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20 to 23 February 2024 | By invitation only

United Nations Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand

The Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) is an annual, inclusive intergovernmental forum to support follow-up and review of progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional level.

This regional platform aims to inform, empower, and support Asia-Pacific countries (especially least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States) in their efforts to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their targets set out by the 2030 Agenda by identifying regional trends and sharing best practices and lessons learned. The Forum convenes United Nations system bodies, member States, international organisations, civil society, and other stakeholders whose reflections feed into and inform the 2024 High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York, which reviews sustainable development progress at the global level.

The 11th APFSD will be organized from 20-23 February under the theme: “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: The effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions in Asia and the Pacific” at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand.

In alignment with the focus of the 2024 HLPF, the Forum will assess progress on the SDGs under review: Goal 1 (No poverty); Goal 2 (Zero hunger); Goal 13 (Climate action); Goal 16 (Peace, justice, and strong institutions) and Goal 17 (Partnership for the Goals). The Forum will also support the presentation of voluntary national reviews (VNRs) at the 2024 HLPF.

Click to see the Concept Note and Weekly Overview.

11th APFSD Assessment

Participants are kindly requested to assess the 11th APFSD by completing the questionnaire under the following link.

Sustainable Development Goals Under Review in 2024


Subregional preparatory meetings for the APFSD 2024:


- South and South-West Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 10-12 October 2023

- North and Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 01-02 November 2023

- South-East Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, 06-07 November 2023

- East and North-East Asia, Beijing, China, 20-22 November 2023

- Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 21-22 November 2023

20 Feb 2024
[ NOTICE ] Please note that this is a tentative program and is subject to change.
AGENDA ITEMS 1 and 2, High-level Segment
AGENDA ITEM 1: Opening of the Eleventh Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development

Opening of the forum

(a) Opening addresses

Opening remarks by Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP

Special remarks

  • H.E. Mr. Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thailand (TBC)
  • Ms. Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations 
  • H.E. Ms. Paula Narvaéz, President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (Video Message)
  • Ms. Antonia Lilii, Representative from the Asia Pacific People's Forum
  • Ms. Shilpa Lamichhane, Youth advocate, Representative from Visible Impact Nepal, Representative from the APFSD Youth Forum

(b) Election of officers

Election of the Bureau of the 11th APFSD

(c) Adoption of the agenda

Elected Chair of the 11th APFSD conducts the adoption of the agenda

Click here to see the Concept Note.

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AGENDA ITEM 2: Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: The effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions in Asia and the Pacific

-SDG progress report presentation to set the stage  

-Showcase SDG successes in 6 transition pathways for SDG transformation 

-Ministerial Panel on addressing the interlinked challenges of climate change, poverty, and hunger in times of multiple crises in Asia and the Pacific 

-Country and stakeholders’ statements.


Moderator:  Ms. Hanaa Singer, UN Resident Coordinator, Nepal



  • H.E. Mr. Vahan Kostanyan, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Armenia
  • H.E. Ms. Rosemarie G. Edillon, Undersecretary, Policy and Planning Group, National Economic and Development Authority, Philippines
  • H.E. Ms. Peseta Noumea Simi, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Samoa


  • Mr. Woochong Um, Managing Director General, Asian Development Bank
  • Ms. Kanni Wignaraja, UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific
  • Ms. Arnold Padilla, Programme Coordinator, Pesticides Action Network - Asia Pacific

Click here to see the Concept Note.

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Click here to see Side Events page

AGENDA ITEM 2: Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: The effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions in Asia and the Pacific (continued)

-High-level panel: On the Road to the 2024 Summit of the Future  

-Discuss regional perspectives of a reinvigorated multilateral system 

-Dialogue on topics in the chapters of the Pact for the Future: 

-Sustainable finance for development 

-Promoting science, technology, innovation and digital cooperation for sustainable development 

-Promoting engagement of youth and acting on behalf of future generations 

-Country and stakeholders’ statement

Opening remarks: 

  • Mr. Guy Ryder, Under Secretary-General of the United Nations for Policy 

  • Mr. Felipe Paullier, Assistant Secretary-General for Youth Affairs 

Moderator: Ms. Karima El Korri; UN Resident Coordinator in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam 


  • H.E. Mr. Esrom Yosef Immanuel, Assistant Minister for Finance, Fiji 

  • H.E. Mr. Mohamed Kinaanath, Minister of State for Homeland Security and Technology, Maldives

  • H.E. Ms. Hajjah Hanifah Hajar Taib, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy, Malaysia 

  • Mr. Netithorn Praditsarn, Secretary General of Global Compact Network Association of Thailand 

  • H.E. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, Executive Director ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation 

  • Cielito "Cham" Perez, Executive Director, Center for Women's Resources, Philippines 

Click here to see the Concept Note. 


For more information take a look at the Report Launch event page at the Asia-Pacific SDG Partnership

21 Feb 2024
AGENDA ITEM 3: Accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through voluntary national reviews

-Panel discussion on strengthening policy coherence through voluntary national reviews to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda

-Linkages between VNRs and other national and sub-national development objectives, including those specifically related to countries in special situations

-Country and stakeholders’ statements


Moderator:  Ms. Karla Hershey, UN Resident Coordinator in Bhutan



  • Ms. Norliza Hashim, Chief Executive, Urbanice Malaysia, Ministry of Housing and Local Governments, Malaysia
  • Mr. Huseyn Huseynov, Secretary of National Coordination Council on Sustainable Development, Azerbaijan
  • Ms. Juliette Hakwa, Head -  Monitoring & Evaluation Unit, Department of Strategic Policy, Planning, and Aid Coordination Unit, Office of the Prime Minister, Vanuatu
  • Mr. Daya Sagar ShresthaExecutive Director, National Campaign for Sustainable Development (NACASUD), Nepal
  • Ms. Villaney RemengesauMember/ Advisor, Belau Association of NGO (BANGO), Palau


  • Ms. Karima El KorriResident Coordinator in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam
  • Mr. Tapan Mishra, Resident Coordinator in Mongolia 
  • Mr. Dirk Wagener, Resident Coordinator in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu
  • Ms. Pauline Tamesis, Resident Coordinator in Vietnam 
  • Ms. Funmi Balogun, Resident Coordinator in Timor Leste

Click here to see the Concept Note.

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Click here to see the Side Events page


Click here to see the Concept Note.

For more information: APFSD11: SDG Round Tables page


Click here to see the Side Events page

22 Feb 2024

Click here to see the Concept Note.

For more information: APFSD11: SDG Round Tables page


Click here to see the Side Events page

AGENDA ITEM 4: Review of regional progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and opportunities for achieving the SDGs

(a) Progress towards the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17 at the regional level (reporting back from the SDG Round tables)

(b) Implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the subregional level

Introduction: Ms. Andie Fong Toy, Head, Subregional Office for the Pacific 

Presentation on the outcomes of all the subregional forums: Ms. Mikiko Tanaka, Head, Subregional Office for South and South-West Area 


  • Mr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy
  • Ms. Vuki Buadromo, Principal Adviser to the Deputy Director General, Secretariat of the Pacific Community
  • H.E. Ms. Zulfiya Suleimenova, Advisor to the President of Kazakhstan (video message)
  • Ms. Olga Djanaeva (CSO representative), Director, Rural Women's Association ALGA, Kyrgyzstan 

Country and Stakeholders' Statements

Click here to see the Concept Note.

(c) Reporting on system-wide results of the United Nations at the regional level in Asia and the Pacific in support of the 2030 Agenda


Intervention from the Co-Vice-Chairs of the Regional Collaborative Platform in Asia and the Pacific  

  • Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP (5 mins) 

  • Ms. Kanni Wignaraja, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific (video message) 

Country and stakeholders’ statements after each subitem

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AGENDA ITEM 5: Other matters

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Click here to see the Side Events page

23 Feb 2024

Click here to see the Side Events page


Click here to see the Associated and Pre-Events page

AGENDA ITEM 6: Adoption of the report

Closing of the forum

Closing remarks: Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP 

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This document provides links to external and third-party website, for convenience of meeting participants, and for use at their discretion. ESCAP cannot vouch for the accuracy or correctness of the information contained therein. 

The Eleventh Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development is scheduled to be held in-person at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok on 20-23 February 2024. Virtual participation will be facilitated where necessary.


Each delegation is required to submit a letter of credentials, duly signed by the appropriate authority of the respective Government or organization, at the earliest convenience prior to 6 February 2024 to [email protected]. Only delegates who appear on the credentials will be recognized in the list of participants. Originals may be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at the address below. 

Office of the Executive Secretary   
Executive Office Suite 
United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) 
United Nations Building  
The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) 
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand 

Each delegate who appears in the aforementioned letter of credentials is required to register online as soon as possible at the Indico Registration Link: Only registration of accredited delegates will be accepted. 

Registration and identification badges

Online registration and identification badge 


In order to facilitate the registration process participants are REQUIRED to register online at well in advance, but no later than February 6, 2024 to facilitate smooth coordination of the issuance of photo badges as well as the compilation of the list of participants. 

Please note that prior online registration is mandatory in line with standard security procedures to facilitate security clearance and entrance to the premises.  

Participants who have registered online can obtain photo badges at the registration counter, located on the Ground Level, UNCC, from 08:00 to 11:00 and 13:00 to 15:00 hours during the Conference. 

Participants who are not able to register online during the times indicated above are requested to do so upon their arrival at UNCC in order to get meeting badges issued. Please also note that only the names of duly registered participants will be included in the list of participants. Participants attending for side and associated events should first register with the organizers of those events, separate from the APFSD online registration system. 

For identification and security reasons, all participants are REQUIRED to wear their meeting badges at all times while they are on the UN complex, which includes meetings and social functions. Loss of a meeting badge should be immediately communicated to the registration counter or the UN security, so that the incident can be recorded, and a new badge can be issued.

Registration instructions


Mail intended for participants during the session should be addressed as follows: 
(Name of delegate) 
c/o Ms. Juliet Braslow 
Sustainable Development Officer 
Office of the Executive Secretary  
ESCAP, United Nations Building 
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue 
Bangkok 10200 
E-mail: [email protected] with a copy to [email protected].  

Meeting documents

Considering the carbon footprint involved in producing papers and printing documents, it is strongly recommended to utilize soft copies at the maximum extent. If hard copies are needed, participants are requested to bring with them their own copies of the meeting documents distributed by the ESCAP secretariat to their Governments/Agencies/ 
Organizations prior to the session. Hard copy will only be made available upon request (print on demand service) and only one set per member State delegation. 

Documents for circulation or distribution at the session should be handed to Juliet Braslow, (email: [email protected]). 

In accordance with the UN regulations for the control and limitation of documentation, the secretariat cannot undertake to process and/or reproduce a document or a statement submitted by individual delegations, unless the Commission specifically takes a decision to that effect and approves the financial implications thereof. 

UNCC encourages sustainable meeting practices including the Paper-Smart Initiative. Meeting organizers are encouraged to use eco-friendly and innovative means to deliver information on their meetings including side events, instead of handing out hard copies of flyers, documents, newsletters, and/or other such materials.

Daily subsistence allowance

Coming soon.

Health and vaccination

Upon arrival at the port of entry in Thailand, participants who are nationals of or have traveled from/through countries listed below, which have been declared Yellow Fever infected areas, must provide an International Health Certificate proving that they have received a valid Yellow Fever vaccination at the Health Control Office upon arrival before proceeding to immigration. A valid vaccination certificate means that the vaccine was administered at least 10 days prior to travel to the affected country. The International Health Certificate must also be submitted together with the visa application form.

