. Identification of poor households for targeting in Nepal |
74. Developing Malaysia Business Cycle Clock (MBCC) for A Better Insights on Economic Cycle |
75. Temporal Disaggregation Method for Estimating Indonesia’s Monthly Gross Domestic Product |
76. Bilateral Support to the Nepal Data Ecosystem |
77. Analysis of Input-Output Table : Integrated of Economic Development by Leading Sectors in Indonesia |
SD3. Changing what we do: how national statistical systems are transforming statistical business for the better |
78. Harmonizing Business-Based Surveys Based on Statistics Indonesia’s Business-Based Survey Business Process Reengineering (BPR) |
79. Modernization in Compiling Malaysia’s International Investment Position (IIP) through Integrated System |
80. Strategy and Practice of Data Middle Platform Construction of NBS |
81. Forecasting of International Tourists Arrival in Nepal: An application of ARIMA |
82. Utilizing Price Comparison Website to Produce Hedonic Price Index |
Thursday, 18 June 2020
PS2. Official Statistics for the 21st century: opportunities under the new normal |
Reflections: |
Action Area B: Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics |
Action Area C: Integrated Statistics for Integrated Analysis |
Action Area D: Modernizing statistical business processes |
Action Area E: Having requisite skills sets |