The countries/areas listed below have been declared yellow fever infected areas (Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand dated 30 November 2022):

  1. Angola
  2. Argentina
  3. Benin
  4. Bolivia
  5. Brazil
  6. Burkina Faso
  7. Burundi
  8. Cameroon
  9. Central African Republic
  10. Chad
  11. Colombia
  12. Congo
  13. Republic of the Congo
  14. Cote d’Ivoire
  15. Ecuador
  16. Equatorial Guinea
  17. Ethiopia
  18. French Guiana
  19. Gabon
  20. Gambia
  21. Ghana
  22. Guinea
  23. Guinea-Bissau
  1. Guyana
  2. Kenya
  3. Liberia
  4. Mali
  5. Mauritania
  6. Niger
  7. Nigeria
  8. Panama
  9. Paraguay
  10. Peru
  11. Rwanda
  12. Sao Tome & Principe
  13. Senegal
  14. Sierra Leone
  15. Somalia
  16. Sudan
  17. Suriname
  18. Tanzania
  19. Togo
  20. Trinidad & Tobago
  21. Uganda
  22. Venezuela

Zika virus

Zika is endemic in Thailand and cases have been reported amongst tourists. All travelers are advised to protect themselves from mosquito bites while in Thailand. Given possible transmission of the disease to unborn babies, pregnant women should consider postponing travel to Thailand or talk to their doctor about the implications of traveling to Thailand during this time.

In addition to the above, Medical Services Division at UNHQs advises that pregnant UN personnel should not undertake duty travel or be relocated to countries/areas where local transmission of Zika virus is known to occur. Women who are seeking pregnancy should obtain individual advice from their medical practitioner on risk management regarding their plans to travel into a Zika-affected area. For further information, please refer to the Zika virus FAQ.

Information on other non-vaccine preventable diseases to watch out for while in Thailand can be found here: Thailand - Traveler view | Travelers' Health | CDC.

Air pollution and Health

Bangkok, like many metropolitan Asian cities in the world, is periodically affected by high levels of air pollution, with haze and high concentrations of PM2.5 particularly of concern for sensitive groups.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand advises tourists to monitor Bangkok’s air pollution and take precautions when necessary. People who have existing asthma or are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution should consult their treating physician as to whether a trip to Bangkok is advisable at this time. Information on the Air pollution can be found Air4Thai website, maintained by the government of Thailand with daily information on air pollution.

Insurance and emergency medical service

Delegates are strongly encouraged to subscribe to a travel or health insurance which is valid in the Kingdom of Thailand, in order to cover any medical bills or hospitalization fees. In case of medical emergency, please call 1669. The nearest hospital to the UNCC is Bangkok Adventist (Mission) Hospital, which has English speaking medical support staff +662-282-1100.

When feeling unwell while in the UNCC: Anyone who feels unwell while already within the UNCC is advised to call any medical service staff at +66 2288 1352/1353/1761 during business hours, for further guidance. After business hours, they are advised to call the UN Medical Officer at +66 2288 1353 for further guidance. In case of a medical emergency within the UNCC, they are advised to call UN Security at +66 2288 1102/1120 for assistance in calling an ambulance.

Visa and entry requirements

Visa Requirements

Participants are REQUIRED to obtain an appropriate entry visa from the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General before entering Thailand, EXCEPT for those nationals listed at List of Countries entitled for Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival.

Please note that participants holding UN Laissez-Passer (UNLP) travelling on official business to Thailand are also REQUIRED to obtain an appropriate visa before entering.

To apply for an appropriate entry visa to Thailand, participants are required to contact their nearest Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate-General for the most updated information regarding visa application procedures and required documents. The list of Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate-General can be found at

Participants who wish to apply for a visa outside their country of residence or reside in a country where there is no Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate, should check with the meeting organizer for the location where it is possible for them to apply for a Thai visa. Please note that certain nationalities, for security reasons, are not allowed to apply for a visa except at the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate-General which has jurisdiction over the concerned territory.

Participants who may need further assistance from ESCAP on their visa application should contact the meeting organizer, well in advance, for necessary action.

Participants who wish to apply for a visa on arrival at Suvarnabhumi International Airport or Don Muang International Airport should follow the below requirements:

  1. The applicant must possess a passport from the list of countries whose nationals are eligible to apply for visa on arrival (List of countries entitled for Visa on Arrival) with the validity of more than 30 days, at least one completely blank page, and be in possession of a valid return ticket with date of departure within 15 days of the date of entry.
  2. The applicant must fill out an application form, which is available at the Visa-on-Arrival counter at the airport, supply one recent passport-sized photograph and a fee of Thai Baht (THB) 2,000.
  3. QR code for online application is available at Visa On Arrival ( Upon presentation of printed Transaction Reference Number, the applicant could obtain the visa at the Visa-on-Arrival counter at the airport before proceeding for immigration procedures.
  4. The applicant must provide proof of means of living expenses at the amount of THB 10,000 per person or THB 20,000 per family.

NOTE: The information provided above is accurate as of October 2022.

Entry Requirements (as of 1 March 2023)

Thai Department of Disease Control (DDC), Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) issued “Public Health Measures for Foreign Travellers Entering Thailand”, which is effective from 1 March 2023 until further notice, as per the following:

  • Proof of vaccination is No longer required.
  • Proof of health insurance is No longer required.
  • Any passenger having symptoms of COVID-19 on arrival shall be recommended to get COVID-19/RT-PCR test at arrival.

For more information, travelers can contact the DDC Hotline 1422.

Accessibility support for persons with disabilities

The UNCC is fully wheelchair-accessible and houses the Accessibility Centre on Level 1. For more information, please visit the Accessibility Centre’s webpages

Travel agent

The American Express Global Business Travel (AMEX-GBT) office is located on Level 1, UNCC, and is open weekdays from 08:00 to 17:00 hours. Remote support is available on other days ([email protected])

Travel Advisory

Visitors are advised to be respectful of Thai customs at all times. Please note that Thailand has laws against making negative comments about the institution of the monarchy. Such laws are strictly enforced and are applicable to spoken, written, gestures and electronic communication, including social media.

Transport to attend meetings

Participants need to make their own transport arrangements to and from the UNCC. Metered taxis are readily available in the city and you may also book your transportation via applications such as Grab and Volt. Some hotels close to the UN building may provide complimentary transfer service on fixed schedule, to and from the UNCC, so please check with the hotel concierge.

Transport from and to Airport

Participants need to make their own transportation arrangements from Suvarnabhumi International Airport or Don Mueang International Airport to their respective hotels. For the Airport Rail Link, an express and commuter rail connecting to Makkasan Station (MRT subway Petchaburi Station) and Phayathai Station (BTS Skytrain), passengers should go to Level B. Detailed information can be found at

Electric taxis (EVsociety/VIP) are currently available at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport. The counter is located next to the main taxi area. The service is available 24 hours and can be pre-booked via:

Line ID: @evsociety
Phone: +66 2039 8888
Email: [email protected]
EV Society Facebook

Metered-taxi and bus services are readily available at the airport. More information is available at

To use the airport limousine service, participants should only contact the authorized officials at the counters located in the airport arrival zone. These officials will issue a ticket for the assignment of a limousine for transporting passengers to the desired destination, upon request. The Suvarnabhumi International Airport limousine service counters are located on Level 2 at Baggage Claim and Arrival Hall exits, channels A, B and C.

For public taxis, participants are advised to proceed to the Level 1 of the Passenger Terminal, between exit doors 4 and 7, outdoor area, where they will find automatic dispensing machines from which they can collect a queuing ticket for a public taxi. In addition to toll fees, there is a THB 50 surcharge to be added to the meter charge from the airport to the city. Please refer to the airport website noted above for details.

Souvenir shop

The souvenir shop is located on Level 1 of UNCC. It is open from 09:00 to 16:00 hours, Monday through Friday. The shop can be contacted at +66 2288 1295.

Safety and Security

For security and safety reasons, participants are reminded NOT to leave their belongings unattended. Belongings left unattended within the UNCC may be removed to the nearest Lost and Found counter or the Security Operations Centre.

All drone unmanned aircrafts are prohibited from flying over the UNCC as per the security requirements.

All occupants of the UNCC MUST comply at all times with all lawful directions given by the officers of the United Nations Security and Safety Section. Failure to do so may lead to the participant’s removal from the UNCC.

Contact numbers:

UN Security
Security Control Centre (24/7): +66.2.2881102
UN Security Emergency Number: +66.2.2881100
Mobile +66.81.8078471

Thailand Emergency Numbers:
Police general emergency call: 191
Fire: 199
Ambulance and rescue: 1669/1554
Tourism Police: 1155

Zero Tolerance towards harassment

The United Nations has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment, including sexual harassment, and will deal with such complaints promptly. Please refer to the United Nations Code of Conduct and report any incident to the Security and Safety Section either in person or by phone at +66 2288 1102.

Security protocols for UN personnel

In line with security procedures for UN staff, travel notification through the Travel Request Information Process (TRIP) is required prior to any official travel. Upon notification of travel on TRIP, UN staff members will automatically receive an updated security advice for UN visitors to Thailand. Please visit to apply for this travel notification.

In addition, the UN Department of Safety and Security requires all UN personnel, including interns and consultants, to complete the mandatory BSAFE Security Awareness Training These security certifications are required to be completed, prior to having commenced official travel.

Prayer and meditation rooms

Prayer and meditation rooms are located near CR2 on Level 2, UNCC.

Postal services

Postal services are available at the United Nations branch of Thailand Post, located on the Ground Level of UNCC. It is open from 08:00 to 16:00 hours, Monday through Friday. The office can be contacted at extension 2911.

Lost and Found

Please contact the Security Operations Centre, either in person or by phone at +66.2.2881102.

Airline reservations

Many international airlines operate regular services to and from Bangkok. Participants are advised to secure their return bookings prior to their departure for Bangkok. If this is not possible, they should make firm return bookings immediately upon arrival in Bangkok. Travel services are available through the American Express Global Business Travel (AMEX-GBT) office located on Level 1, UNCC.

Library facilities

ESCAP Library facilities are available on Level 1, Service Building from 08:00 to 16:00 hours, Monday through Friday. For details on the use of the ESCAP Library facilities, please consult the staff on duty or call extensions 1329 and 1360. Further information about the ESCAP Library can be found on its website at

Internet services

Free wireless internet access is available in all conference and meeting rooms and in the public areas of the UNCC. Please use UN-WiFi, no password is required. Use of internet at UNCC is governed by relevant Organizational policies and guidelines. Failure to adhere to policies may result in revoking of those services.

Hotel accommodation

Hotels, located relatively close to ESCAP or by mass-transit routes, may be used by participants, should they choose to. The selection of hotels at a walking distance from the UNCC is encouraged to reduce participants’ local travel emissions and their exposure to traffic. Click here for a list of hotels, with indicative prices.

NOTE: ESCAP cannot vouch for accuracy of the information or rates contained in the document. The list is meant purely for reference and for ease of participants. The special discount rates provided are subject to change without notice. Please confirm the room rates with the hotel directly.

Participants are responsible for booking their own rooms and are requested to contact the hotel well in advance. Any cancellations, postponements or other changes should be reported to the hotel. Rooms not occupied may be charged to the participants as per the hotel’s policies.

Before departure from Bangkok, participants should settle directly with the respective hotels all accounts, including room charges and other expenses, such as for local and long-distance telephone calls, Internet usage, business center usage, laundry, room and hotel transportation services, mini-bar items, as well as restaurant and bar services. Participants are also responsible for any charges incurred with respect to rooms remaining vacant owing to late arrival or rescheduled departure for which inadequate prior notice is given.

Foreign currency declaration

Any person who brings or takes an aggregate amount of foreign currency exceeding USD 20,000 or its equivalent into or out of the Kingdom of Thailand shall declare such amount of foreign currency to a Customs Official. Failure to make such a declaration or making any false declaration to a Customs official is a criminal offence.

For reference, participants may use – at their discretion – online currency conversion tool, such as for indicative currency conversion rates.

UNCC Floor plans

The UNCC floor plans are available at The UN buildings are smoke-free. Smoking is permitted only in the designated areas outside of the buildings and in the UNCC, the designated smoking area is outside of the Public Foyer.

Financial & administrative arrangements

In those cases where the participation costs are borne by the ESCAP Secretariat, the Secretariat will provide only travel and DSA as expressed and will not assume responsibility for any other expenditure, including the following:

  1. All expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for visa, medical examination, inoculations and other such miscellaneous items and internal travel to and from the airport of arrival and departure in the home country;
  2. Salary and related allowances for the participants during the period of the meeting;
  3. Costs incurred by participants in respect of travel insurance, accident insurance, medical bills or hospitalization fees in connection with attending the meeting;
  4. Compensation in the event of death or disability of participants in connection with attending the meeting;
  5. Any loss of or damage to personal property of participants while attending the meeting or losses or damages claimed by third parties as a result of any negligence on the part of the participants;
  6. Any other expenses of a personal nature, not directly related to the purpose of the meeting.
Electric plug and socket

The electric power in Thailand is 220V running at 50Hz and the plug types used are either Type A, Type B, or Type C. A hybrid socket is almost universally found, which accepts a combination of the above plug types.

Delegates are strongly encouraged to carry their own adapters for use with laptops and other electrical appliances as the Secretariat will not be able to provide these. In case of need, adapters can be purchased from shops in the city dealing in electronic and electrical items.

Catering services

Operating hours

Catering services are available at the following locations:

  • International Cafeteria (Level 1, UNCC), which serves breakfast from 7.30 to 10.00 hours, and Thai, Halal and International menus for lunch from 11:00 to 14:00 hours on Monday through Friday.
  • Coffee Corner (Level 1, UNCC), which serves assortment of bakery pastries and beverages, is open from 07:00 to 17:00 hours on Monday through Friday.
  • Rajapruek Lounge (Ground Level, UNCC), which serves light meals and beverages, is open from 07:00 to 17:00 hours on Monday through Friday.

In line with the Sustainable United Nations (SUN) and Environmental Management System (EMS} principles, no single use plastic is available in the UNCC. Single-use food and drink containers have been banned within the UN compound in Bangkok. When purchasing coffee/tea at the Coffee Corner, meeting participants will be asked to pay a deposit of THB 100 for a cup, which will be returned upon return of the cup.

Dining venues at the UNCC also do not provide food storage boxes, plastic cutlery or straws for take-away orders. Diners wishing to take food away are advised to bring their own reusable food containers.

Banking facilities

Banking services are available at the Siam Commercial Bank, United Nations Branch, located on Level 1 of the Service Building, from 08:30 to 15:30 hours during weekdays. (telephone extension 2168).

Siam Commercial Bank ATMs can be found near the registration desk, on the Ground Level of UNCC, and near its UN Branch office, noted above.


The weather in Bangkok is usually warm and humid. Light tropical clothing would be appropriate. The conference and meeting rooms at the UNCC are air-conditioned and the temperature is maintained in the range of 23-24 degrees Celsius (73-75 degrees Fahrenheit).

Click on the flags or names to download the statements.

Agenda Item 4 (a) of the provisional agenda: Progress towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17 at the regional level
Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana
Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP
Know More

Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana was appointed Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) on 13 September 2018.

Prior to joining ESCAP, Ms. Alisjahbana was Professor of Economics at Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung, Indonesia, a position she assumed in 2005. She joined Universitas Padjadjaran as a lecturer in 1988. Since 2016, she has served as Director for the Center for Sustainable Development Goals Studies at Universitas Padjadjaran and Vice Chair of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences.

She also serves on the Governing Board of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), and member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia - AIPI), the Forum of Statistics Community (Forum Masyarakat Statistik or Advisory Council of the Indonesian Statistics), the International Advisory Board of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies and Council Member of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI).

From 2009 to 2014, she was Minister of National Development Planning and the Head of the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), Indonesia. She served as Co-chair of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation from 2012 to 2014. From 2009 to 2014, she was Alternate Governor of the World Bank and Alternate Governor of the Asian Development Bank representing the government of Indonesia. In 2016, she was a member of the High Level Independent Team of Advisors to support the ECOSOC Dialogue on the longer term positioning of the United Nations Development System in the context of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.

Ms. Alisjahbana has been involved in various research projects and consultancies to the United Nations University/Institute for Advanced Study in Tokyo, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australia, the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), the European Commission, and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Ms. Alisjahbana earned her Bachelor degree in Economics and Development Studies from Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia, a Masters degree in Economics from Northwestern University, USA and a Ph.D in Economics from University of Washington, USA. She was awarded the Mahaputra Adipradana Order (Bintang Mahaputra Adipradana) from the Republic of Indonesia, honorary brevet from the Indonesian Navy and honorary flight wing from the Indonesian Air Force.

Ms. Amina J. Mohammed
UN Deputy Secretary-General
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Ms. Amina J. Mohammed is the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations. Prior she was Minister of Environment of the Federal Republic in Nigeria and Special Adviser to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. She also served as Special Adviser on the Millennium Development Goals, as well as international advisory boards, one of them being the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda. Also, she is an Adjunct Professor in Development Practice at Columbia University.

Mr. Guy Ryder
Under-Secretary-General for Policy, Executive Office of the Secretary-General
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United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced on 7 October 2022 the appointment of Guy Ryder of the United Kingdom as Under-Secretary-General for Policy in his Executive Office.  He will succeed Volker Türk of Austria who has been appointed as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Mr. Ryder was most recently Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva after serving two successive terms since October 2012.  He first joined the ILO in 1998 as Director of the Bureau for Workers’ Activities and from 1999, served as Director of the Office of the Director-General. Mr. Ryder started his professional career in 1981 as an assistant at the International Department of the Trades Union Congress in London. From 1985, he held the position of Secretary of the Industry Trade Section of the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees (FIET) in Geneva.  In 1988, he became Assistant Director and – from 1993 - Director of the Geneva office of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU).  In 2002, he was appointed General Secretary of the ICFTU and was elected as the first General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) when it was created in 2006.  He returned to the ILO in 2010 as Executive Director, responsible for international labour standards and fundamental principles and rights at work. Mr. Ryder studied Social and Political Sciences at the University of Cambridge and Latin American Studies at the University of Liverpool.  He speaks English, French and Spanish.  

H.E. Mr. Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
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Dr. Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara was Chairman of the Board of Directors PTT Public Company Limited from 2013 - 2014. He was also Deputy Leader of Pheu Thai Party 2008 - 2010, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister 2008, Thailand Trade Representative 2005 - 2006, Chairman, Committee on Investment and Trade Promotion under FTA 2005 - 2006,  Advisor to the Minister of Industry 2005 - 2006, Chairman of Public Warehouse Organization 2005, Vice Minister for Industry 2005, Chairman, Broad of Directors Bangkok Fashion City 2005, Committee on Trade Negotiations Assessment 2005, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Strategic and Policy Cooperation for International Trade Negotiations 2004, Thailand’s Chief Negotiator for Thailand-India FTA, Thailand-BIMSTEC FTA 2004 – 2005, Vice Minister for Commerce 2003 - 2005, Deputy Leader of Chart Pattana Party 2003, Member of Parliament 2002 - 2003, Committee on Foreign Affairs 2002 - 2003, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister 2002 - 2003, Advisor to the Minister of Labor 2002 - 2003, Advisor to the Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office 2002, Committee for drafted legislation on national budget 2003 2002, Committee for drafted legislation on Islamic Bank of Thailand 2002, Sub-Committee for drafted legislation on Small and Medium Enterprises Development Bank of Thailand 2001 - 2002, Member of Executive Committee and Deputy Secretary General of Chart Pattana Party Committee 2001 - 2003, Sub-Committee for drafted legislation on Business in Financial Institute 2000, Advisor to the Minister of Industry 1999 - 2000, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Economics and Foreign Affairs 1996 - 1997 and Member of Executive Committee of Chart Pattana Party.

H.E. Mr. Vahan Kostanyan
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Armenia
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H.E. Mr. Vahan Kostanyan currently serves as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia. Prior to this role, he worked as the Adviser to the Foreign Minister of Armenia. Mr. Kostanyan has also previously held the positions of Assistant to the Deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia, Head of the First Deputy Prime Minister's Office of Armenia, Spokesperson of the "Civil Contract" Party, Assistant to the President of the National Assembly of Armenia, Adviser to the President of the National Assembly of Armenia, and Assistant to the Foreign Minister of Armenia. His educational background includes studies at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Yerevan State University as well as a Public Administration course at the University of Massachusetts (USA), courses in Conflictology and Human Rights of the Council of Europe, and an Iranian Studies Course at Payame Noor University (Tehran).

H.E. Ms. Hajjah Hanifah Hajar Taib
Deputy Minister of Economy, Malaysia
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H.E. Ms. Hajjah Hanifah Hajar Taib worked as Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department from 2020 to 2022 (Sabah & Sarawak Affairs). She also is a Board Member, Sarawak State Mosque Charitable Trust and Board Member, Setia Raja Mosque Mukah Sarawak Charitable Trust since 2021. Moreover, since 2018 she hs been Member of Parliament Malaysia for P213 Mukah, Sarawak.

H.E. Mr. Pagnathun Theng
Delegate of the Royal Government of Cambodia in charge of Director General of Planning
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H.E. Mr. Pagnathun Theng holds the position of the Delegate of the Royal Government of Cambodia in charge of Director General of Planning with ranking of Secretary of State. He also serves different roles in the Government, including as the Permanent Vice-Chair of National Working Group on Monitoring and Evaluation of National Strategic Development Plan implementation (NGWM&E), the Permanent Vice-Chair of the National Poverty Measuring in Cambodia, and a member and Permanent Secretary of Task Force for Managing the Process Harmonizing of Planning, Public Investment Expenditure, and Cooperation Financing.

H.E. Mr. Esrom Yosef Immanuel
Assistant Minister for Finance and Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics
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Mr. Esrom Immanuel hails from Navolau Village in the tikina of Viria in Naitasiri. He completed his primary education at the Dravuni District School and secondary education at Ratu Sukuna Memorial School. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of the South Pacific, and Post Grad Diploma in Applied Finance & Investments at the Securities Institute of Australia. He joined the Fiji Development bank as a Loans Officer in 1988. He then moved to Colonial Fiji Life Ltd and worked from being a Senior Investment Clerk to Assistant General Manager Positions from 1989 – 2005. He then moved to be the Chief Executive Officer for Yasana Holdings Ltd from 2006- 2013. Then moved to become the CEO, Investment Advisor and Broker Representative at the Fiji Stockbrokers Limited from 2014 to 2022. Currently, he is the Assistant Minister to Finance, Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics after the General Elections on 24 December 2022. Mr. Esrom was part of the Board Member of the South Pacific Stock Exchange, Data Bureau Limited, Yasana Holdings Limited and represent Colonial Fiji Life Limited in some of its Investee Companies i.e. Dominion Finance Limited, Credit Corporation, Rooster Poultry, Communication Fiji Limited, William & Gosling, Suva Central, Suva Private Hospital and Richmond Ltd. He was also a Board Member of Fiji Television Ltd to June 2013 and RB Patel (retail/wholesale chain) to June 2013, and Deputy Chair of Media New Guinea Limited (TV Company in PNG) to June 2013 and was Chair of Compac (Communication Pacific Limited). He is a member of Leadership Fiji and Associate member of Securities Institute of Australia (FINSIA).

H.E. Mr. Min Bahadur Shrestha
Vice-Chairman of National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal
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Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha is the Vice-Chairman of National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal. Priviously, he held the same position from September 4, 2016 to August 3, 2017. Prior to his appointment in September 2016, he served as the Executive Director of Nepal Rastra Bank, the central bank of Nepal, for six years heading research and public debt management departments. During his central bank career of 28 years, he mainly worked in the area of economic research, policy analysis, training and strategy formulation. Representing Nepal Rastra Bank, he worked as the board member of several institutions including Credit Information Centre, Nepal Stock Exchange Limited, Securities Board of Nepal and National Banking Institute. 


Dr. Shrestha has also served as the Senior Economist for 3 years and the Visiting Research Economist for one year at the South East Asian Central Banks Research and Training Centre based in Kuala Lumpur. He also worked as the member of Nepal country economist team for the US Millennium Challenge Corporation’s growth constraint analysis of Nepal. He has led and conducted a number of research projects on central bank policies, financial economics and economic development. He has presented papers and worked as the resource speaker at several international seminars, workshops and conferences. 


Dr. Shrestha holds a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Wollongong, Australia. He has obtained Master’s degree in Public Administration as well as in Political Science from Tribhuvan University, Nepal and an MBA from Hult International Business School, United Kingdom. He has published 7 books and a significant number of research papers in peer-reviewed international journals on financial liberalization, capital flows, monetary policy, welfare, international migration, time series econometrics and financial inclusion.  

H.E. Ms. Rosemarie Edillon
Undersecretary for National Development Policy and Planning, National Economic and Development Authority
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Ms. Edillon holds a PhD in Economics from La Trobe University in Australia, an MA degree in Economics from the University of the Philippines (UP) School of Economics and an MS degree in Statistics from the UP School of Statistics. She is also a 2019 Presidential Gawad CES Awardee. Among her major responsibilities is shepherding the formulation of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP). The PDP is an elaboration of the country’s priorities over the medium-term and is the blueprint of government policies, programs and projects. She also oversees the monitoring of the PDP implementation. In addition, she is in charge of providing technical advice on policy issues to both the legislative and executive branches of government, especially the committees of the NEDA Board. Ms. Edillon chairs the Social Development Committee-Technical Board and the Technical Committee on Tariff Related Matters and is a member of the Development Budget Coordination Committee of the NEDA Board. She also chairs the National Innovation Council – Executive Technical Board. Undersecretary Edillon is currently a member of the Philippine Economic Society, where she used to be President. She is also a member of the Philippine Commission of the UNESCO.

H.E. Mr. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja
Executive Director of ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation
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Previously, he was Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (February 2016-June 2020). He was ASEAN-SOM Leader Indonesia/Director-General for ASEAN Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and also served as High-Level Task Force Indonesia on ASEAN Community Post-2015 Vision (2012-2016). He also served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia to the Republic of Austria and Republic of Slovenia, concurrently the Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna (March 2010-2012). In 2006-2009, he served as Ambassador/Deputy Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the United Nations, World Trade Organisation and other International Organisations in Geneva. In addition to the above assignments, Ambassador Puja also served as Vice Chairperson of the Conference of State Parties (CSP), Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in 2017-2018; Governor of Indonesia to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors in 20112012; Indonesian Sherpa for the Nuclear Security Summit 2012 (20102011); President of the Inter-Government Committee (IGC) on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO); and a Member of the Indonesian Negotiators for the Aceh Peace Agreement in 2000-2005. Ambassador Puja has been granted – among others – “Ridder Grootkruis in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau”/Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Orange – Nassau, The King of The Netherlands (June 2020); Ksatria Bakti Husada Arutala, Minister of Health (2011); Bintang Jasa Utama Award in 2010; and the “Dharma Nusa Award” in 2006. Ambassador Puja is a graduate from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and acquired his post-graduate at the University of Michgan, Ann Arbor (USA), The Horace H. Racham School of Graduate Studies. He is married, with 2 children.  

H.E. Mr. Mohamed Kinaanath
Minister of State, Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology, Malaysia
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Dr. Mohamed Kinaanath has a “Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information Technology” from Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) in New Zealand. Dr. Kinaanath is a National Award Winner in the Maldives in ICT sector. He received the Presidential Award in: “National Award of Recognition in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) - Computer Software & Software Application Development - 2021” for his exceptional service to ICT sector. Dr. Kinaanath completed his “Master’s Degree in e-Commerce” at Distinction Level from Griffith University in Australia. For his outstanding academic performance at Master’s Degree, he was awarded the "Griffith Award of Academic Excellence - 2004" from Griffith University, Australia. He was also awarded the “Qasim Ibrahim Award of Academic Excellence (QIAE) - 2007”, from Villa Foundation, Maldives. Villa College also awarded him “Long Service Award” in 2022 for his long service. 

Dr. Kinaanath gained International work experience while working at UNICEF Maldives Office for 2.5 years as the head of ICT. He also worked in New Zealand at Polytechnics International New Zealand (PINZ) for over a year, as a “Project and Systems Support”. He was a tutor at Victoria University of Wellington during his Doctoral Studies. Dr. Kinaanath has interest in undertaking research on ICT, Smart Tourism, Artificial Intelligence & Smart Technologies. He has supervised 111 Master’s Degree Dissertations & 65 Undergraduate final year projects. 

Dr. Kinaanath is a technologist & academic researcher. He is undertaking academic and business research, consultancy and training in the areas of ICT, Smart Tourism & Artificial Intelligence. He has lectured at higher education institutions in the Maldives & New Zealand. He has already taught 10,000 students in various disciplines: ICT, Business & Education. Dr. Kinaanath was the former Chairman and Board Member of the Maldives Integrated Tourism Development Corporation (MITDC) for over 24 months. He was the former Chairman & Board Member of the Maldives Hajj Corporation Limited (MHCL) for over 30 months. He is the former Chairman & Member of ICT Sector Council at the Ministry of Higher Education. He is a member of British Computer Society (BCS) and Fellow Member of the Institute of Travel & Tourism (ITT). 

Dr. Kinaanath is regarded as one of the most experienced & recognised ICT and Smart Technologies expert in the Maldives. Dr. Kinaanath is the current Minister of State for Homeland Security & Technology as the Head of National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT). 

Mr. Felipe Paullier
Assistant Secretary-General for Youth Affairs
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Dr. Felipe Paullier of Uruguay assumed his mandate as the first-ever Assistant Secretary-General for Youth Affairs in December 2023 at the age of 32. He is the youngest senior appointment in the history of the United Nations, and the youngest serving member of the Secretary-General’s senior management group. As head of the United Nations Youth Office, Mr. Paullier leads systemwide collaboration, coordination and accountability on youth affairs, overseeing the UN’s efforts to strengthen meaningful youth engagement in the areas of sustainable development, human rights, and peace and security. Prior to taking up his post, Mr. Paullier was the Director General of the National Youth Institute of Uruguay beginning in 2020, where he led efforts to engage young people in policy-making processes at national level. He previously served in various political management positions at the national level. Throughout his career, he has been a foremost advocate for young people’s rights and the inclusion of young people in decision-making spaces. Mr. Paullier is a Medical Doctor by training, specialized in pediatrics. He holds a Medical Doctor degree from the Universidad de la Republica Oriental de Uruguay and a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from Universidad Católica de Uruguay. 

Ms. Hanna Singer-Hamdy
UN Resident Coordinator, Nepal
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Ms. Hanna Singer-Hamdy is the UN Resident Coordinator in Nepal. She has worked for close to 30 years across development and humanitarian contexts at various senior management and strategic leadership roles. She served as the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka from 2018 to 2022. Prior to this, she held several senior management positions in UNICEF offices across the world, including as the Associate Regional Director in Geneva and as Country Representative for Syria, Nepal, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.    

Ms. Singer-Hamdy holds a Master's degree in Political Sociology and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the American University in Cairo, Egypt. She obtained a diploma in “Planning and Management of Decentralized Development Projects” from Bradford University in the United Kingdom. Ms. Singer-Hamdy has engaged in academia and research in political sociology and international relations at the American University of Cairo and at the Sadat’s Academy for Management Sciences, Faculty of Political Science of Cairo University. 

Ms. Karla Hershey
UN Resident Coordinator in Bhutan
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Ms. Karla Hershey of the United States of America has been a dedicated international civil servant for 30 years. Over Ms. Hershey’s career she has successfully delivered multi-million-dollar programmes for the United Nations that are SDG focused, transformative, life-saving and life-changing responses in sync with national, regional and global priorities.

Prior to her appointment as Resident Coordinator (RC) in Bhutan, she served as the UN RC in both Lesotho and Serbia leading UNCTs in both lower income and middle-income counties. She served as the WFP Representative and Country Director in Eswatini and Liberia. Other positions held with WFP include Senior Advisor in UN Reform, Deputy Country Director in Malawi; acting Country Director in Syria; Head of Food Procurement, Refugee Operations and Public Information in Tanzania; WFP Regional Inter-Agency Affairs Officer to the Special Envoy, Bureau for East and Southern Africa, Johannesburg and Programme and Quality Assurances Officer in Ethiopia.

Ms. Hershey began her UN career with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs as Humanitarian Affairs Officer (OCHA) in Angola. Prior to joining the UN, she served in various capacities with World Vision Relief and Development in Angola, Rotary International in Evanston, Illinois, American Employee’s Association in Rwanda and United States Peace Corps in Rwanda as a Business Advisor to the Ministry of Youth and Cooperatives and the YMCA.

Ms. Hershey holds an M.B.A in Management and B.A. in Economics and Political Science.

Ms. Karima El Korri
Resident Coordinator in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam
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Ms. Karima El Korri is the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and Singapore.

Ms. El Korri has more than 20 years of international development experience, acquired at the United Nations and externally. She has led the 2030 Agenda Division at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), a role she assumed after managing the population and development portfolio — pioneering the work of the Commission on International Migration — population ageing and youth empowerment. She was previously a regional adviser on governance and project coordinator at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Before joining the United Nations, Ms. El Korri was a lecturer at Al-Akhawayn University in Morocco. She also worked with a think tank engaging with the Government, civil society, the private sector, academia, youth and international organizations on the country’s development issues.

Ms. El Korri holds a master’s degree in applied linguistics from Columbia University’s Teachers College in New York, United States, and a bachelor’s degree in English from Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco.

Mr. Tapan Mishra
Resident Coordinator in Mongolia
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Mr. Tapan Mishra assumed his role as the United Nations Resident Coordinator (UN RC) for Mongolia in September 2019. As UN RC, the highest-ranking representative of the United Nations Development System in Mongolia, he has been designated by the UN Secretary General to lead the UN Country Team in coordinating operational activities for development in the country. Before this post in Mongolia, Mr. Mishra served as UN RC in DPR Korea from 2015 to 2019.

Mr. Dirk Wagener
Resident Coordinator in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu
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Mr. Wagener has more than 20 years of experience in the United Nations System serving in various capacities in the fields of sustainable development and poverty reduction, peacebuilding and conflict prevention, gender equality, humanitarian assistance, green economy, and environmental protection. Prior to his appointment as UN Resident Coordinator, he served as UNDP Resident Representative in Papua New Guinea where he also led the UN Country Team as acting UN Resident Coordinator for over one year. In this role he chaired the intergovernmental negotiations between the Government of Papua New Guinea and the Autonomous Bougainville Government on the implementation of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and negotiated an agreement on a joint roadmap towards the settlement of the final political status of the autonomous region. Prior to this, he served in various field and headquarters assignments with UNDP and UNEP in Africa, and Asia and the Pacific, including as Coordinator for the global Resource Efficiency Programme in the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. He also served as Team Leader for Partnerships and Management Support with UNDP in Ethiopia, as acting Deputy Resident Representative and Assistant Resident Representative with UNDP in the Lao PDR, as Management Advisor with UNDP in Cambodia, as well as Assistant Resident Representative and Programme Specialist with UNDP in Papua New Guinea where he started his UN career in 2002. Prior to joining the UN, Dirk started his professional career volunteering and working with non-governmental organizations in India as Rural Development Officer and as Agronomist in Germany. He obtained his master’s degree in International Agricultural Sciences (Rural Development) and his bachelor’s degree in Agronomy from the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. 

Ms. Pauline Tamesis
Resident Coordinator in Vietnam
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Ms. Pauline Tamesis of the Philippines is currently serving as UN Resident Coordinator in the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam since June 2025. She has 25 years of experience in international development and over the last decade has assumed progressively senior leadership positions driving transformational change for sustainable development. Prior to Viet Nam, Pauline served as UN Resident Coordinator in Cambodia from 2018-2022. She also served as Chief of UNDP Country Office Support and Quality Assurance in the Asia Pacific Regional Hub (2016-2018) overseeing UNDP operations in 24 country offices. As UNDP Country Director, where she was assigned from 2013-2016, Pauline led efforts to deliver a future-facing $500m portfolio for urban poverty reduction, social protection, renewable energy, sustainable cities and climate adaptation. Pauline is a policy adviser at heart, with thematic expertise in democratic governance, anti-corruption, gender equality and women’s political empowerment. She obtained an MBA from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and a bachelor’s degree in Management Economics from Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines, where she graduated with honors. 

Ms. Funmi Balogun
Resident Coordinator in Timor Leste
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Ms. Olufunmilayo (Funmi) Abosede Balogun-Alexander has more than 30 years of international development and humanitarian experience, including leading policy and programmes and experience with government, UN, international NGOs and on board of not-for-profit organizations to drive impact and results. She has a proven track record leading successful UN interagency coordination and resources to support governments in developing and implementing transformational initiatives, including conducting successful elections, facilitating constitutional reviews, supporting the inclusion of marginalized communities' voices in developing Peace Agreements, strengthening institutions, including for gender-responsive budgeting and promoting women's leadership in the public sector and in the elected positions. She has facilitated innovative financing from the private sector for Second Chance Education for 'out of school' women and girls to develop new skills. Ms. Balogun has led solutions on inclusion and equality in development and humanitarian, focusing on gender equality, sexual and reproductive health and rights and Gender-Based Violence. She has successfully established and maintained strategic partnerships with governments, intergovernmental commissions, bilateral donors, media and the private sector for innovative financing and programming. She was, until her appointment, UN Women's global Head for Humanitarian Action, where she led UN Women's global response to the humanitarian crisis. Prior to this, she was UN Women's Country Representative to South Sudan, Deputy Country Representative, Ethiopia and Director, External Relations and Advocacy at International Planned Parenthood Federation, Africa Region. Ms Balogun has a master's degree from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Lagos, Nigeria.

Mr. Nuki Agya Utama
Executive Director of the ASEAN Centre for Energy
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Dr. Nuki Agya Utama is appointed as the Executive Director of the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and reporting directly to an International organisation under ASEAN entities and reporting to Governing Council consist of ministries energy in ASEAN member states. He is currently an advisory board member of Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) and World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Future Councils. Dr. Nuki Agya Utama has academics and research background as Post-Doctorate in Graduate School Energy Science Kyoto University for energy scenario planning in South East Asia.  Holding PhD, with research on Life Cycle Energy Analysis from Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, the University of Technology King Mongkut (KMUTT), Thailand. Prior to assuming his position in ACE, he worked as a director various local companies and as a consultant in a well-known international Institutions. In his early career, he worked as a consultant in UNDP and UNEP, working on energy and environment-related issues. He also been served as the Head of Environmental Engineering department at Surya University, Indonesia and currently as a lecturer in Swiss German University, Indonesia.  

Mr. Arnold J. Padilla
Coordinator, Food Sovereignty Programme, PAN Asia-Pacific
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Mr. Padilla is a Filipino activist, campaigner, and writer-researcher on development and people's rights. He covers issues related to neoliberal globalization and neocolonialism, industrialization and rural development, food and agriculture, and the environment. He has been involved in activist research and people's campaigns and movements in the Philippines and Asia for 25 years. He is currently Coordinator of PAN Asia Pacific’s (PANAP) Food Sovereignty program. 

Mr. Huseyn Huseynov
Secretary of National Coordination Council on Sustainable Development, Azerbaijan
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Mr. Huseynov started his professional career in 2010 at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Office in Baku, Azerbaijan. From 2011 until 2013 he worked as Senior Consultant in the Department of Social Security Policy in the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In the successive year, he joined as an economist to the Supreme Audit Office (Chamber of Accounts) of Azerbaijan until September 2014.

Over the period from 2014 until May 2017, he was Deputy Director of Economic policy, analysis and forecasting Department and in May 2017 he was appointed a Director of the Department for Sustainable Development and social policy in the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He is also acting Executive Secretary of the National Coordination Council on Sustainable Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

He is also Head of Secretariat of the macro project carried out between Government of Azerbaijan and Harvard University over the period of 2023-2026.

Since 2010 he is giving lectures in Regulation of Economics and Managerial Economics at the Azerbaijan State Economic University.

He holds a PhD in Economics from Baku State University, a master’s degree in financial and industrial economics from University of London, United Kingdom and a bachelor’s degree in mathematical economics from Baku State University.

Ms. Norliza Hashim
Chief Executive, Urbanice Malaysia’s Ministry of Housing and Local Government
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Ms. Norliza Hashim is the Chief Executive of Urbanice Malaysia, a Centre of Excellence for Community Well-Being and Urban Sustainability, under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government Malaysia; where she leads a team focused on the implementation of sustainable urbanization policies in cities and regions through the Malaysia SDG Cities program and shared knowledge platforms, development of innovative urban community-based solutions and through collaborative partnerships. Hashim was recently appointed as Adjunct Professor to the International Islamic University Malaysia at the Kulliyah of Architecture Environmental Design, where she provides guidance on sustainable development agendas and the development of future planning directions for the university. 

Mr. Netithorn Praditsarn
Executive Assistant to Group CEO, CEO Office and Senior Vice President in charge of Office of Global Partnership for Sustainability and Communications, Charoen Pokphand Group, Co., Ltd
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Netithorn Praditsarn, (he/his/him) works with C.P. Group’s global stakeholders, including business partners, the UN agencies, international organizations and the civil society, especially to develop business cooperation and promote C.P. Group’s roles in sustainable development worldwide.  He leads C.P. Group’s Human Rights Working Group to systematically drive the Group human rights policy and practices. He also serves as the Secretary-General of United Nations Global Compact Network Thailand (UNGCNT), a multi-stakeholder Local Network of United Nations Global Compact for strengthening collaboration on responsible business conduct amongst business actors. Currently, UNGCT has over 13 members. Dr. Netithorn is instrumental in establishing GCNT’s Business and Human Rights Academy to train responsible business conduct for Thai companies and representing the UNCGNT in drafting and driving National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP) into concrete business practices. Dr. Netithorn received the King’s Scholarship and the Scholarship of Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to complete his Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. education in international relations from Stanford University, USA. 

Ms. Cielito Perez
Executive Director, Center for Women Resources
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Ms. Perez works for a women’s rights organization based in the Philippines, spearheading CWR’s involvement in policy engagement surrounding the 2030 Agenda processes, advocating for the centrality of women and people’s rights in the development agenda. She serves as the focal point for AP-RCEM’s Women’s Constituency and as Asia Organizing Partner within the Women’s Major Group.

Mr. Daya Sagar Shrestha
Executive Director, National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal
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Mr. Shrestha is contributing as the South and South-West Asia Focal Point for the AP-RCEM. Mr. Shrestha is also coordinating SDGs National Network Nepal, a common platform of CSOs, Human Rights Defenders, Environment activists and development practitioners. Mr. Shrestha is continuously involved in the follow-up and review process of the SDGs at national and international level.

Ms. Juliette Hakwa
Head - Monitoring & Evaluation Unit, Department of Strategic Policy, Planning, and Aid Coordination Unit, Office of the Prime Minister, Vanuatu
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Juliette comes from the Republic of Vanuatu with maternal ties to Papua New Guinea. Her office is responsible for implementation progress towards Vanuatu’s National Sustainable Development Plan; Vanuatu 2030 and the SDGs. Juliette serves as the current National Focal Point for SDGs. She has over 15 years’ working experience in various sectors including: project management, public policy, community development, stakeholder engagement, natural disaster logistics and coordination, and as a research and MEL specialist within Non-Government Organisations and national government projects and programs largely in the South Pacific region and her home country of Vanuatu. Juliette is passionate about building national systems through resilient, sustainable, stakeholder led, and localised mechanisms. Juliette holds a BA (Hons) in Environment and Physical Geography and English and Literature from Massey University and the University of the South Pacific and a Master’s (1st) in Public Policy and Public Management from the University of Melbourne.

Ms. Olga Djanaeva
Director, Rural Women's Association
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Ms. Djanaeva is one of the co-chairs of AP-RCEM and the focal point for the Central Asia subregion. Her organization - ALGA - implements programs for rural women and communities on poverty eradication, sustainable livelihoods obtaining, empowerment and leadership development, gender equality and women’s rights, access to resources and innovative technologies, support of the rural women’s initiative groups, social partnership development, participatory monitoring, research, and advocacy at different levels. She has been involved in various engagements at both the regional and subregional levels especially on issues of women, agriculture, climate, and sustainable development.  

Ms. Antonia Lilii
Uptempo Family Facilitator & Innovator
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She is of Samoan descent, originally from the Island of Samoa, currently residing in Auckland, New Zealand. Antonia brings a background knowledge in Union advocacy work, employment, community economic development and social innovation experience into the workforce development council. She is currently the Uptempo Family Facilitator for FIRST Union based at Auckland Council (CSI) Community Social Innovation. At Uptempo she helps to improve outcomes for pacific families and struggling communities in Auckland to tackle in-work poverty.  

Antonia is currently the National Executive board member for FIRST Union as the Co-convener for Pasefika Fono Network and is a member of the New Zealand Council of Trade Union Komiti Pasefika (NZCTU Pacific committee). She advocates for the promotion of economic development, social and employment interests of marginalised groups, particularly women, Pacific people, RSE workers, migrants, learners, and young people. She also serves on the Auckland Catholic of Diocese board as the Justice and Peace and Youth Development advisor. She is a support member of (IMA NZ) pacific voice for International Migrant Alliance in Aotearoa NZ.

Ms. Villaney (Lany) Remengesau
BANGO, Palau
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Ms. Remengesau is a leader in the Palau (Western Pacific) CSO Resource Group and a member of the Palau National SDG Steering Committee. She is deeply involved in advancing sustainable development goals. Furthermore, she has actively contributed to esteemed organizations such as BANGO, a pivotal CSO umbrella organization, and the OMEKESANG Association, championing the rights of persons with disabilities in Palau. Her previous roles include serving as Co-chair of the Pacific Disability Forum and as the Focal Point for APRCEM Disability Constituency. She has a strong commitment to fostering inclusivity, equity, and cooperation within the communities.

List of registered participants (as of 21 Feb 2024)



Flag of Armenia
  • H.E. Mr. Vahan Kostanyan, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • H.E. Mr. Vahram Kazhoyan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to ESCAP
  • Mr. Davit Manukyan, Head of the Division of UN and Sustainable Development Department of Multilateral Policy and Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Flag of Australia
  • Ms. Julia Feeney, Minister & DHOM and Permanent Representative of Australia to ESCAP
  • Mr. Michael Carey, Deputy Permanent Representative of Australia to ESCAP
  • Ms. Danielle Sever, Director, Global Development Section, Development Policy Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Flag of Azerbaijan
  • Mr. Huseyn Huseynov, Head of Sustainable Development and Social Policy Department, Ministry of Economy/ Secretary of National Coordination Council for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Flag of Bangladesh
  • H.E. Mr. Mohammed Abdul Hye, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangkok, Head of Delegation
  • Ms. Ishrat Jahan, Joint Secretary, Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance
  • Mr. Md Rashedur Rahman Sardar, Deputy Secretary, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance
  • Mr. Saroar Ahmed Saleheen, Economic Counsellor, and Alternative Permanent Representative to ESCAP


Flag of Bhutan
  • Ms. Jigme Wangmo, Assistant Desk Officer

Brunei Darussalam

Flag of Brunei Darussalam
  • Mrs. Hamizah Ismail, Acting Senior Special Duties Officer
  • Mrs, Nur Lyana Ramlee, Special Duties Officer


Flag of Cambodia
  • H.E. Mr. KORM Ribaun, Secretary General of the National Committee for ESCAP
  • H.E. Mr. SOK Silo, Secretary General, Council for Agricultural and Rural Development with the rank of Secretary of State
  • H.E. Mr. THENG Pagnathun, Delegate of the Royal Government of Cambodia in charge of Director General of Planning, Ministry of Planning
  • H.E. Mr. KOP Roly, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment
  • Mr. KIM Veara, Deputy Secretary General
  • Mr. Somethea Chhau, Deputy Director General
  • Mr. Khorn Sok, Director, General Department of Policy
  • Mr. Chandara Ly, Executive Assistant
  • Ms. Darapisey Kem, Junior Economist, General Department of Policy


Flag of China
  • H.E. Mr. HAN Zhiqiang, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Thailand, Head of Delegation
  • Mr. KE Yousheng, Permanent Representative of China to ESCAP
  • Mr. CHEN Youbing, Assistant Permanent Representative of China to ESCAP
  • Ms. LIU Jianxiu, Assistant Permanent Representative of China to ESCAP
  • Mr. YANG Jun, Assistant Permanent Representative of China to ESCAP

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Flag of Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  • Mr. Ri Nam Song, Permanent Representative to the UNESCAP, Counsellor
  • Mr. Han Yong, Counsellor, DPRK Embassy in the Kingdom of Thailand


Flag of Fiji
  • H.E. Mr. Esrom Yosef Immanuel, Assistant Minister for Finance, Ministry of Finance, Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics, Head of Delegation
  • Mr. Solomone Momoivalu, Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Fiji, Jakarta, Delegate
  • Mr. Neelesh Gounder, Chief Policy Advisor, Ministry of Finance, Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics


Flag of France
  • Mr. Sebastien de Vaujany, First Secretary, Alternate Deputy Permanent Representative
  • Mrs. Juliette Perrot, Global health program officer
  • Mr. Gabriel Facal, Deputy Director IRASEC-Research Institute
  • Mr. Serge Morand, Director of Research, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)


Flag of India
  • Ms. Paulomi Tripathi, Deputy Chief of Mission & Deputy Permanent Representative
  • Mr. Sivaguru Muthuswamy, Counselor & Alternate Deputy Permanent Representative
  • Mr. Yogesh Suri, Senior Advisor, NITI Aayog
  • Ms. Ishita Aggarwal, Young Professional, NITI Aayog


Flag of Indonesia
  • H.E. Mr. Bambang Susantono Susanto, Chairman of Nusantara National Capital Authority, Head of Delegation
  • Mr. Rachmat Budiman, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Thailand and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the UNESCAP, Alternate Head of Delegation
  • Mr. Pungkas Bahjuri Ali, Senior Advisor to the Minister of National Development Planning for Social Affairs and Poverty Eradication, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency
  • Ms. Mia Amalia, Deputy for Planning and Land , Nusantara Capital Authority
  • Mr. Cahyadi Indrananto, Chief Knowledge Management of Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mrs. Diani Sadiawati, Chief of Sustainable Development Goals of Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mr. Troy Pantouw, Special Staff for Public Communication Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Tari Lestari, Director for State Finance and Monetary Analysis, Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency
  • Mr. Andy Artha Donny Oktopura, Head of the Planning Bureau, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
  • Ms. Felicia Yudhaningtyas, Director of Strategic Planning and Performance Management, The Audit Board
  • Mr. Triyantoro, Director of Audit III.B, The Audit Board
  • Mr. Indra Yuwana, Director of Investment and Ease of Doing Business, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mrs. Lusie Indrawati Susantono, Official, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mr. Ahmad Rama Aji Nasution, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Bangkok
  • Mr. Christian Pangaribuan, Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Bangkok
  • Ms. Mustika Hanum Widodo, First Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Bangkok
  • Ms. Silvany Austin Pasaribu, First Secretary, Directorate of Development, Economic and Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Foreign AffairsMs. Anna Amalia, Senior Planner, Directorate of Environment Affairs, Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency
  • Ms. Wulan Metafurry, Junior Planner, Directorate of Environment Affairs, Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Ag
  • Mr. Ade Wiguna Nur Yasin, Junior Planner, Planning Bureau, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
  • Mr. Andreas Mahardika, Analyst for United Nations Cooperation, Public Bureau and Foreign Cooperation, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
  • Ms. Naomi Hadiah Berliana Simamora, Staff of Multilateral Cooperation, The Audit Board
  • Mr. Pandji Himawan, Chief Collabotation and Creative, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Ms. Indriana Nugraheni, Expert Staff for SDGs, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Ms. Susianah , Expert of Service Innovation and Public Partnership, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mr. Andrew Tirtowijoyo Young, Executive Assistant to the Chairman of Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mr. Marwan Riyandi, Deputy Director of Investment and Ease of Doing Business, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mr. Wahyuardi Prabowo, Staff to the Chief of SDGs, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Ms. Putri Amalia Sholichah, Staff of Deputy of Green and Digital Transformation, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Ms. Gavrila Angelina Dharmawan, Communication Strategist, Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Ms. Kharin Marjani, Public Relations Officer,Nusantara Capital Authority
  • Ms. Alicia Tiffany Beandda, Staff of Director of Forestry Utilization Development and Water Resources, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Ms. Nia Febriani, Staff of Director of Investment of Ease of Doing Business Investor Relations, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mr. Agustinus Renaldi Indiarto, Staff of Special Staff for Public Communication, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mr. Luqman Abdul Malik, Staff of Special Staff for Public Communication, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mr. Sanjoyo Kirlan, Manager for Social Pillar Development, SDGs National Secretariat, Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency
  • Mr. Rachman Kurniawan, Manager for Environmental Pillar Development, SDGs National Secretariat, Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency
  • Ms. Chiquita Abidin, Assistant Manager for Economic Development Pillar Development, SDGs National Secretariat, Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency
  • Mrs. Zuzy Anna Ilyas, SDGs Center Padjadjaran University , VLR Consultant, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Mr. Ahmad Komarulzaman, SDGs Center Padjadjaran University , VLR Consultant, Nusantara National Capital Authority
  • Ms. Tirta Sutedjo, Director for Poverty Reduction and Community Empowerment, Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency
  • Mr. Yanuar Nugroho, Expert Team Coordinator, SDGs National Secretariat, Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Flag of Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Mr. Mohammad Hasan Babaee, Health and Social Welfare Directorate, Planing and Budgetary Organization, the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Mr. Mehdi Rouzeh Gir, Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP, the Islamic Republic of Iran


Flag of Japan
  • Mr. Tatsushi Nishioka, Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Japan, Thailand
  • Ms. Yoshiko Motoyama, Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of Japan, Thailand
  • Mr. Yamato Kobayashi, Deputy Director, Global Issues Cooperation Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
  • Ms. Nana Fushimi, Assistant Director, Global Issues Cooperation Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
  • Mr. Kazuya Suzuki, Chief Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency
  • Ms. Yurie Murai (Osawa), Alternate Permanent Representative of Japan to ESCAP, Embassy of Japan, Thailand
  • Mr. Yudai Aoyagi, Researcher/ Adviser for Economic Affairs, Embassy of Japan, Thailand
  • Mr. Nakahara Issei, Assistant Director, International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of Environment Japan
  • Mr. Satoshi Seki, Assistant Director, International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of Environment Japan
  • Mr. Iki Noriaki, Researcher, International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of Environment Japan


Flag of Kazakhstan
  • H.E. Arman Issetov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Kingdom of Thailand, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to ESCAP
  • Ms. Ayazhan Mukanova, Director of the Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Digital Development Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Flag of Lao People's Democratic Republic
  • H.E. Mr. Phoxay KHAYKHAMPHITHOUNE, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation
  • H.E. Mr. Khamphan ANLAVAN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to the Kingdom of Thailand and Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Lap PDR to Thailand, Deputy Head of Delegation
  • Mr. Soulisack SOULITHONE, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Lap PDR to Thailand, Representative
  • Ms. Moukdavanh SISOULITH, Deputy Director General of Department of the International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Representative
  • Mr. Kedmany ZOUPHONETHEVA, First Secretary and Assistant Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Lap PDR to Thailand, Representative
  • Ms. Viengdalat SOMPHET, Deputy-Director of the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs Division, Department of the International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Representative
  • Ms. Boualamphone KEOPHOXAY, Officer of the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs Division, Department of the International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Representative


Flag of Malaysia
  • H.E. Mrs. (Honourable Dato) Hajjah Hanifah Hajar Taib, Deputy Minister Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Mr. Bong Yik Jui, Deputy Chief of Mission / Minister, Permanent Representative of Malaysia to UNESCAP Embassy of Malaysia in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Mr. Asfaazam Kasbani, Director, National SDG Centre Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Ms. Hafiza Yaakob, Deputy Director, National Audit Department, Malaysia
  • Mr. Nurr Shaffique Abdul Karim, Private Secretary, Office of the Deputy Minister of Economy Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Ms. Wong Chia Chiann, Principal Assistant Secretary, Multilateral Economics and Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia
  • Ms. Ku Azzuanith Ku Azmi, Second Secretary, Embassy of Malaysia in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Ms. Derma Taksiah Ariffin, First Secretary (Economy), Embassy of Malaysia in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Mr. Muhammad Ashraff Nasaruddin, First Secretary, Embassy of Malaysia in Bangkok, Thailand
  • TPr. Ts. Norliza Hashim, Chief Executive Officer, URBANICE Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Ms. Ashikin Abdul Razak, Director, International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Ms. Prisheela Prakas, Undersecretary, Multilateral Economics and Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia
  • Ms. Rosmayuzi Musa, Deputy Director, Agriculture Division Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Ms. Noranida Zainal, Deputy Director, Environment and Natural Resources Division Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Ms. Shahnurraisa Mohd Zain,First Secretary (Trade), Embassy of Malaysia in Bangkok, Malaysia
  • Ms. Jenny Rayapan,Principal Assistant Director, International Cooperation Division Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Mr. Mohd Zainal Othman,Principal Assistant Director, Equity Development Division Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Mr. Radin Shah Izuan Radin Mohd Hambali, Principal Assistant Director, K-Economy Division Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Mr. Isaac Rabindranath Chinniah, Principal Assistant Director, Security and Public Order Division Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Ms. Nazlian Ismail, Principal Assistant Director, Agriculture Division Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Ms. Sheela Inthiram, Principal Assistant Director, Environment and Natural Resources Division Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Ms. Nor Syamsida Ismail, Principal Assistant Secretary International Division, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia
  • Ms. Nur Fatiha Ainie Mat Aziz, Principal Assistant Director, National Audit Department, Malaysia
  • Ms. Nidyakala Manian, Assistant Secretary, Multilateral Economics and Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia
  • Mr. Mohammad Sarimie Nurul Nizam Shamsir Khan, Assistant Director, K-Economy Division, Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Mr. Sakkaravarthy Rajendran, Assistant Director, International Cooperation Division Ministry of Economy, Malaysia
  • Ms. Wan Shafiqah Shaherra Wan Khalid, Assistant Secretary International Division, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia
  • Ms. Ungku Aida Farzana Ungku Azly, Assistant Secretary International Division, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia
  • Ms. Ainon Mardia Mohamed Yusof, Assistant Director, National Audit Department, Malaysia
  • Ms. Nur Hasyima Ismail, Assistant Secretary Climate Change Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, Malaysia
  • Ms. Nurul Ain Basirah Zakaria, Executive Officer, Climate Change Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, Malaysia


Flag of Maldives
  • H.E. Mr. Mohamed Faiz, Minister of State for Housing, Land and Urban Development
  • Ms. Heena Waleed, Chief Executive Officer, National Social Protection Agency
  • Ms. Sujatha Haleem, Chief Executive Officer, Pensions Office
  • Mrs. Fathimath Shiuna Ahmed, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, National Social Protection Agency
  • Mrs. Azhath Rushdy, Director of Policy and Programs Pensions Office
  • Mrs. Aishath Naaz, Director Ministry of Social and Family Development
  • Mr. Aman Khaleel, Senior Planning Analyst, Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development
  • Ms. Aishath Shahula, First Secretary, Embassy of the Maldives
  • Ms. Siyana Shiyam, Second Secretary, Embassy of the Maldives


Flag of Mongolia
  • Mr. ANKHBAYAR Nyamdorj, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Head of Delegation)
  • H.E. Mr. TUMUR Amarsanaa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Ms. GUAMARAL Altangerel, Deputy Permanent Representative of Mongolia to ESCAP


Flag of Nepal
  • Hon Min Bahadur Shrestha, Vice-Chairman National Planning Commission
  • Mr. Ram Kumar Phuyal, Member, National Planning Commission
  • Mr. Toya Narayan Narayan Gyawali, Secretary National Planning Commission
  • Mr. Mahesh Bhattarai, Joint Secretary, National Planning Commission
  • Mr. Prakash Adhikari, Deputy Chief of Mission. Minister Counsellor
  • Ms. Anita Paudel, Program Director, National Planning Commission
  • Ms. Kartika Yadav, Planning Officer, National Planning Commission
  • Mr. Rewati Raman Paudel, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Government of Nepal


Flag of XX
  • Ms. Faiza Haseeb, Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan to ESCAP


Flag of Palau
  • H.E. Ms. Ilana Victorya Seid, Permanent Representative of Palau to the UN, Permanent Mission of Palau to the UN
  • Mr. Bridge Thomas, Palau SIDS Focal Point, Office of the President of the Republic of Palau

Papua New Guinea

Flag of Papua New Guinea
  • Mr. Richard Pagen, (Alternate Head of Delegation), Chief Ombudsman, Ombudsman Commission
  • Mr. Peter Mirino, Deputy High Commissioner, Papua New Guinea High Commission, Kundu Kuala Lumpur
  • Mr. Pero Lawrence Duguman, First Assistant Secretary, Policy and Budgets Division, Department of National Planning and Monitoring
  • Mr Twain Pambuai, Acting Secretary, Ombudsman Commission
  • Ms. Jerominah Mugau, Foreign Service Officer, Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Steven Laeok, Assistant Director, Human Rights, Treaties and Conventions, Department of Community Development and Religion

Philippines (the)

Philippines (the)
  • Hon Ms. Rosemarie G Edillon, Undersecretary, Policy and Planning Group, National Economic and Development Authority, Head of Delegation and Representative
  • Ms. Edna May G. Lazaro, Deputy Chief of Mission and Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Philippine Embassy in Bangkok, Representative
  • Mr. Jaime Montoya, Executive Director, Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), Department of Science and Technology Member, Independent Group of Scientists of the United Nations, Representative
  • Ms. Noralene M. Uy, Assistant Secretary for Policy, Planning and Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Representative
  • Ms. Jasmin Marie C. Uson, Officer-In-Charge, International Cooperation Division, Department of Transportation, Representative
  • Ms. Sofia Paula R. Fulmaran, OIC-Strategic Planning Division/ Senior Corporate Planning Analyst, Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, Alternate Representative
  • Ms. Beatriz Ines Herrera-Davila, Second Secretary, Philippine Embassy in Bangkok, Alternate Representative
  • Ms. Genshen L. Espedido, Senior Economic Development Specialist II, Government Staff, National Economic and Development Authority, Alternate Representative
  • Ms. Ma. Philipinas P. Abando, Senior Communications Development Officer, International Cooperation Division, Department of Transportation, Alternate Representative
  • Ms. Michelle A. Caoili, Senior Communications Development Officer, International Cooperation Division, Department of Transportation, Adviser
  • Ms. Kia F. Gibaga, Senior Communications Development Officer, International Cooperation Division, Department of Transportation, Adviser
  • Mr. Anthony Harbie R. Quebec, Senior Communication Development Officer, Water Transport Planning Division, Department of Transportation, Adviser
  • Ms. Fresh Aira I. Sison, Communications Development Officer II, International Cooperation Division, Department of Transportation
  • Ms. Katherine E. Barcellano, Corporate Planning Analyst A, Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, Adviser
  • Ms. Noveanne P. Banogon, Attorney III, Civil Aeronautics Board, Adviser
  • Ms. Joan Merylle P. Bantug, Planning Officer III, Clark International Airport Corporation, Adviser
  • Mr. Uziel Guthrie D. Naguit, Planning Officer V, Clark International Airport Corporation, Adviser
  • Mr. Gil M. Bathan, Civil Engineer IV, Clark International Airport Corporation, Adviser
  • Mr. Junard J. Cruz, Assistant to the Chairman, CIAC Board, Clark International Airport Corporation, Adviser
  • Ms. Rosette G. Razon, Attaché, Philippine Embassy in Bangkok, Adviser

Republic of Korea (the)

Republic of Korea (the)
  • Mr. LEE Kyoo Ho, Deputy Director-General, Development Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. HAHM Jeonghan, Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Kingdom of Thailand
  • Mr. LEE Sanghoon, Deputy Permanent Representative, Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Kingdom of Thailand
  • Ms. JEON Hyunjin, Second Secretary, Development Agenda and Policy Division, Development Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. JUN Youngsuk, Country Director, KOICA Thailand Office
  • Ms. SO Wan, Assistant Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Kingdom of Thailand

Russian Federation (the)

Flag of Russian Federation (the)
  • Ms. Anastasia Grebennikova, Head of Section, Competition, Energy Efficiency and Ecology Department, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • Ms. Svetlana Balakhonova, Chief Specialist, Competition, Energy Efficiency and Ecology Department, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • Ms. Maria Bagrad, Deputy Head of Section, Multilateral and Economic Cooperation and Special Projects Department, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • Mr. Konstantin Malyshev, Deputy head of Section, Youth State Policy and Educational Activities Department, Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation
  • Mr. Rostislav Lenchuk, Second Secretary, ECOSOC and Regional Commissions Section, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • Mr. Egor Alimov, 3rd Secretary, Assistant Permanent Representative of Russia to ESCAP
  • Mr. Alexey Shapoval, Assistant Secretary, International Cooperation and Climate Change Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation


Flag of Samoa
  • Ms. Peseta Noumea Simi, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Flag of Singapore
  • Ms. Chen Siying, Assistant Director, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch, International Organisations Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Solomon Islands

Flag of Solomon Islands
  • Ms. Susan Sulu, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of National Planning and Development Cooperation
  • Ms. Alice Iwebu Kale, Director Program Quality Division, Ministry of National Planning and Development Cooperation

Sri Lanka

Flag of Sri Lanka
  • Hon. Shehan Semasinghe, State Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies, Head of Delegation
  • H.E. Mrs. C.A. Chaminda I. Colonne, Ambassador of Sri Lanka and Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Ms. Rekha Gunasekera, Director General, United Nations and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Chamindry Deshinie Samaranayake Saparamadu, Director General Sustainable Development Council
  • Ms. A.W.S. Samanmali, First Secretary, Sri Lanka Embassy in Bangkok
  • Mrs. Vireshika Bandara, First Secretary (Commercial), Sri Lanka Embassy in Bangkok
  • Ms. Subhashini Silva, Deputy Director, United Nations and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Nadeeka Amarasinghe, Assistant Director, Sustainable Development Council of Sri Lanka


Flag of Tajikistan
  • Ms. Manuchehra Madjon, Head of Delegation, Head of main Department on Investment Policy and Region Development of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan
  • Mr. Najmuddin Bekov, First Secretary of the Embassy/ Officer in charge of Cooperation with ESCAP


Flag of Thailand
  • H.E. Mr. Parnpree Badhiddha-Nukara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation
  • Mrs. Eksiri Pintaruchi, Permanent Secretary, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Pinsuda Jayanama, Director-General, Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Cataleya Phatoomros, Deputy Director-General, Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Chomquan Pinyowit, Director, Development Affairs Division, Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Thipsuda Khamtho, Counsellor, Development Affairs Division, Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Aditat Panupong, First Secretary, Development Affairs Division, Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Atipha Vadhanaphong, First Secretary, Development Affairs Division, Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Natchaya Suwannasri, Second Secretary, Development Affairs Division, Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Natasha Isarabhakdi, Third Secretary, Development Affairs Division, Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Somreuthai Pollasen, Sustainable Development Diplomacy Officer, Development Affairs Division, Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Prae-ravee K-hasuwan, Director, International Cooperation Sub-bureau, Bureau of Academic Affairs and Planning, Agricultural Land Reform Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Arpaphan Pattanapant, Expert on Land Reform, Bureau of Academic Affairs and Planning, Agricultural Land Reform Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Maneewan Sriyanon, Plan and Policy Analyst, Professional Level, Fisheries Development Policy and Planning Division, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Thida Ketsrikaew, Plan and Policy Analyst, Practitioner Level, Fisheries Development Policy and Planning Division, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Kreeyaporn Devahastin, Policy and Plan Analyst, Senior Professional Level, Planning Division, Department of Land Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Payattika Polsraku, Policy and Plan Analyst, Senior Professional Level, Planning Division, Department of Land Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Rungtawan Poosuk, Plan and Policy Analyst, Professional Level, Bureau of Academic Affairs and Planning, Department of Land Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Mr. Intouch Yimtae, Policy and Plan Analyst, Practitioner Level, Planning Division, Department of Land Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Mr. Achari Waramit, Policy and Plan Analyst, Practitioner Level, Planning Division, Department of Land Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Mr. Pirach Pongwichian, Expert on Saline Soil Management, Research and Development for Land Management Division, Department of Land Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Nisa Meesang, Researcher Specialist on Plant System for Soil Management, Research and Development for Land Management Division, Department of Land Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Arunee Chootip, Chief of International Cooperation Branch, Department of Royal Irrigation, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Phattaporn Mekpruksawong, Senior Expert on Civil Engineering, Department of Royal Irrigation, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Panarpa Chiabchalard, Plan and Policy Analyst, Senior Professional Level, International Agricultural Economics Division, Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Benjarat Pharelai, Plan and Policy Analyst, Professional Level, Agricultural Development Policy and Planning Division,, Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Pavitra Trinawong, Plan and Policy Analyst, Practitioner Level, Agricultural Development Policy and Planning Division, Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Kunla Thinvilai, Plan and Policy Analyst, Practitioner Level, International Agricultural Economics Division, Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • Ms. Punyatorn Manosudprasit, Trade Officer, Practitioner Level, Representative, Bureau of America, Pacific and International Organizations, Department of Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Commerce
  • Ms. Soorisa Nusuk, Trade Officer, Professional Level, Agricultural Trade Policy and Strategy Division, Trade Policy and Strategy Office, Ministry of Commerce
  • Mr. Watcharachack Sutayon, Trade Officer, Practitioner Level, Competitiveness Strategy Division, Trade Policy and Strategy Office, Ministry of Commerce
  • Ms. Saravanee Singtong, Director, Sustainability Policy Division, Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
  • Ms. Chanida Sansaard, Policy Specialist, Sustainability Policy Division, Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
  • Mr. Jitti Mungkalasiri, Researcher, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
  • Ms. Thitiporn Unaratana, Director, Foreign Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior
  • Mr. Metinee Nicharat, Plan and Policy Analyst, Senior Professional Level, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior
  • Mr. Nattapon Udommake, Foreign Relations Officer, Practitioner Level, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior
  • Ms. Sirapat Chongwattanaboon, Foreign Relations Officer, Practitioner Level, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior
  • Ms. Rooptamma Sukniam, Justice Affairs Officer, Practitioner level, Bureau of Justice Policy and Planning Coordination, Office of Justice Affairs, Ministry of Justice
  • Mr. Kompan Pansakun, General Administration Officer, Practitioner Level, Bureau of Justice Policy and Planning Coordination, Office of Justice Affairs, Ministry of Justice
  • Ms. Varinyupa Buranaareepong, Justice Officer, Practitioner Level, International Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice
  • Ms. Fairda Malem, Environmentalist, Senior Professional Level, Policy and Planning Subdivision, Department of Climate Change and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Ms. Suriwassa Thanyanattawit, Environmentalist, Professional Level, Strategy and International Cooperation Division, Department of Climate Change and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Ms. Chanakan Tangchit, Environmentalist, Professional Level, Strategy and Planning Division, Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Ms. Chatchawan Genarkarn, Environmentalist, Professional Level, Biodiversity Management Division, Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Ms. Dares Kaewket, Environmentalist, Professional Level, Strategy and Planning Division, Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Ms. Walaiporn Aranyig, Environmentalist, Professional Level, Strategy and Planning Division, Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Ms. Wanida Sae-jiw, Environmentalist, Professional Level, Strategy and Planning Division, Office of National Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Mr. Sarawut Boonsuk, Deputy Director-General, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health
  • Ms. Jittima Rodsawad, Director, Center for International Cooperation, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health
  • Ms. Benjawan Tawatsupa, Director, Health Forecast Division, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health
  • Mr. Nuttapon Sirilar, Public Health Technical Officer, Professional Level, Health Impact Assessment Division, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health
  • Ms. Somruetai Kantiwong, Foreign Relations Officer, Practitioner Level, Center for International Cooperation,Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health
  • Ms. Saowapa Khotchalai, Research Assistant, International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health
  • Ms. Naroeporn Nopwinyoowong, Research Assistant, International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health
  • Ms. Jittima Mongraykang, Research Assistant, International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health
  • Ms. Thitipat Kuha, Policy and Plan Analyst, Expert Level, Strategy and Planning Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health
  • Ms. Ubonwan Niyomjan, Policy and Plan Analyst, Senior Professional Level, Strategy and Planning Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health
  • Ms. Natnaree Khingchatturat, Policy and Plan Analyst, Practitioner Level, Strategy and Planning Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health
  • Mr. Somsak Rodloy, Foreign Relations Officer, Strategy and Plan Division, Department of Children and Youth, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Ms. Nantanoot Suwannawut, Director, International Cooperation Section, Strategies and Plans Division, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Ms. Prim Kaewpradub, Foreign Relations Officer, Strategies and Plans Division, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Ms. Chayaporn Thatakian, Social Development Worker, Professional Level, Strategy and Plan Division, Department of Older Persons, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Mr. Jirasin Thongma, Foreign Relations Officer, Strategy and Planning Division, Department of Social Development and Welfare, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Mr. Apirak Fakin, Foreign Relations Officer, Strategy and Planning Division, Department of Social Development and Welfare, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Ms. Sonthariya Netirungsiwatchara, Social Development Worker, Senior Professional Level, Strategy and Planning Division, Department of Women's Affairs and Family Development, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Ms. Woranut On-ubol, Foreign Relations Officer, Professional Level, Foreign Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Ms. Aungkana Inuooy, Foreign Relations Officer, Practitioner Level, Foreign Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Mr. Thanaphat Khetsuphan, Policy and Planning Analyst, Practitioner Level, Foreign Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
  • Ms. Somvida Keyuraphan, Investment Promotion Officer, Professional Level, International Affairs Division, Office of the Board of Investment
  • Ms. Hathaipat Rattanangam, Investment Promotion Officer, Professional Level, International Affairs Division, Office of the Board of Investment
  • Ms. Thitika Boonchareon, Investment Promotion Officer, Practitioner Level International Affairs Division, Office of the Board of Investment
  • Mr. Satit Limpaiboon, Investment Promotion Officer, Practitioner Level, International Affairs Division, Office of the Board of Investment
  • Ms. Chanikan Wattanawatitkul, Investment Promotion Officer, Practitioner Level, International Affairs Division, Office of the Board of Investment
  • Ms. Wanna Khaiprapai, "Director, International Technical Division, Bureau of International Affairs and Corruption Investigation, Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission
  • Mr, Thuttai Keeratipongpiboon, Director, International Coordination and Strategy Division, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council
  • Mr. Vudthidech Chamnikij, Plan and Policy Analyst, Senior Professional Level, International Coordination and Strategy Division, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council
  • Ms. Pitchapa Houlsanthia, Plan and Policy Analyst, Practitioner Level, International Coordination and Strategy Division, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council
  • Ms. Nitiphan Saengsila, Policy Analyst, Senior Professional Level, International Security Division, Office of the National Security Council
  • Mr. Kareutach Rasamiputanon, Plan and Policy Analyst, Practitioner Level, International Security Division, Office of the National Security Council
  • Ms. Rungratana Boon-long, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Prime Minister's Office
  • Ms. Pawana Rurkrai, Director, Policy and Analysis Division, Office of the Official Information Commission, Prime Minister's Office
  • Ms. Siriyubol Kasiyaphong, Plan and Policy Analyst, Professional Level, Bureau of Planning and Special Affairs, Prime Minister's Office
  • Ms. Nongyao Lunpila, Foreign Relations Officer, Practitioner Level, Bureau of Planning and Special Affairs, Prime Minister's Office
  • Mr. Roengronachit Warungkarasami, Foreign Relations Officer, Practitioner Level, Bureau of Planning and Special Affairs, Prime Minister's Office
  • Ms. Wimonrat Rukkhaworakul Teriyapirom, Director, International Cooperation Section, Office of the Consumer Protection Board, Prime Minister's Office
  • Mr. Chayata Kummok, Investigator, International Cooperation Section, Office of the Consumer Protection Board, Prime Minister's Office
  • Mr. Thanarach Rojpattanakul, Deputy Inspector of Interpol and Foreign Relations Region 2, Foreign Affairs Division, Royal Thai Police
  • Ms. Chamsai Menasveta, Director, International Organizations Administrative Affairs Division, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Dhisadee Chamlongrasdr, Minister Counsellor, Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Walliya Premchit Eggebrecht, Counsellor, International Organizations Administrative Affairs Division, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Kawisara Sukumolchan, First Secretary, International Organizations Administrative Affairs Division, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Morakot Weerawongphrom, First Secretary, International Organizations Administrative Affairs Division, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Yothin Boonla, Photographer, Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Flag of Timor-Leste
  • Mr. Juvençio Martins, Ambassador and Permanent Representative
  • Mr. Armindo Simoes, Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative
  • Ms. Sebastiana Barros, Senior Policy Officer for National Directorate of the United Nations Organization
  • Ms. Merina Xareal, First Secretary
  • Mr. Joao Evangelista, Third Secretary
  • Ms. Felizarda da Conceicao de Deus, Policy Officer for ESCAP, LDC, ECOSOC and UNDP at the National Directorate of the United Nations
  • Mr. Felisberto de Carvalho, Policy Officer for National Directorate of the United Nations


Flag of Tonga
  • Ms. Mele Taumoepeau, Assistant Government Statistician, Statistics Department
  • Ms. Mele Sikimeti Manitisa, Principal Statistician, Statistics Department
  • Mrs. Oliveti Tovo, Principal Statistician, Statistics Department


Flag of Türkiye
  • Ms. Ayse Mehlika Yildiz Ersen, Second Secretary and Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Flag of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
  • Ms. Nabila Suria, Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Ms. Sophia Nayak-Luke, UK Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP
  • Ms. Ciara Coughlan, SIDS Policy Advisor
  • Ms. Hannah Gough, SIDS Policy Advisor
  • Ms Rickie Jennings, Agriculture Counsellor South East Asia
  • Mr. Matthew Phillips, First Secretary Mekong Regional
  • Ms. Onwara Kamonsumlitichai, Regional Support Officer

United States of America (the)

Flag of United States of America (the)
  • Ms. Linda Mcelroy, Acting Mission Director, Regional Development Mission for Asia, U.S Agency for International Development, Washington D.C.
  • Mr. Andrew Shaw, Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Councselor for Economic Affairs, Economic Section, U.S. Embassy Bangkok, Thailand
  • Mr. Gideon French, Alternate Deputy Permanent Representative, Economic Officer, Economic Section, U.S. Embassy Bangkok, Thailand
  • Mr. Brad Arsenault, Deputy Office Director Regional Environment Office, Regional Development Mission for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Ms. Jennifer Carvalho, Deputy Office Director, Program Office, Regional Development Mission for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Mr. Manuel Claros, Multilateral Team Lead and Senior Policy Advisor, Bureau for Policy Learning and Resources, Office of Development Cooperation, U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C.
  • Ms. Ami Cobb, Engineering Officer, General Development Office Regional Development Mission for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bangkok, Thailand,
  • Ms. Jasmine Diaz, Environment Officer, Regional Environment Office, Regional Development Mission for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Mr. Nils Mueller, Director, Director General Development Office, Regional Development Mission for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Ms. Cristina Olive, Senior Coordinator, Indo-Pacific Hub for East Asia and the Pacific, Regional Development Mission for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Mr. Steven Rynecki, Economic Growth Team Leader, General Development Office, Regional Development Mission for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Ms. Penpitcha Sisaiya, Administrative Assistant, Regional Development Mission for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bangkok, Thailand


Flag of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. Saitov Dilshat Sultanmaxamatovich, Digital Government Projects Management Center, Head of Division for Cooperation with International Organizations on Digital Governments
  • Mr. Amirkhon Javlonbekovich Muydinov, Head of Division for the Coordination and the Implementation of National Goals and Objectives in the field of Sustainable Development, Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Flag of Vanuatu
  • Ms. Juliette Kweviradurutano Hakwa, Head, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit Department of Strategic Policy, Planning & Aid Coordination, Prime Minister's Ministry

Viet Nam

Flag of Viet Nam
  • Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Nga, Principal Official, Department of Science, Education and Natural Resources & Environment, Ministry of Planning and Investment
  • Mr. Dinh Nho Minh, Official, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Associate Members

Hong Kong, China

Flag of Hong Kong, China
  • Ms. Queenie Wu, Senior Government Counsel
  • Ms. Hiu Tung (Peggy) Ma, Government Counsel

Permanent Observers


  • H.E. Mr. Uladzimir Baravikou, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


  • Mr. Roberto Molteni, Embassy of Italy - Bangkok
  • Mr. Giuseppe Giovanni Landulfo, Political section
  • Ms. Giulia Cannizzaro, Economic Section


  • Ms. AnnaMaria Oltorp, Counsellor and Head of Regional Development Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific, Embassy of Sweden in Thailand
  • Ms. Sara Öberg Höper, First Secretary, Senior Programme Manager, Environment & Climate Change, Embassy of Sweden in Thailand

European Union

  • H.E. Mr David Daly, Ambassador of the European Union to Thailand
  • Ms. Sara Rezoagli, Deputy Head of Mission and Permanent Observer to ESCAP of the European Union to Thailand
  • Mr. Jarrod Weir, Political Officer, European Union to Thailand
  • Ms Piangtawan Sodprasert, Policy Officer, European Union to Thailand

Holy See

  • Rev. Msgr. Daniel Tumiel, Diplomatic Secretary
  • Ms. Kamolnate Maleenont
  • Mr. Annop Peungchuer

To complement the plenary programme, the 11th APFSD features: 

Launch of the 2024 Asia-Pacific SDG Partnership Thematic Report


The report launch event will bring together the principals of the ESCAP-ADB-UNDP Asia-Pacific SDG Partnership, and will take place during the APFSD, in preparation for the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).

The launch event website.

The report will be available here (from 20 February 2024 onwards)

Launch of the 2024 Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report

The report launch event will be held on Thursday, 15 February from 11:00 to 12:00 hours (Bangkok time, UTC+7), at the Foreign Correspondent's Club of Thailand and Online via Zoom:

Interested participants are requested to register here

The launch event website

The report will be available here (from 15 February 2024 onwards)

Side Events (in-person and virtual)  

Held independently of the official program, side events enrich the discourse surrounding the APFSD theme, the SDGs under review, and VNRs. Side events are held in-person or virtually from 20-23 February 2024. Each event has a maximum duration of 75 minutes and is independently organized by the partner organizations. 

For more information:

Associated and Pre-Events 

Associated and pre-events take place on the week before and on the week of the 11th APFSD. These events complement the main programme by providing additional space for Member States, UN agencies , civil society, youth, and other stakeholders to convene and discuss topics relevant to the Asia-Pacific region. Major pre-events include the annual APFSD Youth Forum and Peoples’ Forum, which serve as inclusive preparatory meetings for the APFSD and the Youth Climathon, an opportunity for young people from the Asia-Pacific region to develop innovative solutions for the acceleration of climate action.

For more information: 

SDG Round Tables

Multi-stakeholder “round tables” dedicated to the goals under in-depth review: SDG 1 (No Poverty); SDG 2 (Zero Hunger); SDG 13 (Climate Action); SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals). The objectives of the roundtables are to establish a shared understanding of the outlook/progress on the goals and of the interlinkages across goals and jointly develop policy recommendations.  

For more information: APFSD11: SDG Round Tables | ESCAP (

SDG Acceleration Pavilion

The objective of the SDG Acceleration Pavilion is to provide an informal space for member States, civil society, UN agencies and other stakeholders to share good practices for integrated and inclusive approaches for accelerated implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development within an exhibition booth. The SDG Acceleration Pavilion will take place from 20-23 February 2024 during the 11th APFSD and provides an opportunity to network, share and create or strengthen partnerships with other APFSD participants and stakeholders from the region who are also committed to the progress of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  

For those unable to attend in person a Virtual Exhibition will take place in the Sustainability and Innovation corner on Level 1 and will digitally highlight SDG initiatives from the region.

For more information on the Physical Exhibition please click here.

For more information on the Virtual Exhibition please click here.


To register for the APFSD, click here.
Please read the registration instructions beforehand.

for more information, please contact

ESCAP APFSD [email protected]
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